febfreeSpeechGeek is proud to partner with Extemp Central during the month of February to expand your weekly extemp prep.  Beginning today at 4 p.m. (Central), Extemp Central will feature 25 international and 25 United States questions each week to help your students prepare for district, state and national tournaments.  Additionally, Logan Scisco will provide a weekly topic brief to help competitors better understand a topic or issue of great importance for extempers.

Readers of Extemp Central will also enjoy a special discount at SpeechGeek during the month of February.  Enter code “CENTRAL” at checkout to receive 40% off any purchase of $25 or more.  Forensics t-shirts, buttons, coaching resources, interp scripts and more from SpeechGeek will have you geared up for the exciting weeks of competition ahead.

In tough economic times, SpeechGeek strives to ensure coaches have access to quality resources at the lowest possible prices.