Tag: 2010 midterm elections

Five Senate Races to Consider in 2010

Until early November, extempers can expect to run into lots of questions about the midterm elections.  These questions may ask you which party will win the elections, what the biggest issue in the elections is going to be, or about specific races happening throughout the country.  Usually, if you get a question about a specific race it will be about a Senate or governor’s race because those typically attract more attention than House races.  Extempers should have files on the major races and get to know the candidates in those races.  To get an idea of what the major races are, extempers should go to the Cook Political Report or Real Clear Politics and see the races that are classified as “tossups.”  The “tossup” label designates races where the Democratic and Republican candidates have a chance to win.  If you are new to extemp, you will see this labels again in 2012 for the presidential campaign.

This small list provides you with five Senate races to consider this election cycle.  Having a file on each of these races would be a good idea.

NFL Nats USX R&D: 2010 & 2012 Elections

Poll Shows Paul Still Leads in Kentucky from the Wall Street Journal

Illinois Senate candidate on defensive over military claim from the Los Angeles Times

Case withdraws from Congressional race from the Honolulu Advertiser

Sharp swings mark Republican governor’s race in California from the Washington Post

NY Democrat Andrew Cuomo sounding a lot like NJ Gov. Chris Christie from the New Jersey Star Ledger

In Ohio, Gauge for Midterms, Economy Rules from the New York Times

Gingrich calls oil spill response ‘total failure’ from the Chicago Tribune

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