by Aaron Lutkowitz

Aaron Lutkowitz competed for Montgomery Bell Academy in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition to victories at the 2008 George Mason tournament and the 2009 Yale tournament, Aaron finished in 3rd place at the 2010 Southern Bell Forum and went undefeated in the preliminary rounds of the 2009 George Mason Round Robin.  He was also a top ten finisher in last year’s National Points Race.  Aaron co-attends the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University with plans to major in business and political science.

While Wake was always my first tournament of the year for three consecutive years (with diminishing returns each year), Yale was my one-hit wonder. It wasn’t even on my radar until a few months before senior year, but I’m extremely glad that I ventured up north to see friends and dip my competitive feet into the deeper end of quality extemp. I have a few tips, both for tournaments in general and for the Yale tournament specifically.