Tag: 2013 Venezuelan elections

2013 Venezuelan Municipal Elections & The Venezuelan Economy


It has been a very tumultuous year in Venezuelan politics.  In March Hugo Chavez, who governed the country for fourteen years and attempted to create a vibrant socialist movement in Latin America called Bolivarian Socialism, died of cancer and his successor Nicolas Maduro, a former bus driver and union activist, barely won the presidency in a disputed April election.  In the midst of high crime rates and poor economic problems, Venezuela held municipal elections for 337 mayoral seats and 2,435 city council officials on December 8th.  The opposition, named the Democratic Unity alliance (MUD), called for voters to reject members of Maduro’s Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and turned the election into a national referendum.  The election result ended up mixed, as PSUV won a higher percentage of ballots cast for its candidates, winning 49-43%, but the MUD won control of five of the country’s most populous cities, which include the capital city of Caracas.  The next round of national elections are not scheduled until 2015 and the opposition are hoping to recall Maduro from office by 2016.  However, the immediate result of the municipal elections may give Maduro some breathing room to consolidate his grip on power and handle Venezuela’s looming economic problems, which could impair the advancement of Bolivarian Socialism next year.

This topic brief will provide an overview of the municipal elections, explore Venezuela’s economic problems, and how the election may impact Maduro’s handling of his political opponents and the Venezuelan economy over the next year.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: 2013 Venezuelan Municipal Elections & The Venezuelan Economy


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on the 2013 Venezuelan municipal elections and the Venezuelan economy.


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