
NFL Overland ParkAccording to Extemp Central’s unofficial count of the schematics for International and United States Extemporaneous Speaking, 484 extempers are competing at this year’s National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) National Tournament.  International Extemp has 236 competitors, while United States Extemp has 248.  The larger size of USX is due in part to more students pre-qualifying to this year’s national tournament due to their performance at last year’s event in Birmingham.

The top sixty extempers in each category have been released and Extemp Central has listed their names and schools in alphabetical order below.  Last year’s USX final round survived the first cut, while IX notables such as Dylan Adelman of Lakeville South High School (MN), Lily Nellans of Des Moines Roosevelt High School (IA), and Miles Saffran of Trinity Preparatory School (FL) live to fight another day.  All of the non-senior extempers that reached elimination rounds have automatically qualified to next year’s Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) at Northwestern University.

Extempers will compete in their two octo-final rounds this afternoon and the NSDA will release the names of the thirty quarter-finalists later tonight.

Extemp Central congratulates all of the octo-finalists at this year’s NSDA National Tournament.