Tag: 2015 Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin live coverage

2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 8 Pairings


mba2010Draw for the final round of the evening is underway.  The topic area is the other experimental round of the tournament.

Check back tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m. EST for the pairings for round nine.

2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 7 Pairings


Tournament director Adam Johnson has posted his “wacky graph” of this year’s Round Robin.  Each competitor is a line and the placings of all sixteen are shown through the rounds of the competition thus far.  Competitors do not know what line they are, though, which leads to lots of interesting (and often incorrect) guessing.  Here is the current “wacky graph”:



As you can see, the competitor currently leading the field has done so since round two.  The middle is currently a big jumble of lines, showing lots of volatility.

The pairings for round seven of the Round Robin are included below.  The topic area for this round is international economics.

2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 6 Pairings


mba2010We are halfway through this year’s Round Robin.  The last round was experimental and questions were over very obscure subject matters such as the American trucking industry, upcoming elections in Lesotho, the closing of Vermont’s Yankee Nuclear power plant, and tax reform in the Seychelles.

The topic area for this upcoming round is the Obama administration.

2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 5 Pairings


mba2010Here are the pairings for round five.  This is one of two experimental rounds at the tournament, which means that the questions extempers receive will differ from a usual tournament.

2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 4 Pairings


mba2010The pairings for round four have been released.

The topic area for this round is U.S. economics.

2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 3 Pairings


mba2010Draw for round three is underway as day two begins at the 2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin.  Competitors will face off in six rounds today, with the last two rounds finishing at the tournament hotel tomorrow.

The topic area for this round is U.S. foreign policy.

2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 2 Pairings


mba2010Here are the pairings for round two of the 2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin.

The topic area for this round is American elections.

Draw for tomorrow’s third round takes place at 8:00 a.m. CST.  Check back tomorrow for more pairings and happenings at the tournament.

2015 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 1 Pairings


mba2010Pairings have been released for the first round of this year’s Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin.

For those unfamiliar with the tournament, the sixteen competitors are divided into four sections of four for ten rounds with each competitor hitting the other twice.  The tournament results are determined by a competitor’s scores across all ten rounds, all of which are adjudicated by three judge panels.  The top five competitors compete in an Exhibition Round on Sunday, which serves as its own stand alone round, and the eleven extempers who did not make the Exhibition Round serve as the judges.  In case of ties, a panel composed of former Round Robin competitors breaks it.  If two extempers tie for first place, coaches have the option of letting the Exhibition Round decide the tournament, with the former Round Robin competitors ballots serving as the tiebreaker.  In that situation coaches will be able to strike one of the judges.

The topic area for round one is international relations and organizations.

Competitors National Points Race ranking is indicated in italics next to their name.

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