
2016 NCFLThe following is Extemp Central’s annual topic area analysis for the National Catholic Foreign League (NCFL) Grand National Tournament, which will take place this year in Sacramento, California.  This analysis covers the major issues in each of the nine topic areas, provides some strategy tips for handling each one, and then provides a set of practice questions for extempers and coaches as they seek to prepare for the tournament.

This year’s topic area analysis was written by Yijia Liang, last season’s NCFL National Champion.  Liang was also the winner of the 2014 Wake Forest National Early Bird, competed at the Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin, and placed sixth in the 2014-2015 Extemp Central National Points Race.

To access the topic area analysis, please click on the link below.  The link is a .pdf document.

2016 NCFL Topic Area Analysis by Yijia Liang