Tag: 2016 Republican presidential primaries

R&D from Prepd: The Possibility of a Brokered Convention


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This R&D provides resources on the possibility of a brokered convention at the Republican National Convention this year.  Donald Trump is the only candidate with a realistic chance of winning the nomination outright, but if he fails to win California’s primary then there is a possibility that the convention could have multiple ballots to choose its candidate.  Trump has said that his voters would not vote for a Republican nominee if he had the nomination taken from him, even going as far as to say that they would riot, but moderate forces in the GOP are looking at the possibility of nominating someone else if Trump does not win the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination.

The State of the Republican Race (2016)


When billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump announced his presidential bid last summer it was greeted with significant skepticism.  After all, Trump was once aligned with Democratic and independent politics before recently casting his lot with the Republican Party, and he was also part of the “birther” faction that doubted the validity of President Obama’s citizenship.  When Trump criticized former Republican presidential nominee John McCain for not being a war hero due to his capture in the Vietnam War, the mainstream media wrote him off as a serious candidate.  However, with just eight months to go before Americans head to the polls to elect the nation’s forty-fifth president Trump is currently the frontrunner for the Republican nomination.  The Republican “establishment” has recently panicked over Trump’s rise, with the party’s recent presidential nominee Mitt Romney warning party regulars about nominating Trump.  Nevertheless, it appears that if Trump wins the Florida and Ohio primaries in two weeks that he may prove unstoppable and his victory could recast the entire structure of the Republican Party.

This topic brief will highlight where the Republican presidential race currently stands, analyze some scenarios for who could end up as the Republican nominee and its implications, and discuss whether a Trump candidacy could return Republicans to the White House.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: The State of the Republican Race (2016)


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on the state of the Republican race (2016).

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