Tag: Affordable Care Act

R&D from Prepd: Problems with the Affordable Care Act


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on the problems of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  President Barack Obama’s major legislative initiative is suffering from a lack of insurance competition in many states and it was revealed this week that significant premium hikes are on the way.  Some states such as Arizona could see premium hikes that go beyond 100%.  Republican critics of the ACA have seized on this as proof that the system should be scrapped, while liberal forces argue that a “public option” should be introduced where the government could compete with private insurers to keep premium costs low.  It is unclear whether recent news about the ACA will affect the 2016 presidential election and be this year’s “October Surprise.”

R&D from Prepd: UnitedHealth Leaving ACA Exchanges


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides information on UnitedHealth’s recent decision to leave thirty-four of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health insurance exchanges due to mounting losses.  The insurer says that it will lose $650 million this year, partly due to the fact that those using the exchanges are most in need of care versus those that receive insurance from an employer.  This sicker risk pool was not offset by enough younger, healthier customers so UnitedHealth has taken a financial hit.  Critics of the ACA say that UnitedHealth’s departure from the exchanges will lead to fewer options for exchange customers and that it is further proof that the ACA is not working for a majority of Americans. Defenders of the law say that UnitedHealth’s exit will not adversely affect the ability of Americans to purchase health insurance over the short-term or long-term.

R&D: Obamacare


Today’s R&D covers the controversial Obamacare initiative, which begins its official roll out on October 1st.


Extemp Roundtable

exfilesept09-01with Nicholas Cugini, Mark Royce, Logan Scisco, Rob Warchol

Extemp Roundtable is a new addition to The Ex Files for this season.  In this column a panel of recognized extempers will examine a question that could come up in a future round and they will reveal their feelings and how they would tackle the question if it was posed to them in a round.

This issues panel is made up of the following individuals:

Nicholas Cugini placed third in United States Extemp at the 2009 NFL National tournament.  Last season, we was also the winner of United States Extemp at the St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational and was a finalist at the MBA Round Robin and the International Extemp tournament at St. Mark’s.  He attended Cypress Ridge High School in Texas and was coached by Scott Baker.  In the fall, Nicholas will attend Yale University.

Mark Royce was the runner-up in International Extemp in 2002.  He coached at Montgomery Bell Academy, and is now a Ph.D. candidate in political science at George Mason University.

Logan Scisco was the national final round champion of United States Extemp at the 2003 NFL National tournament.  He was a four-time national finalist in extemp while competing for Danville High School in Kentucky and for Western Kentucky University.  He currently coaches for Boone County High School in Kentucky and for Western Kentucky University, where he is pursuing a masters degree in history.

Rob Warchol competed for Cardinal Mooney High School in Youngtown, Ohio. With the help of Karen Wright, he was a 3 time state qualifier, and a 2 time national qualifier in United States Extemp. He placed 7th at the 2009 NFCL National Tournament and 8th at the 2009 NFL National Tournament. Rob is continuing his extemp career under Jason Warren at George Mason University, where he plans on majoring in Government and International Politics, with an aspiration of law school.

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