Tag: Alabama extemp results

State Tournament Roundup: Alabama, California, Minnesota, and North Dakota (Class A)


As readers wait for finals postings at NSDA, they might enjoy reading our fourth state tournament recap that provides results for state tournaments in Alabama, California, Minnesota, and North Dakota (Class A).

TOC Qualifier Results: The Vestavia Hills High School Tournament

Here are the results of the Vestavia Hills High School Tournament, held on February 25th-26th at Vestavia Hills High School in Vestavia Hills, Alabama.  The tournament was a TOC qualifier and all finalists received TOC bids.  We appreciate the tournament sendings us the results so we could post them here.

Champion:  Teddy Huerta (Dickson County High School, Tennessee)
2nd:  Alexandria Gilbert (Lamp High School, Alabama)
3rd:  Jared Keys (Oak Grove High School, Mississippi)
4th:  Sam Hurd (Montgomery Bell Academy, Tennessee)
5th:  Armand Jhala  (Montgomery Bell Academy, Tennessee)
6th:  Sam Weien (Montgomery Bell Academy, Tennessee)

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