Tag: April 2009 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of April 29th-May 5th, 2009

1.  Ten years on, what have schools learned from Columbine?questions
2.  Should only large industries have their carbon emissions regulated?
3.  How can Saudi Arabia placate its Shiite minority?
4.  Should the U.S. close the border with Mexico over swine flu?
5.  Is Ma Ying-jeou compromising Taiwan’s sovereignty too much?
6.  After his first 100 days in office, what term can best be applied to Barack Obama’s governing philosophy?
7.  Who was the biggest loser in South Africa’s recent elections?
8.  Do U.S.-led efforts to reconcile with Afghan insurgents need more transparency?
9.  Will a tentative agreement to normalize ties between Turkey and Armenia have positive affects on the Central Asian region?
10.  Should Cuba be allowed into the OAS?

Extemp Questions for the Week of April 22nd-28th, 2009

1. Will the tea party movement have an immediate impact on the American questions questions political system?
2. Does the PPIP need more safeguards?
3. Would South Africa be better off if the ANC were weaker?
4. Will the recent decision to classify greenhouse gases as a danger to public health have negative impacts on the U.S. economy?
5. How should the U.S. adjust its Somalia policy?
6. Will India’s parliamentary elections result in the eviction of yet
another incumbent government?
7. How will granting developing countries more power change the IMF?
8. Should Iran ease the sentence of Roxana Saberi?
9. Can China’s health insurance reform overcome skepticism from local
10. Is Obama right not to prosecute those involved in interrogating
terror suspects?

Extemp Questions for the Week of April 15th-21st, 2009

1. Why did the Thai protests stop?  questions
2. Will America’s recent response to Somali piracy make the problem of piracy worse?
3. How should Australia handle Fiji’s suspension of its constitution?
4. Should Notre Dame rescind its invitation to President Obama?
5. Will state sovereignty resolution significantly alter the current balance of federal and state relations?
6. Should foreign law have an impact on U.S. court rulings?
7. can digitized medical records really reduce healthcare costs?
8. Will opposition protesters succeed in ousting Saakashvili?
9. What should be the world’s next move now that North Korea has vowed to quit nuclear talks?
10. Will the successful Phillips rescue enhance Obama’s security credentials?

Extemp Questions for the Week of April 8th-14th, 2009

1. How seriously should the U.S. take cyber attacks?questions
2. Can digitized medical records significantly reduce healthcare costs?
3. Considering the failure of its recent rocket launch, should the North Korea still be taken before the UN Security Council?
4. Is it a mistake for Silvio Berlusconi not to accept international aid for earthquake victims in central Italy?
5. Can Obama’s recent overtures to Islamic nations bear fruit?
6. Is Netanyahu’s idea of building up the Palestinians economically before a peace deal is reached DOA?
7. After their recent defeat in Iowa, should gay marraige opponents nationwide reconsider their legal strategy?
8. Should Norm Coleman concede?
9. Will recent shootings across the U.S. lead to stricter federal gun control laws?
10. Should the G20 have done more to reverse rising protectionism?

Extemp Questions for the Week of April 1st-7th, 2009

1. Should the U.S. cut funding for a questionsmissile defense system?
2. Why does Germany oppose a fiscal stimulus for the global economy?
3. How much progress on a peace deal with the Palestinians will be made by Netanyahu’s government?
4. Will U.S. efforts to engage Iran on Afghanistan lead to improvements in the country?
5. Is it a good idea for the U.S. to join the Human Rights Council?
6. Will recent financial scandals squash the DPJ’s hopes for leading the next Japanese government?
7. How can the international community better crackdown on tax havens?
8. Are attempts to regulate the pay of employees that receive federal bailout money constitutional?
9. How serious should threats made by the Pakistani Taliban against Washington D.C. be taken?
10. Is the Kirchner’s political hold over Argentina coming to a close?

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