Tag: August 2009 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of August 25th-31st, 2009

1. Does David Cameron need to be more specific about his plans to cut Britain’s deficit?questions
2. Should Israel strongly consider launching a new offensive against Hezbollah?
3. Can Bill Clinton make a difference for Haiti?
4. Is the global recession over?
5. Will the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi strain US-British relations?
6. How can the GOP successfully rebrand itself?
7. Will Obama’s planned reforms to the VA significantly help veterans?
8. Should the Obama administration push to abolish DOMA?
9. How can Obama increase support for the Afghan war?
10. Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?

Also, the first edition of the Ex Files for the 2009-2010 season will be released early next week (if not sooner). Included will be a roundtable discussion of Obama’s healthcare plan, an interview with last year’s National Points Race champion Stacey Chen, a preview of the Wake Forest National Early Bird, a breakdown of point changes in this year’s National Points Race, and more!

Extemp Questions for the Week of August 18th-24th, 2009

1.  Are Israeli evictions of Palestinians in East Jerusalem impeding the chance of a two state solution?questions
2. Is the recent decline in unemployment a victory for Obama?
3. Should the U.S. establish permanent military bases in Liberia?
4. Why is militia activity in the U.S. back on the rise?
5. Is Obama’s “talk first” diplomacy failing?
6. Should the U.S. remove the EITM from the State Department’s list of terrorist groups?
7. How can Nigeria fight corruption more effectively?
8. Are Chinese restrictions on foreign “green” technology misguided?
9. Would a carbon tariff policy by the U.S. provoke a trade war with developing nations?
10. Should Obama push for an immigration reform bill next year?

Don’t forget to become a fan of Extemp Central on Facebook to receive the latest updates on site content. Our goal is to get 100 members (we currently have 81) so spread the word! To become a fan, click here.

Extemp Questions for the Week of August 11th-17th, 2009

1.  Is the Obama administration doing enough to decrease home foreclosures?questions
2. Should prisoners be given the right to a DNA test?
3. Does Canada need a free trade agreement with the EU?
4. Why is there such opposition to the idea of Tony Blair as EU president?
5. Should Kenya have created a special tribunal to prosecute those who committed electoral violence in 2008?
6. Did CARS greatly help the auto industry?
7. Should President Clinton be sent to Iran?
8. Can the DPJ successfully bring significant change to Japan’s political culture?
9. Should Ahmadinejad have Rafsanjani arrested?
10. Will rowdy town halls doom healthcare reform?

The Season Begins!: Extemp Questions for the Week of August 4th-10th, 2009

Since it is the first Tuesday in August, here are the first questions of the questions 2009-2010 season from Extemp Central:

1. Should the U.S. negotiate with the Taliban to achieve a lasting solution in Afghanistan?
2. How can India maximize its economic potential?
3. Is Obama right on Honduras?
4. Should Blue Dog Democrats be worried about 2010?
5. Does the Fed need more economic power?
6. Can menu labeling laws a good tool in the fight against obesity?
7. What does the Natalia Estemirova’s kidnapping and murder say about the state of Chechnya?
8. Should Cameron cut Ashcroft loose?
9. How can the U.S. increase its leverage over Myanmar’s junta?
10. Do rating agency practices need to be reformed?

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