Tag: August 2018 extemp questions

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 27-September 2, 2018

HOTtopics1. Will cover up allegations force Pope Francis to vacate the papacy?
2. Would a renegotiated NAFTA hurt the Mexican economy?
3. Has the international community forgotten the Rohingya?
4. What steps does the Iranian government need to take to bolster the nation’s economic performance?
5. Can Scott Morrison bolster the Liberal Party’s fortunes in the next Australian general election?
6. How should Costa Rica’s government handle the recent migrant influx from Nicaragua?
7. What can global populism achieve?
8. Are Western sanctions against Russia working?
9. Should Israel increase defense spending?
10. Can the EU be a powerful global force in enforcing online privacy?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 27-September 2, 2018

HOTtopics1. Should the Department of Education loosen regulations on for-profit colleges?
2. Has Texas recovered from Hurricane Harvey?
3. Should the Social Security payroll tax cap be eliminated?
4. What position should the U.S. take regarding China’s crackdown on its Muslim Uyghur community?
5. Should more localities pursue soda taxes?
6. How many Democratic votes will Kavanaugh win during his confirmation?
7. Will the Mollie Tibbetts case reframe the American immigration debate?
8. How will new superdelegate rules affect the 2020 Democratic presidential primary?
9. Would it be a mistake for President Trump to fire Jeff Sessions?
10. How aggressively should Democrats seek Trump’s impeachment?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 20-26, 2018

HOTtopics1. Should social media become regulated like a public utility?
2. Was Trump justified in revoking John Brennan’s security clearance?
3. Does the U.S. need a trade “reset” with China?
4. Can Gary Johnson capture New Mexico’s Senate seat?
5. Should conserving oil be an American economic imperative?
6. Where should cities invest to best fight crime?
7. Were media denunciations of Trump’s attacks on the press necessary?
8. If Democrats win the House in 2018, what would be their first priority?
9. Does the U.S. need a “space force”?
10. Will Omarosa’s revelations do significant damage to the Trump administration?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 20-26, 2018

HOTtopics1. How can Venezuela get hyperinflation under control?
2. What will be Kofi Annan’s legacy?
3. Should Kosovo be partitioned?
4. What would be the geopolitical consequences of a Turkish expulsion from NATO?
5. Does Saudi Arabia have a capital flight problem?
6. Is the international community doing enough to stop the illegal trade in antiquities?
7. Why are Vladimir Putin’s approval ratings falling?
8. Should Cambodia form a closer relationship with China?
9. What might peace in Afghanistan look like?
10. Do the world’s welfare states need an update?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 13-19, 2018

HOTtopics1. How might future water shortages reshape Middle East geopolitics?
2. Is the U.S. responsible for Turkey’s currency crisis?
3. Do Cuba’s recent constitutional reforms go far enough?
4. Will Joseph Kabila fully leave the political scene when his term expires?
5. Would “repolonisation” of Poland’s banking industry prove devastating for the nation’s economy?
6. How will Ivan Duque affect Columbia’s relationship with Venezuela?
7. Is Western disunity proving counterproductive to bolstering global human rights?
8. Will efforts by the Chinese government to “Sinicize” religions produce a sizable backlash against the Communist Party?
9. What role, if any, should the EU play in anti-corruption efforts in Eastern Europe?
10. Has Justin Trudeau isolated Canada on the international stage?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 13-19, 2018

HOTtopics1. Should more restrictions be placed on the availability of federal student loans?
2. Is Tennessee’s Senate race the most crucial of the 2018 cycle?
3. Can greater gun control reduce Chicago’s homicide rate?
4. How stable is the current U.S. economic boom?
5. Should Congress constrain U.S. military involvement in the Yemeni civil war?
6. What role should tech giants be gatekeepers of social discourse?
7. Should Europe still be the primary focus of America’s strategic thinking?
8. Is America winning the war on poverty?
9. Should states subsidize the newspaper industry?
10. What steps can states take to secure their electoral systems before the 2018 midterms?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 6-12, 2018

HOTtopics1. Is a trade war with China in America’s best interest?
2. Does the U.S. need a national abortion reporting law?
3. If Kavanaugh is not confirmed by November, how will that affect the 2018 midterms?
4. Should the New York Times fire Sarah Jeong?
5. Will the current state of the U.S. economy allow Republicans to stifle the “blue wave”?
6. Is there a constitutional right to “religious liberty”?
7. Should Rahm Emanuel resign as mayor of Chicago due to the city’s alarming homicide rate?
8. How can the American media regain its credibility in the eyes of the American public?
9. Will Scott Walker lose his re-election bid?
10. Can the U.S. afford “Medicare for All”?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 6-12, 2018

HOTtopics1. Does the British Labour Party have an antisemitism problem?
2. What would effective sanctions against North Korea look like?
3. Was Mnangagwa’s victory legitimate?
4. Does Germany need to increase defense spending?
5. Will a recent “assassination” attempt lead to more political controls in Venezuela?
6. Should Japan liberalize its immigration system?
7. What steps can regional actors take to bring peace to Afghanistan?
8. Should the international community cooperate to build a “space society”?
9. Is Spain becoming the next battleground in Europe’s migrant controversy?
10. If South Africa confiscates farmland for redistributive purposes, would it be an economic disaster?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 30-August 5, 2018

HOTtopics1. Can Imran Khan deliver stability to Pakistan?
2. How can governments best protect their elections from foreign interference?
3. Can the Iranian government continue to support proxy forces in Yemen and Syria over the long-term?
4. Does the life of Theresa May’s government hinge on the Chequers Plan?
5. Can decentralization bring about peace in Syria?
6. Does Macron have the political capital to continue reforming the French economy?
7. Is it in Russia’s best interest to be a friend or foe of the United States?
8. Do declines in the global bee population signal foreshadow a global agricultural crisis?
9. Will a recent global heatwave give greater impetus to multinational climate change efforts?
10. Have the BRICS crumbled?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of July 30-August 5, 2018

HOTtopics1. What can the federal government do to encourage more Americans to save for retirement?
2. Does Ocasio-Cortez represent the future of the Democratic Party?
3. Has California done a poor job attacking poverty?
4. How can Kirsten Gillibrand best position herself for a presidential run in 2020?
5. In the event of a military confrontation over Taiwan, how would the Trump administration react?
6. To what extent should the U.S. engage Emmerson Mnangagawa after Zimbabwe’s recent election?
7. Should the Trump tax cuts be made permanent?
8. Is the recent decline of Facebook’s stock a short-term aberration or a canary in the coal mine?
9. Should the RNC aggressively target the New Jersey Senate seat?
10. Are Trump’s economic policies repelling foreign investment?

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