Tag: Burundi

Burundi’s Unrest


When it comes to the African continent extempers are used to talking about topics such as South Africa’s economy, the continent’s amazing economic potential in the twenty-first century, Chinese interests in the region, Robert Mugabe’s continued misrule of Zimbabwe, and conflict zones such as the Democratic Republic of Congo.  What they have been less used to is talking about smaller African nations such as Burundi, but in light of significant political unrest extempers will probably be talking more about this country in the weeks and months ahead.  Last April, President Pierre Nkurunziza announced that he would seek a third term.  This would be normal under some democratic systems, but Burundi’s constitution, agreed to in 2006 after the end of a thirteen-year civil war, prohibits a president being elected to more than two terms.  In light of Nkurunziza’s decision, opposition groups mounted several public protests and elements of the Burundian military sought to depose him in a coup in May.  That attempt failed and since that time international observers have worried that Burundi is becoming a cauldron of political unrest, which could break down along ethnic lines and produce another mass genocide on the African continent reminiscent of what took place in Rwanda in 1994.  Observers also worry about the radicalization of Burundian refugees and that the nation’s unrest could ignite a multi-national struggle between Burundi, Uganda, and Rwanda and their allies in East Africa.  Additionally, Burundi’s unrest provides a test of the African Union’s (AU) ability to protect civilians populations in its member states and its willingness to prevent future crimes against humanity.

This topic brief will provide some background on the ongoing political conflict in Burundi, explain how the international community has responded to the issue, and breakdown some implications of the unrest for Burundi and its neighbors.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: Burundi’s Unrest


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on Burundi’s unrest.

R&D from Prepd: Violence in Burundi


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This R&D provides resources on the ongoing violence in Burundi.  President Pierre Nkurunziza won a third term in July, but the opposition has disputed the results of that election as many of them boycotted it.  The opposition claims that Nkurunziza could not run for a third term as the constitution and a 2005 peace treaty disallowed it.  The United Nations is worried that the political dispute could lead to ethnic violence and it is wanting to bolster its presence in the country.

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