Tag: Colombia-Venezuela border crisis

The Colombian-Venezuelan Border Crisis


While concerns about border security have acquired significant attention in the United States and Europe, another border crisis has created upheaval in the Western Hemisphere.  Several weeks ago Venezuelan officials closed border crossings with Colombia, citing security concerns and a need to clamp down on smugglers in the area.  In addition to closing the border, Venezuela deported 1,000 economic migrants from Colombia and demolished some of their homes.  While Colombia argues that Venezuela’s behavior constitutes a gross human rights violation, Venezuelan authorities insist that they have the right to police their own border and that the inability of the Colombian government to share border responsibilities is what has forced it to act.

This topic brief will outline the scope of the recent border closures, explain some of the reasons that Venezuela moved to close the Colombian border, and then analyze how the border closures could affect Venezuela’s politics, as well as future American foreign policy in Latin America.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: The Colombian-Venezuelan Border Crisis


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on rising college costs.

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