Tag: December 2008 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of December 31st, 2008-January 6th, 2009

questions1. Which country will be the biggest threat to international security in 2009?

2. Should the Senate refuse to seat Burris?

3. Is Caroline Kennedy a qualified candidate for U.S. Senate?

4. Will the Israeli offensive in Gaza help or hinder future Middle East peace talks?

5. Should the EU intervene in the Russia-Ukraine gas dispute?

6. Will the winner of the Minnesota Senate race have a tainted victory?

7. Do Bulgaria’s problems mean that the EU should cease expansion plans for the near future?

8. Should China change its export driven economic model?

9. Are “obesity taxes” a good idea?

10. Will OPEC’s production cuts save the global economy from deflation?

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Extemp Questions for the Week of December 16th-22nd, 2008

1. How should Obama’s Senate seat be filled?

2. Can the Congress of the People Party successfully challenge the ANC in the 2009 South African elections?

3. Are higher cigarette taxes a good idea for tobacco growing states?

4. Would it be wise for Obama to overturn the Cuban embargo?

5. Will the Blagojevich scandal ruin Obama’s economic stimulus plan?

6. Can Michael Ignatieff guide the Liberal Party of Canada back to power?

7. Should U.S. policymakers be more fearful of hyperinflationary or deflationary pressure in the economy?

8. Why are communal tensions in the Philippines on the rise?

9. Should the Big 3 automakers be allowed to go bankrupt?

10. How will Obama’s counter-terror strategy differ from President Bush?

Extemp Questions for the Week of December 9th-15th, 2008

questions1.  Is Somalia the next Afghanistan?

2.  Does the print news industry deserve a government bailout?

3.  After an outbreak of violence by Zimbabwe’s army, is Mugabe’s regime in its final days?

4.  Is the world closing in to becoming victorious over the AIDS virus?

5.  Will the raid by British authorities over Damian Green make the British public resistant to future laws that encroach on their civil liberties?

6.  What can Hugo Chavez do to reduce Venezuela’s homicide rate?

7.  Why is Greece seeing an outbreak of riots?

8.  What was President Bush’s biggest foreign policy accomplishment?

9.  Is Nepal’s decision to close down its private schools misguided?

10.  Will Obama’s economic plan work?

Extemp Questions for the Week of December 2nd-8th, 2008

questions1.  Should the Senate intervene in the Minnesota Senate race?

2.  Why is California in a fiscal emergency?

3.  Should Britain join the euro?

4.  To the U.S.:  Is Turkey important??

5.  Should Obama have campaigned for Martin?

6.  What impact will the banning of the PPP have on Thai politics?

7.  Are African nations coddling Omar al-Bashir?

8.  What impact will the Mumbai attacks have on Indian politics?

9.  Why did Obama keep Gates?

10.  After eight years, what grade does the Bush administration deserve on its environmental report card?

Extemp Questions for the Week of November 25th-December 1st, 2008

questions1. Do Obama’s cabinet appointments echo his campaign’s message of “change” or do they simply create a Clinton restoration?

2. Why are countries wary of an IMF bailout?

3. Can a resolution to the conflict in Kashmir bring stability to Afghanistan?

4. Was Tom Daschle a better selection for Secretary of Health and Human Services than Howard Dean?

5. How can the U.S. improve civic education?

6. Was the government bailout of Citigroup justified?

7. Should Barack Obama make cuts in the defense budget?

8. Have the Venezuelan local election results provided Hugo Chavez with some needed political momentum?

9. How should the world bring Somali pirates to justice?

10. Will low oil prices now lead to a supply crunch later?

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