Tag: December 2011 extemp questions

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of December 13th-19th, 2011

1.  How should the U.S. respond if North Korea imploded?
2.  Why did the U.S. teen birthrate hit a record low in 2010?
3.  Have Americans tuned out Sarah Palin?
4.  Was the Federal Reserve’s decision to “check” on the economy a good one?
5.  Does the election of Roy Blunt as vice chairman of the GOP conference signify that the Tea Party has waning political clout in Washington D.C.?
6.  Would a drawn out GOP primary improve President Obama’s chances of winning re-election?
7.  How will history view the Iraq war?
8.  Should all states adopt bans on the use of cellphones while driving?
9.  Will the GOP and President Obama agree to a payroll tax cut extension?
10.  Why is Ron Paul surging in Iowa?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 13th-19th, 2011

1.  How much influence will Iran have in postwar Iraq?
2.  Are complaints about the outcome of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s presidential election justified? 
3.  Can Toru Hasimoto shake up Japanese politics?
4.  Will the European debt crisis lead to a “United States of Europe”?
5.  How can West Africa avoid a food crisis next year?
6.  What steps does the new Libyan government need to take to reestablish security and order?
7.  Are the results of the climate summit in South Africa being blown out of proportion?
8.  Will Great Britain come to regret its veto of the new European financial treaty?
9.  Can Mikhail Prokhorov beat Putin for the Russian presidency?
10.  Has Syria gone rogue?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 6th-12th, 2011

1.  Why did Kenya issue an arrest warrant for Omar al-Bashir?
2.  Will the EU cave to British demands that it be exempt from a tax on financial transactions?
3.  Is playing the U.S. and China off of each other a sound foreign policy strategy for Myanmar?
4.  Could Iran win a war with the United States?
5.  Has the European financial crisis helped Belgian politics?
6.  Will recent bomb attacks on Shiite Muslim gatherings trigger sectarian violence in Afghanistan?
7.  Are austerity measures merely a short-term fix for Europe’s financially insolvent governments?
8.  Will Russia and China agree to a no fly zone over Syria?
9.  Should the international community be concerned about the outcome of the first round of the Egyptian parliamentary elections?
10.  Are we witnessing the beginnings of a “Russian Spring”?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of December 6th-12th, 2011

1.  How can Democrats shore up their support among white working class voters?
2.  Will Nancy Pelosi’s latest comments on Newt Gingrich bolster his presidential bid?
3.  Does the collapse of MF Global signal the need for tighter financial regulations?
4.  What can technology firms do to end “e-mail pollution”?
5.  Is the U.S. headed for war with Iran?
6.  How much aid should the Federal Reserve provide to the IMF to assist the euro zone?
7.  Is the U.S. losing the war on meth?
8.  Will the Trump Debate be good or bad for the GOP?
9.  Does the California economy have more room for tax increases?
10.  Can Mitt Romney afford to finish third in the Iowa caucuses?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 29th-December 5th, 2011

1.  Should Herman Cain drop out of the GOP primary?
2.  How should Los Angeles deal with Occupy LA?
3.  Would a payroll tax cut extension help the economy?
4.  Was Black Friday a success for American retailers?
5.  How can America’s school districts deal with rising poverty rates?
6.  Will President Obama have to run a negative campaign if he wants to win re-election?
7.  How will Chapter 11 change American Airlines?
8.  Is Barney Frank’s retirement a blow to Congressional Democrats?
9.  Should child protective services have the power to take away children if they are obese?
10.  Which GOP presidential candidate is most likely to drop out after the Iowa caucuses?

As a side note, the National Points Race standings will be updated later this evening so competitors know where they stand heading into GMU.

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 29th-December 5th, 2011

1.  Without the euro, is the EU meaningless?
2.  How much power should Spain’s regions have?
3.  Would it be wise for China to invest in Western infrastructure?
4.  Will global economic unrest manifest itself at next year’s Summer Olympics?
5.  Did Lieberman lose political points by refusing to try to topple Netanyahu’s government for handing over $100 million in Palestinian tax money?
6.  Why is the Democratic Republic of the Congo facing charges that its recent presidential election was unfair?
7.  Is “Putin fatigue” wearing on Russia?
8.  Why are Arab regimes distancing themselves from Syria?
9.  Would Iran really attack NATO’s missile defense shield in Turkey if it came under attack from Israel?
10.  How many more times is the euro going to the point of collapse during 2012?

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