Tag: extemp central questions Page 19 of 76

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 10-16, 2020

1. Should Tom Perez still be the chairman of the Democratic National Committee?
2. Will the Iowa caucus fiasco cause Iowa to lose its “first-in-the-nation” status?
3. Is Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy on the ropes?
4. Was President Trump’s State of the Union a success?
5. Will Senator Susan Collins vote to acquit President Trump significantly harm her re-election prospects?
6. Would an effort to censure President Trump achieved greater bipartisanship than impeachment?
7. Does the United States healthcare system need more privatization or more government intervention?
8. Why are American voters so unhappy?
9. Does Rush Limbaugh deserve the Presidential Medal of Freedom?
10. Will there be fewer private colleges operating in America within the next two decades?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 10-16, 2020

1. Are greater global protections needed for migrant laborers?
2. Can greater regional cooperation prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon?
3. Will Belarus become the next Ukraine?
4. Is the coronavirus outbreak creating a major threat to the Chinese Communist Party’s rule?
5. Does Colombia need more liberal trade rules?
6. Is Joseph Kabila still the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s most powerful political figure?
7. Does the French government need to do more to protect its Jewish population?
8. Will the twenty-first century be the age of global autocracy?
9. Is it time for a united Ireland?
10. Should NATO pivot to Greece as Turkey becomes more wary of the West?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 3-9, 2020

1. Is the coronavirus triggering a wave of anti-Chinese sentiment across the world?
2. Was the Arab League justified in rejecting President Trump’s Middle East peace plan?
3. Is dollarization creating even more economic hardship in Venezuela?
4. Would the world be better off without American leadership?
5. Is free speech in Brazil becoming less free?
6. Will the coronavirus do significant damage to China’s economy?
7. After Brexit, who will take Britain’s place in the EU?
8. Could Muqtada al-Sadr fix what ails Iraq?
9. Should European countries re-embrace nuclear energy to get away from a dependence on Russian natural gas?
10. Is India’s economy growing?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 3-9, 2020

1. Would a prolonged Democratic presidential primary weaken the eventual nominee for the general election?
2. Was the DNC justified in changing its debate rules to include Michael Bloomberg?
3. Is there too much technology in the U.S. education system?
4. Should medical treatments for transgender children be prohibited until those children reach eighteen?
5. Will the Senate’s conduct during President Trump’s impeachment trial impact the 2020 Senate races in a meaningful way?
6. Should the U.S. withdraw from playing a future role in the Middle East peace process?
7. Is the Trump administration doing enough to prevent a large-scale coronavirus outbreak?
8. Should there be a legal requirement for all adults to get the flu vaccine each year?
9. Would it be in Facebook’s best interest to get a new leader?
10. Should Democrats welcome Hillary Clinton’s participation in the upcoming general election?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 27-February 2, 2020

1. Who will win the Democratic Iowa caucus?
2. Will the tragic death of Kobe Bryant force Los Angeles to do more about its traffic problems?
3. Is President Trump a major underdog in his 2020 re-election campaign?
4. Should the upcoming food stamp cuts be cancelled?
5. Does former President Obama need to play a greater role in the Democratic presidential primary?
6. A week in, has President Trump’s impeachment trial been a dud for Democrats?
7. Should “cancel culture” be cancelled?
8. Will Joe Rogan’s endorsement provide a boon to Bernie Sanders presidential candidacy?
9. Does the U.S. need to beat China in the race for 5G?
10. Are greater visa regulations needed to combat “birth tourism”?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 27-February 2, 2020

1. Is the WHO doing enough in response to the China coronavirus outbreak?
2. What impact will growing climate change activism have on oil-producing states in the developing world?
3. Should Russia create a formal alliance with China?
4. Are European countries too subservient to the United States?
5. Would the imposition of “carbon tariffs” be a violation of global free trade rules?
6. Will Erdogan’s willingness to use the Turkish military in regional conflicts backfire?
7. Are locust swarms threatening East Africa’s food supplies?
8. How can Peru bolster its anti-corruption efforts?
9. Will low global oil prices persist through 2020?
10. Are Modi’s domestic policies hurting India’s ability to become a global superpower?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 20-26, 2020

1. Has Bashar al-Assad’s victory in the Syrian Civil War made him a weaker leader?
2. Are China’s activities in Xinjiang cultivating the national security emergencies it most fears?
3. Can more robust political activism fix Haiti’s dysfunctional political system?
4. How can Australia best combat future bushfires?
5. What drove Vladimir Putin’s constitutional coup?
6. How can a Johnson-led Britain create better relationships with African nations?
7. Do African nations need outside assistance in fighting jihadist threats?
8. Did global protests in 2019 achieve anything?
9. Is the World Economic Forum running out of energy?
10. How fragile is Iran’s regime?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 20-26, 2020

1. Will the recent rift between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren help Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy?
2. Are America’s pension systems in better shape than they were a decade ago?
3. Is America’s diplomacy with China deadlocked?
4. Could ongoing debates over gun rights in Virginia drive conservative turnout to new heights in 2020?
5. Should Major League Baseball strip the Houston Astros of their World Series title?
6. Does the U.S. government need to contribute more to public transportation efforts?
7. Will new Iowa caucus rules complicate the declaration of a winner?
8. Should more American workers max out their retirement funds?
9. Is the Silicon Valley economy bad for workers?
10. Would a fracking ban trigger a U.S. recession?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 13-19, 2020

1. Are Democratic presidential debate rules hurting minority candidates?
2. Could the U.S. economy withstand a major global oil price shock?
3. Does the U.S. need Turkey?
4. Is America’s global influence on the decline?
5. Has President Trump’s impeachment saga dragged on too long to be of political use to Democrats?
6. Is the U.S. winning the war against cancer?
7. Will increased transparency of hospital pricing lower healthcare costs?
8. Should Congress increase the Passenger Facility Charge?
9. Do President Trump’s re-election efforts depend on the state of the economy?
10. Should those under the age of twenty-one be prohibited from using a cellphone?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 13-19, 2020

1. How should the Iranian government handle recent protests over its downing of a Ukrainian jetliner?
2. Is “Megxit” a major blow to the British monarchy?
3. What can be done to stop Libya’s collapse?
4. Does Australia need to adopt controlled burning programs?
5. Why did Tsai Ing-wen win the Taiwanese presidential election?
6. Is China’s Taiwan strategy failing?
7. What should Justin Trudeau prioritize in his second term?
8. Can Europe reduce tensions between the U.S. and Iran?
9. What will be the economic impact of Spain’s new left-wing government?
10. Are global commodity prices poised to rise in the next five years?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 6-12, 2020

  1. Has Britain’s Labour Party lost touch with the working class?
  2. How should Iran respond to the death of General Qassem Soleimani?
  3. Would a war between the U.S. and Iran allow China to retake Taiwan?
  4. Was the drone strike on Soleimani a violation of international law?
  5. Are Bolsonaro’s economic policies working?
  6. Which nation improved the most in 2019?
  7. How can Russia make significant diplomatic inroads in Africa?
  8. Will the global economy grow in 2020?
  9. Could growing tensions in the Middle East drive a wedge between NATO allies?
  10. Has Shinzo Abe’s foreign policy been beneficial to Japan?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 6-12, 2020

1. Should the U.S. seek regime change in Iran?
2. Is the Democratic presidential primary becoming a race between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders?
3. Are schools becoming too lax in their discipline policies?
4. Should the U.S. reinstate the draft?
5. Is anti-Semitism growing in the United States?
6. If the 2020 presidential election suddenly becomes more about foreign policy and national security, which candidate stands to benefit the most?
7. What role should the Department of Housing and Urban Development play in combating America’s homelessness crisis?
8. Should California repeal AB5?
9. Will new FDA regulations banning the purchase of tobacco products by those under the age of twenty-one further lower teen smoking rates?
10. Are hedge funds hurting rural America?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of December 16-22, 2019

Note:  These will be the last practice topics of 2019 as none will be posted next week due to the winter holiday.  New topics will resume on Monday, January 6.  However, we will provide updated results from George Mason and the University of Texas-Austin, along with updated standings in the National Points Race before MBA.

HOTtopics1. Does the U.S. need a new “war on poverty”?
2. Should President Trump endorse a minimum wage increase?
3. Was Labour’s recent defeat in Britain a bad omen for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaigns?
4. Why has the U.S. economy grown over the last decade without experiencing inflation?
5. Should college campuses have the ability to adjudicate sexual assault and harassment allegations?
6. Will the recent move by colleges to become “test optional” make the college admissions process more fair?
7. Should the size of the U.S. budget deficit alarm policymakers?
8. Will the Supreme Court force a disclosure of President Trump’s financial records?
9. Should the U.S. lower the legal voting age to sixteen?
10. How can the U.S. break the deadlock in talks over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 16-22, 2019

HOTtopics1. Will Brexit cause a breakup of the United Kingdom as a political entity?
2. What is the future of global capitalism?
3. Will the USMCA become the model for future global trade deals?
4. Can the EU reach its target of having net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050?
5. Who should be the next leader of Canada’s Conservative Party?
6. Was the recent British general election a realigning one?
7. Do the IMF and World Bank have a role to play in the fight against global climate change?
8. Were the 2010s a “lost decade” for Latin America?
9. Would a victory by Khalifa Hifter in Libya’s civil war be a victory for Russia?
10. Is Russia reasserting control of Moldova?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 9-15, 2019

HOTtopics1. Why is Germany’s political center collapsing?
2. Can Macron pass pension reform?
3. Should electoral interference be deemed an act of war?
4. Do economies woes bode ill for the long-term viability of Iran’s Islamic Republic?
5. Should Justin Trudeau fear a “Wexit”?
6. Does Japan need to embrace a more lax immigration policy?
7. Is China gaining more power in international institutions?
8. Are religious parties losing ground in the Arab World?
9. Is Italy’s Five Star Movement imploding?
10. What steps can Haiti take to wean itself from international food assistance?

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