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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 24th-30th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Would a Hillary Clinton presidency disappoint Democratic liberals?
2. Will 2014 be the year that the U.S. housing market makes a complete recovery?
3. Is the liberalism of Millennial voters overstated?
4. How can Republicans win the Illinois gubernatorial election?
5. What steps can local school districts take to reduce a racial gap in discipline policies?
6. Is the U.S. prepared for another Cold War?
7. What impact will recent recalls have on General Motors recovery?
8. PACs: democratic benefit or impediment?
9. Can President Obama’s plan for an Energy Security Trust Fund successfully reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil?
10. Will affirmative action policies continue to pass judicial muster over the next decade?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 24th-30th, 2014


HOTtopics1. If you were Vladimir Putin, what would be your next annexation target and how would you accomplish this goal?
2. Do the arrests of Benito and Wilma Tiamzon help or hinder the Philippine government’s efforts to squelch the CPP?
3. Are South Korea’s military exercises with the United States counterproductive to its efforts to build a better relationship with North Korea?
4. Has the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 become too politicized?
5. Will May’s South African national elections lead to Jacob Zuma’s ouster as ANC leader?
6. Will the proposed trade deal between Taiwan and China hurt Taiwanese businesses?
7. Is Moldova the next Ukraine?
8. What does Abdullah al-Thinni need to do to improve Libya’s security situation?
9. Should the European Commission allow Italy to breach the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact?
10. Will the removal of Gustavo Petro from office impair the Colombian government’s negotiations with the FARC?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 17th-23rd, 2014


HOTtopics1. Should Europe pay slave reparations to Carribean nations?
2. Does Argentina need to reform its energy sector?
3. Where is Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?
4. Will the revelation of secret recordings made during Nicolas Sarkozy’s 2012 presidential campaign harm his chances of returning to the Elysee Palace?
5. Have recent international crises exposed the weakness of the United Nations?
6. Why is ethnic unrest increasing in China?
7. Will the next British parliamentary election be a referendum on the EU?
8. Is Michael Sata becoming an autocrat?
9. Should the international community allow Crimea to join Russia?
10. Does NATO still matter?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 17th-23rd, 2014


HOTtopics1. Should states ban the use of Google Glass while driving?
2. Is President Obama weighing down Democratic candidates in 2014?
3. What is America’s foreign policy?
4. Is the U.S. government making a mistake in giving away authority over the Internet?
5. Should the Justice Department prosecute the CIA for allegedly spying on Congress?
6. What role should the federal government play in medical marijuana research?
7. Should President Obama issue an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating based on sexual orientation and gender identity?
8. Why is the U.S. experiencing a heroin crisis?
9. Can Democrats win Georgia’s Senate seat in 2014?
10. Is natural gas the engine of America’s energy future?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 10th-16th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Should the U.S. recognize the annexation of Crimea?
2. Why is Sam Brownback in danger of losing the Kansas governor’s race this year?
3. Should marijuana distributors be allowed to advertise their products on television?
4. Will a cross-industry group formed by Visa and Mastercard significantly improve the security of credit transactions?
5. Should commercial drones be allowed over U.S. airspace?
6. What reforms should be made to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration?
7. How will Millennials change American politics?
8. The new SAT: enacting much-needed changes or reducing standards?
9. Who is the conservative frontrunner for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination?
10. Does the Affordable Care Act harm unionized workers?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 10th-16th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Do the results of the El Salvador presidential election illustrate the continuing appeal of Bolivarian socialism?
2. A year into the job, what effect has Pope Francis had on the Catholic Church?
3. Will German’s plan for a post-carbon economy succeed?
4. What role should China play in the Ukrainian crisis?
5. Has Hassan Rouhani outmaneuvered Iran’s hardliners?
6. Should Israel be recognized as a Jewish state?
7. Are the obstacles to a Syrian ceasefire insurmountable?
8. Has Cyprus’s economy recovered from its 2013 economic collapse?
9. How will intraparty electoral changes affect the British Labour Party’s ties to organized labor?
10. Will the BJP win India’s upcoming general elections?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 3rd-9th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Can the UN Security Council calm the Ukrainian crisis?
2. Is democracy beating a global retreat?
3. What is the best way for Northern Ireland to deal with the unsolved crimes of the “Troubles”?
4. Has Nigeria’s army failed to protect the population from Boko Haram?
5. How can Argentina increase the level of foreign investment in its economy?
6. Can Sushil Koirala break Nepal’s political deadlock?
7. Will declining economic growth provide a political assist to India’s nationalists?
8. Should Mexico extradite Joaquin Guzman?
9. Will Andrus Ansip’s resignation help the Reform Party win next year’s Estonian elections?
10. Is the ETA really ready to disarm?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 3rd-9th, 2014


HOTtopics1. What is the smartest way to cut America’s defense budget?
2. Will President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” program reduce dropout rates among minority youth?
3. Has the U.S. given up on Syria?
4. Should concealed weapons be allowed on college campuses?
5. How can the U.S. rebuild its manufacturing sector?
6. Can junk food taxes resolve America’s obesity rate?
7. How much free speech should students enjoy in American schools?
8. Is net neutrality the consumer issue of the 21st century?
9. If Russia invades Ukraine, how should the U.S. react?
10. Should the Federal Reserve be given powers to regulate Bitcoin?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 24th-March 2nd, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is Bill de Blasio misguided in limiting the growth of New York City charter schools?
2. Who is the most vulnerable Senate Democrat in 2014?
3. What role should states play in making American education policy?
4. Will an e-mail probe in Wisconsin dampen Scott Walker’s 2016 presidential prospects?
5. Is it better for states to raise the minimum wage or have the federal government set a uniform national standard?
6. Can an expansion of online gambling help state economies?
7. Will Jan Brewer veto the Arizona anti-gay service bill?
8. Should California be split into six states?
9. Has President Obama’s environmental policy handicapped America’s economic growth?
10. What impact will food stamp cuts in the recent farm bill have on America’s poor?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 24th-March 2nd, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is Ukraine heading for a partition?
2. What impact will the arrest of Joaquin Guzman have on the Mexican drug trade?
3. How will growing Saudi-Pakistani ties affect the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East?
4. Have international sanctions failed to reduce Robert Mugabe’s hold on Zimbabwe?
5. Has the Bolivian government done enough to respond to recent floods?
6. Matteo Renzi: The answer to Italy’s political and economic dysfunction?
7. If Scotland votes for independence, is it fit to join the European Union?
8. How should Vladimir Putin approach the Ukrainian situation?
9. Did Maduro’s government err by imprisoning Leopoldo Lopez?
10. Has China’s growing economic clout given it more leverage over how the rest of the world interacts with the Dalai Lama?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 17th-23rd, 2014


HOTtopics1. Can Canada successfully balance its budget before 2015?
2. How can Cyprus be reunified?
3. Should African aid agencies adopt “results-oriented” agendas?
4. Are Turkish aspirations of joining the EU dead?
5. Will Lebanon’s new cabinet provide the nation with some much needed stability?
6. Why are the Syrian peace talks going nowhere?
7. How can Japan repair its diplomatic relationship with South Korea?
8. What impact will Moktada al-Sadr’s retirement have on Iraqi politics?
9. Is the Ukrainian protest movement collapsing?
10. Can diplomatic pressure force African nations to not enact anti-gay legislation?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 17th-23rd, 2014


HOTtopics1. How can the UAW unionize more auto plants in the South?
2. Does the Ninth Circuit’s recent ruling on concealed firearms signal the beginning of the end of the American gun control movement?
3. Would the unionization of college football players harm athletes that compete in less publicized intercollegiate sports?
4. How can the United States federal government improve math and science education?
5. Should Internet freedom occupy a more prominent place in American foreign policy?
6. Will John Kasich win re-election this November?
7. Was the passage of a clean debt ceiling bill a significant political victory for President Obama?
8. Has the “war on tobacco” succeeded?
9. Are Rand Paul’s attacks on Bill Clinton working?
10. Will the legalization of gay marriage in more states help or hinder conservative candidates in the 2014 midterms?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 10th-16th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is the U.S. power grid safe from terrorism?
2. How should the U.S. respond to reports of Iranian warships near the U.S. maritime border?
3. Will more states adopt “death with dignity” bills by 2020?
4. What is the state of the states?
5. Why is youth unemployment so high?
6. Is another debt ceiling crisis inevitable?
7. If Republicans win control of the Senate in 2014 will they attempt to impeach President Obama?
8. Is a comprehensive or piecemeal approach the best way to enact immigration reform?
9. Jimmy Fallon: Adequate replacement for Jay Leno or bound to suffer Conan O’Brien’s fate?
10. Is Hillary Clinton’s anticipated presidential campaign harming Democrats chances of winning the 2014 midterms?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 10th-16th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Have the Sochi Olympics been a disaster?
2. Are African and French peacekeepers doing enough to contain religious violence in the Central African Republic?
3. What steps should the Bosnian government take to lower the nation’s unemployment rate?
4. Why are civilian casualties on the rise in Afghanistan?
5. Would it be a mistake for Japan to abandon nuclear power?
6. Have protests against Yingluck Shinawatra failed?
7. Will Salvador Sanchez Ceren win El Salvador’s presidential run-off?
8. Is the ANC’s control of South African politics harming the nation?
9. How can China improve its environmental record?
10. Is the Catholic Church doing enough to act on sex abuse allegations?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 3rd-9th, 2014


HOTtopics1. How can Great Britain increase the number of women in Parliament?
2. What role should Turkey play in the Syrian civil war?
3. Is Spain’s economy on the mend?
4. Will 2014 spell disaster for the Venezuelan and Argentinian economies?
5. Should Great Britain leave the European Union?
6. How will Costa Rica’s presidential election impact its relationship with the United States?
7. Should Uganda pull its troops out of South Sudan?
8. Does Nicaragua’s new constitution weaken democratic institutions?
9. Is Nigeria fracturing along religious lines?
10. How should the EU handle the Ukrainian political crisis?

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