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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 26th-September 1st, 2013


HOTtopics1. If not Hillary, then who?
2. Will attempts to unionize America’s fast food industry succeed?
3. Has Obamacare’s implementation been a disaster?
4. Will leaks about NSA surveillance activities lead to significant revisions of government anti-terrorism powers?
5. How should the U.S. respond to allegations of chemical weapons use in Syria?
6. Is America’s housing market on the road to recovery?
7. Will the Playstation 4 have a more successful release than the XBox One?
8. How can Steve Lonegan defeat Cory Booker?
9. Will Texas’s redistricting plan pass constitutional muster?
10. Does Chelsea Manning have a constitutional right to hormone therapy while in military custody?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 26th-September 1st, 2013


HOTtopics1. What should the Russian government do in light of new reports of chemical weapons usage in Syria?
2. Will the release of Hosni Mubarak make Egypt’s interim government extremely unpopular?
3. What can missile defense planners learn from Israel’s Iron Dome?
4. How can the UN’s MONUSCO mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo improve its effectiveness?
5. Will recent revelations about radiation at the Fukushima nuclear plant doom attempts at reviving nuclear power in Japan?
6. Do European governments need to take stronger actions against neo-Nazi movements?
7. Why is economic growth in India slowing down?
8. Should Ukraine sign a customs agreement with the European Union or Russia?
9. How should the Brazilian government deal with rising illegal immigration?
10. Would consolidation improve European banking?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 19th-25th, 2013


HOTtopics1. How should the Nigerian government deal with Boko Haram?
2. Will Cristina Fernández de Kirchner succeed in amending the Argentinian constitution so that she can run for a third term?
3. What reforms are needed to the Mexican judicial system?
4. Should India avoid an upcoming meeting with Pakistan due to the recent violence in Kashmir?
5. Is the ETA still a threat to the Spanish government?
6. Should Poland be given a greater say in NATO?
7. Can Uruguay’s legislation of marijuana become an effective template for other countries?
8. What changes should Hassan Rohani make to Iran’s nuclear program?
9. Why is economic growth slowing in emerging markets?
10. What role should the European Union play in the Gibraltar dispute?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 19th-25th, 2013


HOTtopics1. Will Bill de Blasio be the next mayor of New York?
2. Is America winning the fight against obesity?
3. If you were the chief executive of AOL, what would you do to make it relevant again?
4. Will the Pentagon’s new measures significantly curtail sexual assaults in the military?
5. Is the American dream dead?
6. How can the U.S. make itself less dependent on foreign oil?
7. Would a U.S. Airways-American Airlines merger be bad for consumers?
8. Is the GOP’s refusal to participate in CNN and NBC 2016 presidential primary debates justified?
9. Will privacy rights be a major issue in the 2014 midterm elections?
10. Should the U.S. cut off military aid to Egypt?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 12th-18th, 2013


HOTtopics1. Should the U.S. boycott the Russian Winter Olympics?
2. How much longer can the Federal Reserve maintain significantly low interest rates?
3. What reforms should be made to U.S. surveillance efforts?
4. Should Bob Filner resign?
5. Will the newly signed student loan rate legislation make higher education more affordable?
6. Does Bill Gates have the right ideas to reform American education?
7. How can the federal government better the plight of wounded veterans?
8. Is the GOP too divided to win the 2016 presidential election?
9. Will Corey Booker be the next Senator of New Jersey?
10. Should there be an increase in the federal minimum wage?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 12th-18th, 2013


HOTtopics1. What should Russia do with Edward Snowden after his one year asylum expires?
2. Are European governments too lax in their protection of the Roma?
3. What grade should the Turkish government receive for its human rights record?
4. Will violence in Syria lead to the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood?
5. Is it wise of the Egyptian military to prosecute Mohamed Morsi?
6. Can Marina Berlusconi be an effective leader of the Italian right?
7. Should Great Britain give Gibraltar to Spain?
8. Is time running out for the Israelis to make a suitable peace with the Palestinians?
9. How should OPEC respond to political unrest in the Middle East?
10. Has Venezeula’s international profile taken a serious hit since the death of Hugo Chavez?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 5th-11th, 2013


HOTtopics1. Does Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leave office with a positive legacy?
2. Why is South Africa supporting Robert Mugabe?
3. Is an Egyptian government led by its military better for the West than a government led by the Muslim Brotherhood?
4. Will a Kevin Rudd-led Labor Party win Australia’s September elections?
5. What impact will rising Euroskepticism have on the Dutch government?
6. Has Silvio Berlusconi’s political career finally come to an end?
7. Is nuclear power the key to China’s economic future?
8. How can Ollanta Humala recover his popularity?
9. Are Afghanistan’s security forces strong enough to contain the Taliban?
10. Can the upcoming Winter Olympics create more tolerance for homosexuals in Russian society?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 5th-11th, 2013


HOTtopics1. How can the GOP regain control of California politics?
2. Will Detroit be able to emerge from bankruptcy in less than a year?
3. How can Chris Christie expand his base of support inside of the GOP?
4. Would a government shutdown over funding Obamacare hurt the GOP in the 2014 midterms?
5. How should the U.S. respond to Russia’s sheltering of Edward Snowden?
6. Should Congress pass more sanctions on Iran?
7. How can the federal government ensure that younger Americans benefit most from the recent economic recovery?
8. Should the national horse slaughter ban of 2006 be repealed?
9. What changes should be made to America’s food stamp program?
10. How can President Obama get his economic agenda through Congress?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of July 29th-August 4th, 2013


HOTtopics1. In the eyes of the Republican base, does Chris Christie or Rand Paul have the best view of privacy rights in an age of terrorism?
2. Should the U.S. cut off military aid to Egypt?
3. Are Common Core standards bad for American education?
4. Should Anthony Weiner drop out of the New York City mayor’s race?
5. Will immigration reform lead to the end of John Boehner as Speaker of the House?
6. Should Google Glass be banned from public places?
7. Is Elizabeth Warren a potential Democratic presidential nominee in 2016?
8. How can CNN change its fortunes in the cable news market?
9. Should secular corporations be exempted from Obamacare’s contraception requirement on religious grounds?
10. How should states deal with their looming pension crisis?


HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 29th-August 4th, 2013


HOTtopics1. Is it in Pakistan’s best interest to improve ties with Afghanistan?
2. What steps does the Libyan government need to take to restore stability?
3. What should be France’s Mali exit strategy?
4. Who will win the July 31st Zimbabwean elections?
5. What should the Italian government do about racism?
6. Is al Qaeda making a comeback in Iraq?
7. Why are Donald Tusk’s political fortunes lagging in Poland?
8. If the EU had a trade war with China, who would come out on top?
9. How should the international community police money-transfer agencies to insure that they are not funding terrorism?
10. Would the construction of an interoceanic canal solve Nicaragua’s poverty problem?


HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 22nd-28th, 2013


1. What should Shinzo Abe do with his new electoral mandate?
2. If the Israelis are willing to give up settlement construction, what should the Palestinians give up in return?
3. Is Assad winning the Syrian civil war?
4. Can independent television weaken ZANU-PF’s hold on Zimbabwean politics?
5. Is it in Italy’s best interest to jail Robert Seldon Lady?
6. Should India let go of Kashmir?
7. Is separatism a realistic solution to Belgium’s lingustic divide?
8. Has the euro zone escaped the worst of its fiscal crises?
9. How long with Enrico Letta’s government last?
10. Are liberal economic policies reviving its moribund economy?


HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of July 22nd-28th, 2013

1. Can college athletics survive if players are paid?
2. Will Liz Cheney be the Republican nominee in the 2014 Wyoming Senate election?
3. Has President Obama handled the Trayvon Martin case well?
4. How can the federal government smoothe the transition to Obamacare?
5. Do e-mails deserve strict Fourth Amendment protections?
6. How can Congress reassert its authority over the executive branch?
7. Should the federal govenrment bailout Detroit?
8. Will Terry McAufliffe become the new governor of Virginia this fall?
9. Would an online tax help the U.S. economy?
10. Will House Republicans attempt at scaling back the federal role in public education succeed?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of July 15th-21st, 2013

1. Should the Justice Department pursue civil rights charges against George Zimmerman?
2. Is a photo identification requirement to vote unconstitutional?
3. Can Texas Democrats use the abortion issue to gain significant political ground in the state?
4. Is Rick Perry the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2016?
5. Should the Senate eliminate the filibuster completely?
6. How will a pending merger between U.S. Airways and American Airlines impact the U.S. airline industry?
7. Will food stamps be a part of the final farm bill passed by Congress?
8. What types of deductions should be closed in a new wave of federal tax reform?
9. Does Brian Schweitzer’s decision not to run for the U.S. Senate give Republicans an easy pickup opportunity in 2014?
10. Are Democrats outmanuevering Republicans when it comes to the use of political rhetoric?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 15th-21st, 2013

1. Should Israel pick a side in the Syrian civil war?
2. Will the Egyptian military’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood cripple the organization for decades to come?
3. Why did the People’s Democratic Party win the recent Bhutan elections?
4. Is Zimbabwe holding elections too early?
5. How can Britain’s Labour Party carve a path back to power?
6. Is it ethical for Syria’s neighbors to restrict refugee access?
7. Was the Arab Spring bad for the women of the Middle East?
8. How can Pakistan root out corruption?
9. Will the old guard of the PRI doom Enrique Nieto’s reform measures?
10. How will the Lac Megantic tragedy affect the future of Canadian railroad industry?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 8th-14th, 2013

1. How will the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt impact other Islamist movements in the Middle East?
2. Should Great Britain hold a referendum on EU membership?
3. Will Michelle Bachelet regain the Chilean presidency in November?
4. How should European nations handle domestic, radical Islamist preachers?
5. Should Mario Monti pull Civic Choice out of the Italian governing coalition?
6. How can Pakistan stop U.S. drone strikes within its borders?
7. Should the international community support Kenyan attempts to establish a security zone in Somalia?
8. If Europe was forced to shoulder the full costs of its own defense, how would that impact the continent’s economic outlook?
9. Will an aging workforce eventually end the Western dominance of the world?
10. Which African nation is the best place for international investors to spend their money?

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