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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 30th-September 5th, 2011

1.  How should the international community respond to Russia’s claim to hundreds of thousands of square miles of the Arctic?
2.  What should be the top priority for rebel forces in Libya?
3.  Should African nations provide more food aid to Somalia?
4.  Does the IMF have the right prescription for ending Europe’s debt crisis?
5.  Will Nepal succeed in drafting a new constitution within the next three months?
6.  Is the International Space Station on borrowed time under Russia’s leadership?
7.  Why do the Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state?
8.  What impact would Iranian isolation of Syria have on the Assad regimes?
9.  Can Yoshihiko Noda stay in office for more than a year?
10.  Where did Gaddafi go?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 23rd-29th, 2011

1.  What will the next Libyan government look like?
2.  Will the UN’s investigation in Syria amount to anything?
3.  How would a complete breakdown in Israeli-Egyptian affairs impact the Middle East?
4.  Can military might help Turkey crush the PKK?
5.  How can Japan stop its rotating door of prime ministers?
6.  Does the EU need more members?
7.  What steps should the Honduran government take to end land violence?
8.  Does China need the U.S. more than the U.S. needs China?
9.  What should be done to make elections smoother in the developing world?
10. Will Sarkozy’s deficit-reduction blueprint cost him the 2012 French presidential election?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 23rd-29th, 2011

1.  Should Maxine Waters apologize for her comments concerning the Tea Party?
2.  Who is the most vulnerable GOP Senator in 2012?
3.  Will President Obama’s recent actions on immigration policy cost him votes in 2012?
4.  How can cities best combat criminal flash mobs?
5.  Did the FCC make the right decision in dropping the Fairness Doctrine?
6.  How can Orrin Hatch hang on to his Utah Senate seat?
7.  Is Paul Ryan a presidential candidate in waiting?
8.  Should the GOP try to settle for a Perry-Romney ticket?
9.  Can the criminalization of school discipline policies make public schools more effective? 
10.  Will the apparent rebel victory in Libya give President Obama a political boost?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 16th-22nd, 2011

1.  Why have President obama’s approval ratings fallen below forty percent?
2.  How should the U.S. respond to claims that Pakistan allowed China to see parts of a covert helicopter used in the Osama bin Laden raid?
3.  Would an extension of unemployment benefits create jobs?
4.  Can the White House do a better job selling tax increases to the American voter?
5.  Is Ron Paul still a long shot candidate?
6.  Did Tim Pawlenty drop out too early?
7.  Is the U.S. government justified in bailing out the chicken farming industry?
8.  Should the U.S. be on guard for “lone wolf” terror attacks?
9.  Did the Republicans win the Wisconsin recall elections?
10.  How will Rick Perry’s entry into the 2012 GOP primary impact Michelle Bachmann’s candidacy?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 16th-22nd, 2011

1.  Has the world forgotten about Tibet?
2.  What steps does Manmohan Singh need to take to tackle corruption in the Indian government?
3.  Why are Nepalese politics so dysfunctional?
4.  Who is at fault for the Somali famine?
5.  What message is Pakistan sending to the United States by allowing Chinese military engineers to examine the wreckage of a stealth American helicopter?
6.  Should Western government crack down on social media networks in light of the London riots?
7.  Is Syria in a state of civil war?
8.  Will the Libyan rebels defeated Gaddafi by the end of the month?
9.  Does Iraq need American troops to stay in order to fight insurgent groups effectively?
10.  Will Italy’s austerity measures keep it from becoming the next Greece?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 9th-15th, 2011

1.  How will riots in London impact David Cameron’s political standing?
2.  Is Benjamin Netanyahu on the ropes? 
3.  How will the U.S. credit downgrade impact European markets?
4.  Is Libya’s rebel movement fracturing?
5.  Will al-Shabab’s withdrawal from Mogadishu shore up Somalia’s transitional government? 
6.  Is the case against Yulia Tymoshenko politically motivated?
7.  Will Yingluck Shinawatra’s government steer Thailand’s economy in a poor direction?
8.  What needs to be done to save the Spanish economy?
9.  Is Hosni Mubarak receiving a fair trial?
10.  What lessons should be drawn from the London riots?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 9th-15th, 2011

1.  Is S&P’s downgrade warranted?
2.  Will Rick Perry run for president?
3.  Has No Child Left Behind been a failure?
4.  What gun control restrictions can make it out of Congress?
5.  Will Gabrielle Giffords run for re-election?
6.  Should the House Page Program be saved?
7.  Will the recent deaths of 30 U.S. troops in Afghanistan lead to a quicker timetable to withdraw from the country?
8.  What impact will California’s move to award its electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote have on the future of the Electoral College?
9.  Will a new low approval rating for Congress cause another ‘wave’ election in 2012?
10.  How badly will Republicans lose in the upcoming Wisconsin recall elections?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 2nd-8th, 2011

1.  How can a balanced budget amendment pass Congress?

2.  Will the debt ceiling crisis reflect poorly on President Obama in the 2012 presidential election?
3.  Are regulations protecting endangered species too stringent?
4.  Is the American economy in a double dip recession?
5.  What stance should America take concerning the European debt crisis?
6.  Why is Jon Huntsman’s presidential campaign going nowhere?
7.  Is the Tea Party the bigger winner of the debt ceiling crisis?
8.  Was Casey Anthony guilty?
9.  Should teacher-student contact on facebook be limited?
10.  Is the U.S. making a mistake by allowing aid groups to assist Somalia with its food crisis?


HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 2nd-8th, 2011

1.  What should NATO do about Syria?
2.  Could Netanyahu politically afford a peace deal with the Palestinians?
3.  What will Venezuela be like after Chavez?
4.  Will the Socialists lose Spain’s upcoming elections?
5.  What steps should European governments take to blunt the expansion of far right parties?
6.  Is it necessary to put Hosni Mubarak on trial?
7.  How will recent unrest in Xinjiang impact Chinese relations with Pakistan?
8.  Is the AU failing Somalia?
9.  How will the murder of Abdel Fatah Younes impact the Libyan rebel movement?
10.  Are mass resignations by the Turkish military leadership a political victory for the AK Party?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for June 7th-13th, 2011

1.  What impact will Ali Abdullah Saleh’s absence have on Yemen’s political situation?
2.  Did the IAEA mishandle the Japanese nuclear crisis?
3.  Will Humala govern like Chavez or Lula?
4.  How would the fall of the al-Assad regime impact Hezbollah?
5.  Will Greece eventually default?
6.  Does Ban Ki-moon deserve a second term as UN Secretary General?
7.  Will NATO ground troops be needed to topple Gaddafi?
8.  What impact will the latest E. coli outbreak have on Europe’s economy?
9.  Will China’s moves in the South China Sea significantly damage its relations with Southeast Asian nations?
10.  Is France’s television and radio ban of the terms “Twitter” and “Facebook” misguided?

Here are your last International Extemp questions for the 2010-2011 season.  Thank you again for utilizing Extemp Central as your main extemporaneous speaking resource.

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 7th-13th, 2011

1.  How can President Obama frame his re-election campaign so that he is not painted as an incumbent?
2.  Has the auto bailout been a success?
3.  What impact will a joint resolution from Congress have on the conduct of American operations in Libya?
4.  Should the u.S. further extend unemployment benefits?
5.  What does the failed attempt to confirm Peter Diamond to the Federal Reserve say about the state of the confirmation process in the U.S. Senate?
6.  Will the Supreme Court find that California can restrict the sale of violent video games to minors?
7.  How should the U.S. respond to the latest clashes along the Israeli-Syrian border?
8.  Should waivers to the Affordable Care Act be illegal?
9.  How will Andy Weiner’s scandal impact Democrats in 2012?
10.  Will Rick Santorum be a major player in the GOP presidential primary?

These are the final United States Extemp questions for the 2010-2011 season.  We are glad that you have chosen Extemp Central as your top extemporaneous speaking destination.

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 31st-June 6th, 2011

1.  Should federal regulators clear AT&T’s proposed merger with T-Mobile?
2.  Will the Senate confirm John Bryson by 60 or more votes?
3.  Was the recent debt limit vote a political stunt by House Republicans?
4.  Will President Obama’s golf outings hurt him in the next presidential election?
5.  What impact will the Supreme Court’s rejection of a lawsuit against John Ashcroft have on the war on terrorism?
6.  What steps should the federal government take to successfully rebuild Joplin, Missouri?
7.  Are Sarah Palin’s latest antics hurting the GOP presidential field?
8.  Do federal seizures of websites engaged in piracy go too far?
9.  Would the legalization of online gambling bring in significant revenue for the federal government?
10.  Will state attempts to tax the Internet backfire?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 31st-June 6th, 2011

1.  Should a non-European be the next leader of the IMF?
2.  Will Yemen be al Qaeda’s next major operating base?
3.  Can South Africa stop the Libyan war?
4.  Will poor results in mayoral races for Silvio Berlusconi’s governing coalition lead to early elections in Italy?
5.  How can the developing world stop its brain drain?
6.  Should Nigeria adopt a “three child” policy?
7.  Why has Keiko Fujimori taken the lead over Ollanta Humala in pre-election polling?
8.  Does Serbia’s arrest of Ratko Mladic guarantee accession to the European Union?
9.  Have Hamad Karzai’s recent warnings to NATO about civilian deaths weakened his political credibility?
10.  What impact will the closure of all nuclear power plants have on the German energy grid?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 24th-30th, 2011

1.  Should Thailand scrap its lese-majeste laws?
2.  How should Mikhael Saakashvili react to protests that are calling for hsis resignation?
3.  Should there be global rules for the Internet?
4.  How can the Democratic Alliance make greater inroads with black voters in South Africa?
5.  After taking a beating in local elections and considering the level of political unrest in the country, should Zapatero call for early elections?
6.  How should Japan redesign its power grid in light of the Fukushima nuclear disaster?
7.  What steps can the international community take to ensure that Sudan and Southern Sudan do not go to war?
8.  How secure is Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal?
9.  Is it only a matter of time before NATO ground forces are in Libya?
10.  How would a Chinese economic slowdown impact the global economy?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 24th-May 30th, 2011

1.  What impact will President Obama’s call for Israel to return to pre-1967 borders have on the Middle East peace process?
2.  Is President Obama now violating the War Powers Act in regards to Libya?
3.  What is the most effective way to cut defense spending?
4.  Was the filibuster of Goodwin Liu justified?
5.  If you were Herman Cain’s campaign manager, what would be your strategy to help him win the GOP presidential nomination?
6.  Will Vermont’s single payer healthcare system be effective?
7.  Should McDonald’s get rid of Ronald McDonald?
8.  Is the School Turnaround and Rewards Act an effective supplement to No Child Left Behind?
9.  What state will be the key to the 2012 presidential election?
10.  Will Democratic efforts to air ads against Mitt Romney during the GOP primary pay off?
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