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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 31-June 6, 2021

1. Are European sanctions on Belarus going far enough?
2. What is the biggest challenge that China faces in the next decade?
3. Will a change in Israeli political leadership rejuvenate the Middle East peace process?
4. How can the UN prevent a resurgence of violence in Darfur?
5. Are the world’s democracies using too much appeasement with the world’s autocrats?
6. What will Germany look like after Merkel?
7. From its isolated position, what ally should North Korea seek most in the world?
8. Is Eritrea becoming Africa’s biggest security threat?
9. Will Myanmar’s economy continue to suffer under military rule?
10. Have Australian lockdown efforts become too draconian?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 24-30, 2021

1. Has Vladimir Putin effectively sidelined Alexei Navalny?
2. Should Israel worry about the prospect of a Jewish-Arab civil war inside its borders?
3. Why has Nigeria failed to wipe out Boko Haram?
4. Can the WTO’s vaccine patent waiver resolve the impacts of COVID on the developing world?
5. Is the dream of Turkey ever joining the EU dead?
6. Should Saudi Arabia support the Iranian nuclear deal?
7. Is Henrique Cardoso’s backing of Lula’s 2022 presidential bid a major blow to Bolsonaro’s re-election hopes?
8. How strong is Italy’s populist right?
9. Is a rebound in global oil prices a blessing or a curse for the developing world?
10. Will the use of Nazi symbols and anti-Semitic chants at Palestinian protests undermine Western sympathy for the Palestinian cause?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 24-30, 2021

1. Would a U.S. employer mandate on COVID-19 vaccines be constitutional?
2. Is there a sexual counterrevolution underway in America?
3. Should Congress approve President Biden’s proposed increases to America’s bureaucracy?
4. Does the 1619 Project have a place in America’s schools?
5. How might Asian American voters affect the 2022 midterm elections?
6. Could U.S. support for the WTO’s vaccine patent waiver make the U.S. more vulnerable to the next pandemic?
7. Did American schools err by not strictly enforcing truancy laws during this pandemic affected school year?
8. Should the U.S. impose climate tariffs on China?
9. Does the Republican Party need former President Trump’s backing to win the 2022 midterms?
10. How would the creation of free community college affect the structure of high school education in America?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 17-23, 2021

1. Is the CDC’s revision of national masking rules driven more by science or politics?
2. In the wake of recent mergers, should Congress look to pass greater media regulations?
3. Should Matthew McConaughey run for the Texas governorship?
4. What action should the Republican Party take against Matt Gaetz?
5. Should all American schools return to full, in-person instruction next school year?
6. Can Republican moderates build an effective third party?
7. Should states expand legalized gambling to fix their budgetary woes?
8. How can the U.S. get greater Russian cooperation to stop cyberattacks?
9. Is the U.S. education system in need of significant, structural reform at all levels?
10. Does Liz Cheney have a political future?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 17-23, 2021

1. Is Egypt the best actor to facilitate a peaceful resolution to the recent outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas?
2. What role should Japan play in reducing political tensions in Myanmar?
3. Will the recent unrest in Gaza resolve Israel’s deadlocked political situation?
4. Does the EU lack a common vision?
5. Will reduced population growth in China create a long-term inflation problem in the global economy?
6. Should the WTO issue a waiver of patent protections for COVID-19 vaccines?
7. Is one party governance hurting South Africa?
8. What should the international community do about space junk?
9. Is South Korea’s ruling Democratic Party on the ropes?
10. What should be the priorities of Chile’s constitutional drafting process?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 10-16, 2021

1. Is Nigeria becoming more stable?
2. Are India’s COVID-19 struggles becoming a security threat to other South Asian nations?
3. Is Afghanistan’s military ready to fight on its own?
4. Will Germany’s next governing coalition have to involve at least three parties?
5. Should Egypt normalize relations with Turkey?
6. How should Ivan Duque respond to growing protests in Colombia?
7. Should Scotland be allowed to hold a second independence referendum?
8. What is wrong with the British Labour Party?
9. How can the AU work to strengthen the medical infrastructures of member states?
10. Is democracy under assault in El Salvador?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 10-16, 2021

1. Should states continue to open their economies even if there are high levels of COVID vaccine hesitancy in their areas?
2. Can growing grocery prices become a political headache for the Biden administration?
3. Would it be a mistake for House Republicans to ditch Liz Cheney?
4. Should critical race theory be taught in American schools?
5. Does Tim Ryan have a good chance of capturing Ohio’s Senate seat next year?
6. What steps does the U.S. need to take to better protect infrastructure from cyberterror attacks?
7. Was President Trump’s steel tariff policy a disaster?
8. Are federal unemployment benefits discouraging employment levels?
9. Will mRNA vaccines change the future of American medicine?
10. What reforms need to be made to American immigration courts?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 3-9, 2021

1. If Stephen Breyer retires after this term, who should President Biden appoint to replace him?
2. Do Republicans need to create a better alternative to President Biden’s infrastructure bill?
3. Was the pause in administration of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine justified?
4. Will the Biden administration play as active a role in the Middle East process as the Trump administration did?
5. Should there be greater regulations in the horse racing industry?
6. Are American politics going through a significant re-alignment?
7. What does an FBI raid of Rudy Giuliani mean for former President Trump’s legal future?
8. Can Caitlin Jenner win the California governorship?
9. If President Trump is indicted for crimes, should President Biden pardon him?
10. How will cryptocurrency’s change the future of American business?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 3-9, 2021

1. Should Twitter be cooperating with the Indian government’s requests to take down content about COVID?
2. Is Boris Johnson’s political future on the ropes?
3. Does Israel need electoral reform?
4. Should Australia form a military alliance with Taiwan?
5. If the Taliban were to recapture the Afghan government, how would that affect Pakistan?
6. Does Colombia need to pass the Sustainable Solidarity Law?
7. Should Turkey continue to support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia?
8. Has the Venezuelan government lost control over much of its sovereign territory?
9. Should Japan carve a middle course between the United States and China?
10. Will a pivot by the lower house of the Somali parliament for indirect presidential and parliamentary elections reduce the chances of significant armed conflict in the country?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 26-May 2, 2021

1. Is Russia waging an indirect war on the rest of Europe?
2. What does the passing of President Idriss Deby Itno mean for Chad’s future?
3. Should the KMT continue to endorse a closer relationship between Taiwan and China?
4. What reforms does Guatemala need to make to its criminal justice system?
5. Should the IMF call out the United States for its projected budget deficit?
6. What would a large-scale civil war in Myanmar mean for the security of Southeast Asia?
7. How can Cuba’s communist leadership survive another century?
8. Is too much being expected of Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi?
9. How should Pakistani President Imran Khan respond to agitations by the TLP?
10. What do declines in tourism due to COVID-19 mean for Latin American economies?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 26-May 2, 2021

1. Should the U.S. share its COVID-19 vaccine supply with other nations?
2. Is COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and refusal becoming a national security problem for the U.S.?
3. Should the U.S. begin treating China like it treated the Soviet Union during the Cold War?
4. Is the U.S. losing its pre-eminence in space?
5. How will President Biden’s statement on the Armenian genocide affect U.S.-Turkish relations?
6. Does the Supreme Court’s decision in Jones v. Mississippi foreshadow a return to tougher rulings on juvenile crime?
7. Can civilian participation in police review boards create better police forces?
8. Has President Biden enjoyed a successful first hundred days in office?
9. How can the GOP build on President Trump’s inroads with Hispanic voters?
10. Do President Biden’s climate goals go too far?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 19-25, 2021

1. Are America’s small businesses getting enough COVID relief?
2. Why are mass shootings on the rise in the United States?
3. If Democrats pack the Supreme Court, would it cost them the 2022 midterms?
4. Should American police forces be barred from carrying firearms?
5. Is it in the Republican establishment’s best interest to ignore former President Trump?
6. Should Americans view the war in Afghanistan as a failure?
7. Can the U.S. afford a new trillion dollar “social infrastructure” package?
8. Should mask wearing become permanent in the United States?
9. Is there any chance for Republicans to win the New Jersey or Virginia gubernatorial elections later this year?
10. How can President Biden maintain his high approval ratings?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 19-25, 2021

1. Are Chinese development projects worsening economic conditions in Latin American nations?
2. Is Myanmar on the verge of becoming a failed state?
3. If Alexei Navalny were to die in custody, what impact would that have on Russia’s domestic politics?
4. Is Germany’s far-right becoming a major threat to the country’s stability?
5. Should Cuba pursue a closer dialogue with the United States?
6. Is Israel making it more difficult for European nations to bring the United States back into the Iranian nuclear accord?
7. Do the Scottish people really want independence?
8. How can India bring its latest COVID surge under control?
9. Who will win Peru’s presidential runoff?
10. What can the United Nations do to bring greater stability to Tigray?

International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 12-18, 2021

1. Will demographic trends harm China’s geopolitical aims?
2. Why is inflation rising in Argentina?
3. Should the Iraqi government push for a permanent withdrawal of U.S. troops?
4. What should be NATO’s new “grand strategy”?
5. Are global counterterrorism operations in Africa failing?
6. How will Mansour Abbas’ kingmaker role in forming the next Israeli government impact policy?
7. Is space the next frontier for global military conflict?
8. Have international organizations lost their credibility when dealing with autocratic regimes?
9. Is Ashraf Ghani’s political career living on borrowed time?
10. What are the political implications of Brazil’s military creating more distance between itself and President Jair Bolsonaro?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 12-18, 2021

1. Is the Biden administration spending too much money on its policies?
2. How can U.S. states best eliminate fraud in their unemployment systems?
3. Could a race-based tax credit be the best way for the U.S. to pay slave reparations?
4. Does the U.S. risk an escalation of the war in Afghanistan if it does not withdraw U.S. troops by May 1?
5. Is the Biden administration priming itself for a battle to pack the Supreme Court?
6. What should the U.S. do if Russia and Ukraine get into a more protracted military conflict over Eastern Ukraine?
7. Are Hispanic voters drifting to the political right?
8. Should COVID-19 vaccines continue to be distributed equally among states or should more be allocated to states right the highest number of new cases?
9. Will Nikki Haley be the Jeb Bush of the 2024 election cycle?
10. After the defeat in Alabama, how can organized labor make a comeback in America?

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