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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 8-14, 2021

1. Should other states copy West Virginia’s vaccine distribution program?
2. How likely is it that California Governor Gavin Newsom gets recalled?
3. Which U.S. governor has done the best job fighting COVID-19?
4. How should the U.S. respond to the coup in Myanmar?
5. $1.9 trillion for COVID relief: Too big, too small, or just right?
6. Can Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell create a successful rebrand of the GOP before the 2022 midterms?
7. How will Jeff Bezos departing as CEO of Amazon impact the company?
8. Should there be better FDA regulations on toxins in baby food?
9. How can states encourage more racial minorities to enter the teaching profession?
10. Should the Biden administration resume the process of normalizing relations with Cuba?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 1-7, 2021

1. Should the U.S. try to transition to a cashless society?
2. What should the SEC do about the rapid increase of GameStop’s stock price?
3. Should domestic air travelers be tested for COVID-19?
4. Will COVID-19 school closures result in growing demands for school choice in the United States?
5. Should the House censure Marjorie Taylor Greene?
6. How many Republicans will vote for President Trump’s impeachment in the Senate?
7. Could inflation become a major economic problem in 2021?
8. Would it be constitutional for states to use racial preferences in COVID-19 vaccine distribution?
9. Who should the GOP establishment rally around as their 2024 presidential candidate?
10. Should the U.S. continue to designate Yemen’s Houthi movement as a terrorist organization?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 1-7, 2021

1. If the U.S. keeps its designation of China’s repression of Uighurs as a genocide, how should China react?
2. Will there be an independent Scotland within the next decade?
3. How can Brazil avoid a financial default?
4. Why was the world unable to mount a more unified response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
5. How can the world’s existing nuclear power stop other locations from getting the bomb?
6. Are lockdowns doing irreparable damage to the British economy?
7. How might another round of Palestinian elections turn out?
8. What should the African Union do to resolve the Kenya-Somalia border dispute?
9. How democratic can Abdel Fattah el-Sisi allow Egypt to be?
10. Was 2020 a bad year for Internet freedom?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 25-31, 2021

1. How should Vladimir Putin respond to protests to free Alexei Navalny?
2. Will the effects of COVID-19 make China the world’s new superpower?
3. Should Jair Bolsonaro face charges in the Hague over his Amazon policies?
4. Can Afghanistan’s government survive without American support?
5. Is the political hold of Vietnam’s Communist Party weakening?
6. What will be the impact of Russia quitting the Open Skies Treaty?
7. Can Great Britain more effectively fight COVID-19 while outside of the EU?
8. Is growing economist unrest posing a threat to Tunisia’s democracy?
9. Does Mahmoud Abbas need to groom a successor for his role in the Palestinian Authority?
10. Should Australia force Google and other tech firms pay media outlets for their content?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 25-31, 2021

1. Can UBI policies be successful on a local level?
2. Should teachers receive a high priority vaccination status?
3. Could a Trump-led social media alternative do significant damage to Facebook and Twitter’s stock standing?
4. Should there be an increase in the national gas tax?
5. Did President Biden make the right call in stopping the Keystone XL Pipeline project?
6. Is the U.S. relying too much on Special Force units to fight in Afghanistan?
7. When should the national foreclosure moratorium end?
8. Will the GOP be too divided to retake the House or Senate in 2022?
9. Is liberal Christianity replacing evangelical Christianity as the most powerful religious political force in America?
10. Should the U.S. make new demands on Iran as part of rejoining the Iranian nuclear accords?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 18-24, 2021

1. Will Biden’s immigration plan pass Congress?
2. Is right-wing extremism now the largest national security threat facing the United States?
3. Was Parler’s de-platforming justified?
4. Does a $15 increase in the national minimum wage go too far?
5. What impact will the return of the United States to the Paris Climate Accord have on the U.S. economy?
6. Is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis emerging as the GOP frontrunner for 2024?
7. After COVID vaccines are widely distributed, should mask mandates go away?
8. Is the NRA’s political influence waning?
9. Will American race relations improve under a Biden presidency?
10. Does Joe Biden need to copy President Trump’s Middle East policy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 18-24, 2021

1. What can the international community do to lend support to Chinese democratic reform efforts?
2. What economic reforms does Uganda need to take to help young people?
3. Who will be Germany’s next chancellor?
4. Has the world moved on from the “war on terrorism”?
5. Will upcoming Turkish-Greek talks on maritime borders and gas exploration rights bear fruit?
6. Can Boris Johnson’s proposed D10 alliance be an effective counter to China’s rise?
7. If the U.S. rejoins the Iranian nuclear accord, what should Israel do in response?
8. Why is there great mistrust of the Modi government’s farm reform policies?
9. Should Brazil keep subsidizing Ford?
10. How can the UN mobilize global efforts to fight rising food insecurity?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 11-17, 2021

1. Should Japan adopt a universal basic income?
2. Will new oil wealth be a blessing or curse for Cambodia?
3. Should Canada invest more in the Arctic?
4. Will the African Continental Free Trade Area bolster the economic fortunes of the continent?
5. Should NATO create its own bank?
6. How will a Biden presidency shape Turkish behavior toward the U.S. and its goals in the Middle East?
7. Should the Central African Republic be wary of Rwandan support for its existing government?
8. Are economic sanctions against North Korea starting to bear fruit?
9. Is Spain’s ruling coalition drifting too far to the left?
10. How can the world’s fisheries be better protected?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 11-17, 2021

1. Should President Trump be criminally prosecuted for his part in the Capitol riots?
2. Would it be legal for the Senate to impeach President Trump after his term of office was over?
3. If Justice Stephen Breyer steps down, who should Joe Biden pick to replace him?
4. Are states doing a poor job facilitating the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine?
5. Should Vice President Mike Pence invoke the 25th Amendment?
6. How will the Capitol riots impact the 2022 midterm elections?
7. Should the U.S. reduce its involvement in the Mexican drug war?
8. Is social mobility dying in America?
9. Can President Trump legally pardon himself?
10. Should “hybrid learning” become a permanent part of the American education system?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 4-10, 2021

1. Have state governors acquired too much power during the COVID crisis?
2. Is Pete Buttigieg the right choice for Transportation Secretary?
3. Will growing debt levels hinder continued growth in the U.S. stock market in 2021?
4. How long should state eviction moratoriums be extended?
5. Should schools mandate that all teachers receive the COVID-19 vaccine before the beginning of the next school year?
6. Has Gavin Newsom’s handling of COVID-19 hurt his future political aspirations?
7. Should President Trump pardon Julian Assange?
8. What changes should Biden make to America’s foreign policy with Latin America?
9. Should the U.S. be willing to go to war with China over Taiwan?
10. What role will President Trump play in the Republican Party when his term of office ends?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 4-10, 2021

1. Should Indonesia forge a closer relationship with China?
2. Has the idea of liberal internationalism been a failure?
3. Are the 2021 Israeli elections the end of the line for Benjamin Netanyahu?
4. Venezuela’s plan for a digitized economy: progressive thinking or a disaster waiting to happen?
5. Is Pakistan’s military losing political ground?
6. Should South Korea’s leaders abandon any hopes of reunification with the North?
7. Will Great Britain become an EU member again in the foreseeable future?
8. What caused Argentina’s shift on the abortion question?
9. Will Yoweri Museveni win another term as Uganda’s president?
10. Is Hindu nationalism holding India back?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 14-20, 2020

Note: Due to the winter holiday, Extemp Central will not release questions for the next two weeks since the competitive calendar is dormant. New questions will resume on Monday, January 4. We will be spending energy on updating the calendar and results lists over the next several weeks, though, so if there are results we do not have (especially of last year’s state tournaments), please send them to [email protected].  In addition, we are going to be linking content again on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so like Extemp Central on Facebook and follow @extemp on Twitter!

1. Should the world aim to reform the WHO or scrap it and build a completely new international health organization?
2. How can Nicaragua’s opposition win next year’s presidential election?
3. Would Thailand be better off if its monarchy had less power?
4. Do African states need better mining regulations?
5. Why is the Brothers of Italy gaining ground in Italian politics?
6. How can Mexico win its battle against organized crime?
7. Who would be the best mediator of the Afghan peace process?
8. A decade later: Was the Arab Spring a success?
9. Should enlargement be at the core of Europe’s foreign policy?
10. Will Saudi Arabia have a more hostile relationship with a Biden administration than they did with the Trump administration?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of December 14-20, 2020

Note: Due to the winter holiday, Extemp Central will not release questions for the next two weeks since the competitive calendar is dormant. New questions will resume on Monday, January 4. We will be spending energy on updating the calendar and results lists over the next several weeks, though, so if there are results we do not have (especially of last year’s state tournaments), please send them to [email protected].  In addition, we are going to be linking content again on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so like Extemp Central on Facebook and follow @extemp on Twitter!

1. Should Representative Eric Swalwell resign?
2. How would a Texit affect the U.S. economy?
3. Should teachers receive a higher priority status for receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?
4. How can Joe Biden pave the way for Democratic gains in 2022 midterms?
5. Should there be a mandatory retirement age for political officials?
6. Is Terry McAuliffe the frontrunner for the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election?
7. If he jumps in to the race, will Andrew Yang be the next mayor of New York City?
8. How should Facebook counter the recent antitrust lawsuit filed against it?
9. What approach should the Biden administration take on fracking?
10. Is the Democratic Party vulnerable to charges that it is weak on China?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of December 7-13, 2020

1. Is it irresponsible for elected officials to order COVID shutdowns without providing aid to businesses and their workers?
2. Should federal student loans take into account the degree that a student is seeking before disbursing aid?
3. Is AOC more of a benefit or a detriment to the Democratic Party?
4. Should Joe Biden continue some “American first” themes in his foreign policy?
5. Will President Trump’s electoral challenges hurt Republican prospects in the Georgia Senate runoffs?
6. Should Jaime Harrison be the next head of the DNC?
7. Is David Perdue or Kelly Loeffler more likely to win their runoff race?
8. Should Joe Manchin switch political parties?
9. Are President Obama’s recent criticisms about the Democratic Party correct?
10. Should Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act be repealed?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 7-13, 2020

1. Does global capitalism need a “great reset”?
2. Is OPEC falling apart?
3. Should there be a renegotiation of the Iranian nuclear deal?
4. Did the EU lose Turkey?
5. Does Australia have a China problem?
6. Is the international community becoming toothless on human rights issues?
7. Does India need to make modifications to its agricultural policies?
8. Will the world see a revitalization of “liberal interventionism” during a Biden presidency?
9. Why has Nigeria struggled to wipe out Boko Haram?
10. Does NATO need to formulate a better China policy?

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