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Extemp Questions for the Week of October 22, 2012

Here are your extemp questions for the week of October 22, 2012.

United States

Would a popular vote/electoral college split in the 2012 presidential election be enough to bring about a change to the US electoral system?

Is Obama’s popularity worldwide an asset or a hindrance to his re-election chances?

Which third-party candidate has the best chance to act as a spoiler in the 2012 presidential election?

Will the threat of a Black Friday strike lead to a victory for Wal-Mart workers?

With Pandit gone, can Corbat lead Citigroup back to prosperity?

Would a Supreme Court ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act settle the national debate over gay marriage?

Is a state-by-state approach a viable alternative to the Affordable Care Act?

Is the CDC doing enough to combat the efforts of the anti-vaccination movement?

Should the United States consider Russia its number one geopolitical foe?

Is the US doing enough to attract aspiring entrepreneurs from other countries?


What can the Democratic Alliance do to become a credible challenge to the African National Congress in South Africa?

Should the international community take concrete steps to condemn Turkey’s imprisonments of journalists?

Will the suspension of a strike by Peruvian doctors undermine their demands for a pay raise?

Can a European banking union make a substantial contribution to the battle against Europe’s economic woes?

Will BP’s deal with Rosfneft be a boon to UK-Russian relations, or a liability?

Would a decline in German economic growth provide sufficient impetus for political calls for EU dissolution to succeed?

What reforms would best restore the Italian legal system’s credibility in the wake of the L’Aquila earthquake trial?

Will Yanukovych’s attempts to bolster ties with Russia pay off for Ukraine in the long term?

Should the South Korean government do more to restrict popular demonstrations directed at North Korea?

Can Fatah recover from its dismal performance in Palestine’s recent local elections?

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 15, 2012

Here are your extemp questions for the week of October 15, 2012

United States

Is Gawker’s outing of Michael Brutsch as skeezy social-media-ite Violentacrez a cause for concern?

Does Hillary Clinton’s admission of accountability for the embassy violence in Benghazi present an insurmountable difficulty in the likelihood of a 2016 presidential bid?

Should conservatives seize on the reversal of Salim Hamdan’s conviction as a talking point against the Obama administration?

Which strategy represents a better plan for Romney: a focused win in Ohio, or a Wisconsin-Iowa victory?

Should Barack Obama prioritize regaining support among women voters?

Which viral criticism of Romney will have more sticking power among his critics: Sesame Street, or Binders Full of Women?

Real-estate: buy, sell, or hold?

How can Romney make Obama’s management of Libya a favorable position for him among undecided voters?

Should the Federal Government be more active in addressing the male/female wage gap?

With George Zimmerman’s trial date set, will his case return to the forefront of American dialogue, or remain in relative obscurity?


Will new-found unity between Syrian rebels aid them in the quest for international legitimacy?

What is the worst-case scenario for State Department negotiations with Afghanistan regarding withdrawal amounts and dates?

Is Pakistan’s ruling coalition in a position to engage in educational reform?

Will UN reports of Rwandan and Ugandan support for M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo result in sufficient pressure for international action?

What should Honduras’s government prioritize in its plan to reduce regional violence?

Does Pauline Marois’ attack on Francois Hollande’s foreign policy present a new-found challenge in Canadian-French relations?

Should Chinese citizens be excited, or fearful, about the 2012 Communist Party Congress?

Should Ukraine cave to international pressure about its tariff plans?

Does Australia’s newly-established nuclear deal with India present a threat or an opportunity for US interests in the region?

Is newly-released economic data indicating Chinese growth acceleration a sign of change, or an outlier in an ongoing slump?

Extemp Questions – Oct. 8, 2012

Here are your extemp questions for the week of Oct. 8, 2012

United States

Will the Obama administration come to regret its decision to block the purchase of US wind farms by a Chinese company?

Will Romney be able to repeat his 1st debate performance in the upcoming debates?

Will Republican accusations that employment statistics are being manipulated erode Obama’s boost from a lower unemployment rate?

What more can the US do to prepare for the economic burden of retiring Baby Boomers?

Can Romney be trusted to maintain his new “centrist” position?

What can the Federal Government do to ensure that increasing Wall Street profits bring their boon to Main Street?

Will the trial of Abu Hamza have a meaningful impact on the November elections?

Meningitis outbreak: uncontrollable fluke, or symptom of a regulatory oversight?

Would the Obama administration benefit from bringing social issues to the front of the national stage?

What can Romney do to help assure an Ohio victory?


Will Chavez’s victory bring further entrenchment of the “Bolivarian Revolution’s” socialist principles in Venezuela?

Will popular protests disrupt European leaders’ plans to hold the Eurozone together?

Will rising oil revenues in Iraq bring stability, or renewed conflict?

Will Latin American drug decriminalization turn the tide in the fight against drug gangs?

Does Shinzo Abe have a shot at becoming Prime Minister of Japan again?

Would Paraguay’s early re-admittance to Mercosur undermine South cement Franco’s 2013 re-election ambitions?

Can the Rajapaksa administration continue to withstand scrutiny from the UN Human Rights Council?

What can Asia’s economies do to smooth their economic transition from manufacturing to services?

Is Syrian violence in danger of spilling over into Turkey?

Should Iran press forward with its nuclear ambitions?

Extemp Questions – Oct. 1, 2012

Here are your extemp questions for the week of Oct. 1, 2012.

United States

Who will benefit the most from the Apple-Samsung patent war?

Will the 2012 presidential debates change the outcome of the race?

How should the US respond to Russia’s ouster of USAID from the country?

Will the 113th Congress be able to achieve more bipartisan policies than the 112th?

Has the US done enough to prepare Afghanistan for the 2014 withdrawal date?

What lessons does the Chicago Teachers’ Union strike hold for national education policy?

Is California’s ban on “gay conversion therapy” for minors likely to spread nationally?

Is Arizona’s hardline approach to illegal immigration yielding any results?

Do the Republicans have a shot at retaking the Senate majority in 2012?

Will Obama and Romney’s record fundraising spur a fresh look at campaign finance reform?


What should Turkey do to bring about international action to quell the violence in Syria?

Does Russia’s pro-democracy movement have any hope of ousting Putin?

Do Georgia’s recent elections signal the beginning of the end for Saakashvili?

Are the days of cheap East Asian labor coming to an end?

Has Italy seen the last of Berlusconi in office?

Is Angela Merkel a shoo-in for re-election in 2013?

Does Capriles have what it takes to govern a post-Chavez Venezuela?

Does the threat of Boko Haram warrant AU assistance to Nigeria?

What should Cristina Fernandez do to bring Argentina’s inflation under control?

How should Russia respond to the brewing tensions between Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan?

Extemp Questions – Sept. 24, 2012

Here are your questions for the week:

United States

Which battleground state will prove most important in the 2012 presidential election?

Will the controversy over Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage have a meaningful impact on the Massachusetts senate race?

Will the “replacement ref” controversy lead the NFL to concede to the referee’s demands?

Will voter ID laws last beyond the 2012 election cycle?

Has the presidential campaign disrupted Obama’s ability to fulfil his presidential duties?

Was it wise of Newt Gingrich to raise funds for Todd Akin’s Senate race?

As we enter the 2012 election, how should Republicans plan for 2016?

Does the media focus on election polling distract from substantive campaign issues?

Should the IRS audit churches that participate in “Pulpit Freedom Sunday?”

Do the strong efforts by Obama and Romney to court the Latino vote represent a substantial inclusion on the issues, or is it mere political theatre?


Will Ahmadinejad’s grandstanding in New York increase the chances of an Israeli first strike?

What should China’s top priority be in its ongoing territorial dispute with Japan and Taiwan?

Does the UN have the political will to resolve the food crisis in Syria?

Will Mohamed Morsi’s address to the United Nations have a lasting impact on Egyptian foreign relations?

Does Spain’s EU bailout represent a turning point in the Eurozone’s financial struggles?

Should the UK open an investigation into Trafigura’s conduct in the Ivory Coast?

Do Manmohan Singh’s reforms go far enough to restore India’s economic competitiveness?

What should the AU do to combat Al Qaeda’s influence in North Africa?

Should Mexico’s mass-arrest of police officers be viewed as a positive sign, or an ill omen?

Will Israel’s plan to issue additional work permits to Palestinians help relieve the tension between Israelis and Palestinians?

Extemp Questions – Sept 19, 2012

Here are your questions for the week:

United States

Should Romney apologize for his comments about the 47%?

Can Romney win the electoral college without winning Florida?

Will 2012 be another victory for anti gay marriage ballot measures?

Does “Innocence of Muslims” show that US needs stronger hate speech laws?

Which will provide the greater advantage: Obama’s field office advantage, or Romney’s Super PAC money?

Has Marissa Mayer set Yahoo on path to success?

Have Democrats effectively taken national security away from Republicans as an election issue?

What impact will immigration have on Arizona politics now that new, stricter laws are coming into effect?

Does Chick Fil-A’s decision not to give money to groups that oppose gay marriage represent a substantial victory for the LGBTQ community?

Were government investigators right to clear Eric Holder in their investigation into operation Fast and Furious?


Has “Innocence of Muslims” caused permanent damage to US relations with Libya?

Would the rise of a Japanese 3rd party lead to gridlock or progress?

Should Chinese leaders be worried that anti-Japan protests could spill over into broader unrest?

Should Russia have kept its diamond reserves a secret?

Is British government destined for further devolution of power?

Will this year’s record low Arctic ice cover spur international action?

Are the recent Dutch elections a sign of greater political stability to come?

Will Spain make it through its debt crisis without an ECB bailout?

How should France respond to its cartoons mocking the prophet Mohammed?

Should India’s government press forward with its unpopular economic reforms?

Extemp Questions- Sept. 10, 2012

Here are your practice extemp questions for the week of September 10, 2012.

United States

Do early leads in September polling indicate that Obama is a shoo-in for the November election?

Should NBC have aired the Paralympics?

Who should blink in the game of chicken between Chicago teachers and Mayor Rahm Emanuel?

As Ryan and Obama trade barbs over the budget, who will best imbue their viewpoint on budget matters upon the American public?

With the labor force participation rate so low, to what extent will the unemployment rate factor into American voters’ minds?

Will the next Congress be willing to address entitlement reform?

Which speaker from this year’s party conventions is most likely to be a serious contender in 2016?

How can the US avoid going over the so-called “fiscal cliff” this fall?

Does the Buffett Rule have any hope of becoming policy?

Does Netanyahu have any hope of compelling Obama to establish a “red line” for Iran before the November election?


What impact will the transfer of Bagram prison to Afghan control have on the NATO operations in the country?

Can Kenya remain a stable nation?

What impact will the controversy over the murder conviction of Iraqi vice president al-Hashemi have on the political system in Iraq?

Should the Doha Development Round be abandoned as a failure?

Is China’s slowing growth likely to spur renewed stimulus measures from the Chinese government?

Can Francois Hollande fulfill his promise to turn the French economy around in 2 years?

Will rising food prices lead to another round of global 2007-style food riots?

Will bad luck plaguing his attempts to reform Nigeria’s energy market sink Goodluck Jonathan?

Should the Parti Quebecois seek another referendum on Quebec’s independence?

What can be done to prevent the death of the Caribbean coral reefs?

Extemp Questions- Sept. 4, 2012

Here are your practice extemp questions for the week of September 4, 2012.

United States

What can Mitt Romney do to increase his appeal to Latino voters?

How can Obama move beyond “You didn’t build that” as a sticking point for his campaign?

Which political party will benefit the most from the party conventions?

Will a focus on social issues help or hinder Republicans in the 2012 Congressional races?

After his convention speech, is Paul Ryan still an asset to the Romney campaign?

Will Apple’s patent victory over Samsung have a lasting effect on competition in the smartphone market?

After Facebook’s flop, will investors be on board for future tech company IPOs?

Does the handling of Hurricane Isaac indicate that the US still hasn’t learned the lessons of Katrina?

Will the recent spate of high-publicity mass shootings lead to any real changes in US gun control policies?

Are we finally witnessing a true recovery of the US housing market?


Will the influx of Syrian refugees be too much for Syria’s neighbors to handle?

What do renewed Sino-Indian military exercises herald for the relationship between China and India?

Will next month’s peace talks with FARC rebels yield any lasting progress?

Does Moody’s downgraded EU financial outlook increase the chance of a breakup for the Euro?

Can Enrique Pena Nieto turn the tide in the fight against Mexico’s drug gangs?

Which organisation has a better chance of resolving territorial disputes in the South China Sea: ASEAN or APEC?

Can Muhammad Morsi successfully steer Egypt’s economy into recovery?

Will David Cameron come to regret the decision to reshuffle his cabinet?

Does Ethiopia have a brighter future without Meles Zenawi?

What should Jacob Zuma do to defuse the violent conflict between mine workers and mining companies?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 5th-11th, 2012

1. Did the West blow Ukraine?
2. What impact will the impending withdrawal of NATO forces in Afghanistan have on Pakistan?
3. Should foreign embassies stop doing air pollution readings in China?
4. Will Omar al-Bashir ever stand trial before the ICC?
5. What impact will closer ties between Russia and China have on international security?
6. Is the IAEA the only international body that can prevent a U.S.-Iranian war?
7. If the euro collapses, is it Germany’s fault?
8. What is the legacy of Queen Elizabeth II?
9. What impact will the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi have on al-Qaeda?
10. Has Libya been better off without Gaddafi?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 5th-11th, 2012

1. Will the Supreme Court render the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional within the next four years?
2. Why are more Americans identifying themselves as politically independent?
3. Can the Paycheck Fairness Act bolster President Obama’s standing with female voters?
4. Is marijuana harmless?
5. Should the Justice Department try to put John Edwards on trial again?
6. How can Elizabeth Warren settle the controversy surrounding her Native American heritage?
7. Does New York City’s proposed plan to go after soda consumption take the “nanny state” too far?
8. What is responsible for the rise in unemployment last month?
9. If Marco Rubio were made the vice-presidential candidate for the Republican Party, would it severely dent Obama’s lead among Hispanic voters?
10. What impact will the result of the Wisconsin recall have on this year’s presidential contest?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 29th-June 4th, 2012

1. Will the price of Facebook’s stock continue to erode?
2. Should drones be used for survelliance purposes within American borders?
3. Can President Obama politically afford to get the U.S. involved militarily in Syria?
4. Is it wise for Romney campaign with Donald Trump?
5. What can states do to crack down on bath salts?
6. Can Rahm Emanuel’s crime-fighting plan cure the street violence in Chicago?
7. Why did the U.S. fail to meet NCLB proficiency goals?
8. Did Bob Dylan deserve the presidential Medal of Freedom?
9. Should President Obama worry about the outcome of the West Virginia and Kentucky primaries?
10. Is Portman a good vice-presidential choice for Romney?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 29th-June 4th, 2012

1. How will a revision of the Brazilian Forest Code impact Dilma Roussef’s political standing?
2. To Israel does Turkey matter?
3. How will the arrest of Lindsay Sandiford impact British-Indonesian relations?
4. Should Nepal create states based on ethnicity?
5. Why have international talks concerning Iran’s nuclear program failed?
6. Are protests against China spreading in Tibet?
7. Is India’s outreach to Myanmar a challenge to China?
8. How damaging is the Vatileaks scandal to the Roman Catholic Church?
9. Will the Houla massacre lead to international intervention in Syria?
10. Who will win the Egyptian presidential run-off?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 22nd-28th, 2012

1. Does the idea of national borders still mean something in the 21st century?
2. How can the world prevent a major war between Thailand and Cambodia concerning the Preah Vihear temple?
3. What impact has the border dispute between Sudan and South Sudan had on their respective economies?
4. Were concerns by the Netherlands and the United States over the publication of a study on human-to-human transmission of the bird flu overblown?
5. Does Thein Sein deserve the next Nobel Peace Prize?
6. Has David Cameron handled the phone hacking controversy effectively?
7. How can the Castros ensure that communism remains a force in Cuba after their death?
8. Are anti-poverty programs an effective way to end drug wars across Latin America?
9. What would be the international impact of a free trade agreement between Japan, South Korea, and China?
10. How long will Hollande’s honeymoon period last?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 22nd-28th, 2012

1. If the Democrats were to regain control of the House in the 2012 elections, should they return Nancy Pelosi to the Speaker’s chair?
2. Will Europe heed President Obama’s economic advice?
3. Does the government need to design a new way to measure unemployment?
4. Were concerns by the Netherlands and the United States over the publication of a study on human-to-human transmission of the bird flu overblown?
5. What is the appropriate role of technology in American schools?
6. Was Dharun Ravi’s sentence too light?
7. What would be a “responsible” way to end the Afghan war?
8. Will looming tax hikes on the rich at the end of 2012 impair economic growth?
9. Is the birther movement strengthening or weakening President Obama’s candidacy?
10. Can the Republicans win Wisconsin in the 2012 presidential race?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 16th-22nd, 2012

1. What does the future hold for Yahoo!?
2. Do laws against texting while walking go too far?
3. Should President Obama veto the rewritten Violence Against Women Act?
4. What reforms need to be made to the TSA?
5. Will California voters approve Jerry Brown’s tax plan?
6. What impact could Ron Paul have on the Republican National Convention?
7. Would it be wise for the House GOP leadership to challenge President Obama on the debt ceiling before the 2012 elections?
8. Should the FBI charge George Zimmerman with a hate crime?
9. What impact will JPMorgan’s $2 billion loss have on federal regulation of financial markets?
10. Should the DNC move the Democratic National Convention out of North Carolina?

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