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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 18th-24th, 2010

1.  Should the U.S. put off new sanctions on Iran in light of Iran’s agreement to send low-enriched uranium to Turkey?
2.  What steps can the federal government take to ensure that another offshore oil drilling disaster does not occur?
3.  Should Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango have been granted asylum?
4.  Are public employee unions too powerful?
5.  How optimistic should GM executives be after the company posted its first quarterly profit in three years?
6.  Will Eric Holder file a lawsuit against Arizona’s new immigration law? 
7.  Should ethnic studies programs be banned?
8.  How big of a blow to school reform advocates is the decision by Central Fall High School to rehire much of its staff who were fired earlier this year?
9.  What did Tuesday’s primaries say about the mood of the American electorate?
10.  Does the Supreme Court’s ruling in US v. Comstock demonstrate that federalism is not a high priority among the Court’s conservatives?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 11th-17th, 2010

1.  Should Congress tax oil companies to pay for the Gulf oil spill?
2.  Will Charlie Crist be Florida’s next senator?
3.  Should the U.S. rethink the use of drones in Pakistan?
4.  Is Obama interfering too much in the Greek debt crisis?
5.  Are furloughs of state workers illegal?
6.  Was Kagan a shrewd Supreme Court choice?
7.  Can the tea party sustain its momentum through election day?
8.  Should Obama campaign for Specter?
9.  Does an audit of the Federal Reserve significantly violate its independence?
10.  Now that David Cameron is prime minister, will America’s relationship with Britain improve?

Note:  I’m sorry about the delays in the posting of some information over the last week.  This week has been finals week @ WKU so my attention has been taken up by that.  This Thursday will feature the return of R&D for Extemp TOC topic areas.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 11th-17th, 2010

1.  Who will be the next British prime minister?
2.  Is Honduras’s Truth Commission legitimate?
3.  Why are Bolivia’s unions turning against Evo Morales?
4.  How can China convince North Korea to abandon its nuclear program?
5.  Is Pakistan doing enough to root out terrorism within its borders?
6.  Will new corrupt allegations lead to the collapse of Berlusconi’s government?
7.  Should the Liberal Democrats align themselves with Labour or the Conservatives?
8.  Does Syria or Iran pose a bigger immediate threat to Israel?
9.  Did Nigeria handle the Yar’Adua fiasco effectively?
10.  Will the violence in Greece prevent other European nations from tackling their fiscal problems?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 4th-10th, 2010

1.  Will Merkel’s decision to prop up Greece severely damage her political standing in Germany?
2.  Does the formation of a governing coalition of Shia parties in Iraq undermine attempts to reconcile with the nation’s Sunni minority?
3.  Will Spain’s decision to speed up banking reform prevent a Greek-style meltdown?
4.  How much will Yukio Hatoyama’s flip flop on getting the U.S. out of Okinawa cost him politically?
5.  Will the interim Kyrgyzstan government force the U.S. military out of the country?
6.  Is South Africa prepared to host the World Cup?
7.  Why has Iran agreed to make Brazil the mediator for a deal on providing it with nuclear fuel?
8.  Should China do more to push North Korea towards economic reforms?
9.  How can Israel be convinced to scrap its atomic weapons?
10.  If the Conservatives get a disappointing election result is David Cameron gone?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 4th-10th, 2010

1.  Will the declaration of the size of the U.S. nuclear arsensal place more international pressure on Iran?
2.  Is Chris Christie’s decision to replace John E. Wallace Jr. on the New Jersey Supreme Court a blow to judicial independence?
3.  Does the U.S. need to find a more cost effective way to do the census?
4.  How would the imposition of the “Oz law” impact future elections?
5.  Will the Gulf oil spill be Obama’s Katrina?
6.  Should there be a national prescription drug monitoring program?
7.  How will the planned merger between United and Continental impact the airline industry?
8.  Should a bailout fund exist within the financial reform bill?
9.  Will boycotts of Arizona force the state to change its law targeting illegal immigration?
10.  What impact will the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have on the U.S. economy?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 27th-May 3rd, 2010

1. Does the fight over financial reform still carry significant resonance with American voters?
2. How will political problems in Iraq impact plans to withdraw all U.S. combat forces this summer?
3. Would the imposition of a VAT cost Obama re-election?
4. Will the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico put a damper on efforts to expand offshore drilling?
5. Can more gun control solve Chicago’s homicide problem?
6. Will Charlie Crist’s reported decision to run as an indepedent cost the GOP its Florida Senate seat?
7. Is the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates too low?
8. Do the signers of public petitions have a right to privacy?
9. Does the Supreme Court’s ruling in the “Mojave Cross” case enhance or destroy First Amendment rights?
10. Will Congress pass comprehensive immigration reform this year?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 27th-May 3rd, 2010

1.  What impact will Russia and Norway’s agreement on their Arctic maritime border have on oil and natural gas exploration in the region?
2.  Will the ECFA make Taiwan overly dependent upon China?
3.  How should the international community handle the Chernobyl nuclear site?
4.  Should the Arab League accept the Obama administration’s proposal for indirect Middle East peace negotiations?
5.  How critical is Yemen to the war on terrorism?
6.  Will Belarus extradite Bakiyev?
7.  If Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, will the United Nations become another League of Nations?
8.  Will Jaroslaw Kaczynski replace his late brother as Polish president?
9.  If Labour comes in third in the popular vote, should Gordon Brown remain prime minister?
10.  Can King Bhumibol solve Thailand’s political crisis?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 20th-26th, 2010

1.  Does Jacob Zuma need to be firm with Julius Malema?
2.  Will the Liberal Democrats be the kingmakers of the upcoming British elections?
3.  Are efforts taken to dismantle Al Qaeda in Iraq succeeding?
4.  Does Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas need to step down?
5.  What does the SPLM gain from the latest Sudanese elections?
6.  Is the arrest of Victoire Ingabire a sign of a clampdown on political opposition in Rwanda?
7.  Should Israel inaugurate a new series of “land for peace” deals?
8.  What signal does Ukraine’s extension of a lease on Russia’s naval base in the country send to the West?
9.  Is France’s ban against the niqab unconstitutional?
10. How should Pope Benedict XVI deal with the latest church abuse scandal?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 20th-26th, 2010

1.  What role will abortion play in this summer’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings?
2.  Is it possible for Democrats to steal the tea party’s message?
3.  How can President Obama project more strength on the Iranian question?
4.  Do problems with Massachusetts healthcare model foreshadow problems that will occur under Obamacare?
5.  Is President Obama losing the support of the gay  community?
6.  Do the ends justify the means for the FDA’s plans to limit the amount of salt that is allowed in processed foods?
7.  Are the recent allegations against Goldman Sachs politically motivated?
8.  How should the Supreme Court rule in Christian Legal Society v. Martinez?
9.  Will the ongoing Fort Hood investigation be an embarassment for the Obama administration?
10.  What impact would Charlie Crist’s departure from the GOP have on the party’s national image?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 13th-19th, 2010

1. Are unemployment benefit extensions hurting the speed of the economic recovery?
2. How far to the left should Obama go in choosing a successor for John Paul Stevens?
3. Why have the U.S. Treasury’s foreclosure-prevention programs failed to get off the ground?
4. Is the tea party movement a growing national security threat?
5. Will Arizona’s passage of a strict illegal immigration bill be replicated in other states?
6. Should the federal government do more to rein in the payday loan industry?
7. Why is financial reform turning into a partisan issue?
8. Was Mitt Romney’s victory in the Southern Republican Leadership Conference straw poll a strong indication that he will be his party’s nominee for president in 2012?
9. Will environmental advocates in the Senate be able to craft a bill that will woo moderate Republicans?
10. Does the victory of Ted Deutch in Florida show that predictions of a strong GOP victory in 2010 are premature?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 13th-19th, 2010

1.  Why is violence among labor unions rising in Venezuela?
2.  Will Pakistan’s move to curb presidential powers bring more stability to the nation’s political system?
3.  How will the tragic death of Lech Kaczynski and other members of the Polish political elite impact the nation’s relations with Russia?
4.  Should Kurmanbek Bakiyev flee Krygyzstan?
5.  How much does the military matter in Turkish politics today?
6.  Was it a mistake for FIFA to give South Africa the World Cup?
7.  How can the Conservative Party stop the bleeding and win next month’s parliamentary elections in Britain?
8.  Why is the far right gaining ground in Hungary?
9.  Did Netanyahu make the right decision in choosing not to attend President Obama’s nuclear summit?
10.  How would China react if America adopted a tougher approach to its currency practices?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 6th-12th, 2010

1.  Will the upcoming British election result in a hung Parliament?
2.  How badly does the West need Hamid Karzai?
3.  Are electoral boycotts a counterproductive strategy for opposition parties across the globe?
4.  Would nuclear power be better than other alternative energy sources for Africa?
5.  How can India successfully defeat the Naxalites?
6.  Is a military coup the answer to Thailand’s deteriorating political situation?
7.  What impact will the murder of Eugene Terreblanche have on South African politics?
8.  Will ASEAN criticism of Myanmar’s election laws result in significant changes ahead of the nation’s elections this year?
9.  How much of a blow to NATO is Ukraine’s decision to scrap plans to join the organization?
10.  Has Israel lost Turkey?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 6th-12th, 2010

1.  What should the U.S. do with captured Somali pirates?
2.  Should the U.S. continue to link political reform in Cuba to a lifting of its embargo on the island nation?
3.  Does the elevation of Mike Leavitt as RNC Chief of Staff spell problems for the party’s 2010 hopes?
4.  Is the White House exaggerating the progress made in the latest jobs report?
5.  Are Obama’s plans to revamp America’s nuclear defense strategy sensible?
6.  Will the Performance Rights Act bankrupt local radio stations?
7.  Are high oil prices a reflection of economic recovery or yet another sign of economic distress for the U.S.?
8.  Should college athletes be paid?
9.  Why is Meg Whitman leading Jerry Brown in the California governor’s race?
10.  Should Elena Kagan replace John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 30th-April 5th, 2010

1. Is Charlie Crist toast in Florida?
2. Will new student loan reform legislation help college students?
3. Do American schools have a bullying crisis?
4. How can the U.S. government increase the number of people who participate in the Census?
5. Should the Obama administration impose a peace settlement between the Israeli and Palestinians?
6. Will the Republicans be as opposed to financial reform as they were to healthcare reform?
7. How can the Democrats win the PR war over healthcare reform?
8. Does the appointment of Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board reignite the national debate over card check?
9. Will California voters legalize marijuana in November?
10. Is President Obama’s tougher stance against Republican opposition a sign of strength or of desperation?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 30th-April 5th, 2010

1.  What does the low turnout for the recent regional elections in Italy say about the state of politics in the country?
2.  Would it be in Colombia’s best interest to exchange captured FARC rebels for hostages?
3.  How can Nicolas Sarkozy turn around his dismal approval ratings?
4.  Are Arab hardliners being strengthened by the current spat between the United States and Israel?
5.  Will Greece’s economic difficulties permanently prevent Britain from joining the euro zone?
6.  How should Russia respond to the recent Moscow subway attacks?
7.  Is it wise for Burma’s opposition to boycott the country’s upcoming elections?
8.  Will China’s hostility to internal criticism be a roadblock in its path to becoming a global economic superpower?
9.  How can China improve the safety of its mines?
10.  If Turkey is willing to support sanctions against Iran, should the EU offer it immediate membership?

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