
by Logan Scisco

Although extemporaneous speaking is an analytical event that requires extempers to read about current events, draw conclusions from a variety of sources, and communicate the facts of the day to an audience that may or may not be proficient in the ways of the world, the delivery aspects of the event are sometimes lost in the shuffle when it comes to preparation and coaching.  Competitors become so nervous about remembering the growth rate of the Thai economy, the history of the Second Amendment, and the names of miscellaneous Obama administration officials that they forget to make their delivery stand out in a round.  Using your brain to remember information and regurgitate it on cue is only one element of extemporaneous speaking and the analytical nature of the event is not an excuse to not take a few cues from the interpretation world in refining one’s delivery to accompany one’s analysis.  This strategy piece will discuss the importance to three areas where “interping” one’s extemp can be valuable:  facial expressions, pacing, and vocal tone.