Tag: extemp files Page 18 of 23

R&D: Poll Data, the American Auto Market, and the ‘Blame Bush’ Strategy

Here is your R&D for August 4th:

Earmarks Could Help Candidates in Midterms; Palin and Tea Party Connections Could Hurt from the Pew Research Center
In a useful poll, the Pew Research Center evaluates the willingness of voters to back candidates who bring money back to their district, have President Obama campaign for them, and are independent.  There is also additional polling on energy policy.

GM, Ford and Chrysler Sales All Lag Estimates from Bloomberg
American automaker sales came in below estimates because of consumer fears about the economy.

The real reason Dems are tying GOP to Bush from the Washington Post
Does the Democrats “blame Bush” strategy still carry weight with voters?  According to this Washington post article it does.

Pakistan’s Zardari says ‘losing war’ against Taliban ahead of David Cameron meeting from the Christian Science Monitor
In a chilling revelation, Pakistani President Asif Zardari has admitted that his country is losing its fight against the Taliban.  Find out why in this article.

How To Lower Unemployment from the Brookings Institute
William A. Galston in an article in the New Republic argues that America needs a new model to fight unemployment.

R&D: Afghanistan, Lebanon, and an Interesting Israeli-Iran Solution

Here is your R&D top five for August 3rd:

The No-Win War by the Washington Post
Columnist Eugene Robinson discusses the frustrations of the Afghan war and how the U.S. has no real definition of victory.

Planned Arrest Warrants Create Political Challenge for Lebanon’s Hariri from Der Spiegel
Lebanon’s coalition government may grow more unstable after revelations that some members of Hezbollah may have played a role in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Price for a potential Israeli strike on Iran? A Palestinian state from the Christian Science Monitor
In an interesting opinion-editorial column, Andy Zelleke and Robert Dujarric propose that the U.S. should allow Israel to attack Iran if they agree to give the Palestinians a state.

Obama reaffirms Iraq withdrawal timeline from the Los Angeles Times
President Obama is attempting to paint a bright picture of the Iraq war as troop reductions continue on schedule.

Connecticut Looks Into E-Book Price Deals from the New York Times
In a controversial move, Connecticut Attorney General and Democratic Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal is investigating deals by Amazon and Apple to offer cheap electronic books.  Blumenthal alleges that these deals might be harmful to consumers.

R&D: News You Can Use

Here is your R&D top five for August 2nd:

Raise My Taxes, Mr. President! from Newsweek
Columnist Fareed Zakaria argues that the country can’t afford the Bush tax cuts.

Corrupt or just clueless? You decide from the Chicago Tribune
Editorial columnist Clarence Page discusses recent Democratic corruption scandals on Capitol Hill.

The Palestinians, Alone from the New York Times
Efraim Karsh, a professor of Middle East and Mediterranean studies at King’s College discusses how Arabs are losing interest in the Palestinian question.

Terrorism row: David Cameron refuses to back down on Pakistan terrorism remarks from the UK Telegraph
British Prime Minister David Cameron is in hot water over comments about Pakistan’s commitment to the war on terrorism.

In Iowa Tour (Already), Republican Tests His Voice from the New York Times
Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is already testing support for a 2012 presidential bid in Iowa.

CFL Nats R&D: Labor, Treasury, Commerce

California’s Budget Crisis: Greece is the Word from the Economist

Financial Overhaul Bill Poses Big Test for Lobbyists from the New York Times

Taming debt? It’s easy. Until you try from the Christian Science Monitor

Banker knives out for House-Senate reform panel from Reuters

Financial-Bill Playbook: Don’t Mess Around from the Wall Street Journal

Obama administration officials to prod China anew on currency from the Kansas City Star

CFL Nats R&D: Education, Health & Human Services, Housing & Urban Development

Texas board to finish social studies guidelines from the Associated Press

Schools, students sue state over funding from the San Francisco Chronicle

U.S. schools chief: We’re in ‘educational emergency’ from CNN

Pawlenty won’t go after federal education grant from Business Week

Education chief says 300,000 teachers could lose jobs from the Boston Globe

New financial regulations bring tougher rules for mortgage borrowing, lending from the New Jersey Star Ledger

What the healthcare law means for small businesses from the Los Angeles Times

CFL Nats R&D: Agriculture, Interior, Energy, Transportation

Farmers say risk management program too complex from Business Week

Tesla to build electric cars at Northern California plant from the Los Angeles Times

U.S. Bans Japan Beef Imports After Foot-And-Mouth Outbreak  from Bloomberg

EPA scolds BP in Gulf oil spill: dispersant is too toxic, change it from the Christian Science Monitor

Interior Secretary Salazar provides details on plan for Minerals Management Service from the Washington Post

Obama to Mandate Rules to Raise Fuel Standards from the New York Times

CFL Nats R&D: The State Department

Clinton’s New START Misstatements from the Heritage Foundation

US-Mexico tensions darken visit of President Felipe Calderón from the Christian Science Monitor

Mexico-U.S. Relations: What’s Next? from the Americas Quarterly

Japan, US to end base row: reports from the Agence France Presse

The Say-Do Gap and Obama’s Engagement Strategy from the Center for a New American Security

Seoul’s Charges Usher In New Tensions from the Wall Street Journal

U.S. envoy urges leading Iraqi politicians to look beyond personal ambitions from the Washington Post

CFL Nats R&D: Africa, Australia, and Oceania

South Africa’s World Cup:  Who Profits Most from the Economist

Australian price on carbon is inevitable, concedes Hockey  from the Sydney Morning Herald

Old ills could dash a new southern Sudan’s hopes from the Los Angeles Times

Namadi Sambo confirmed as Nigeria vice-president from the BBC

Deposed PM Says Government Still Exists from Garowe Online

White South Africans use Facebook in campaign to return to Holland from the Christian Science Monitor

Gay Couple Convicted in Malawi from the New York Times

CFL Nats R&D: Europe & Asia

Russia Seeks Energy Cooperation With Ukraine from the Wall Street Journal

EU Finance Ministers Take On Hedge Funds from Der Spiegel

Russia defends Medvedev-Hamas talks from Al Jazeera

Beijing changes tune on nuclear Kim from the Asia Times

David Cameron led Conservatives to Power by Moving to the Center from the Christian Science Monitor

EU, Central American states reach trade deal from Reuters

Thai Strife Threatens Investment from the Wall Street Journal

Ex-Tamil Tiger fighters held in limbo from the BBC

WHO demands immediate end to Gaza blockade from the Agence France Presse

CFL Nats R&D: Americas, Non-U.S.

Each day, Extemp Central will be presenting R&D’s for CFL’s nine topic areas.  It is hoped that extempers can use these as a guide to beef up their files/research for the tournament.

Brazil & Iran Call for New Economic Order from the Latin American Herald Tribune

Gay killings increase in Mexico from the Latin American Post

Haitian Earthquake Survivors Need Social and Economic Rights from Upside Down World

Venezuela Stocks Down 43% in Official Rate US Dollar Terms for the Year from the Latin American Herald Tribune

EU farmers led by France promise to lobby against concessions for Mercosur from MercoPress

Mexico manhunt for missing politician Diego Fernandez de Cevallos from the Christian Science Monitor

Argentina and the World from the Buenos Aires Herald

Venezuela Imposing ‘Draconian Clampdown’ on Markets from the Latin American Post

Massive R&D for the Extemp TOC

With two days remaining until the Extemp TOC gets underway at Northwestern University, Extemp Central provides this long R&D with articles for extempers going to the tournament.  Check in late tomorrow evening for initial coverage of the Extemp TOC.  After registration, we should be able to provide numbers, names, etc. of those competing.

Rogue Thai general who aided ‘red shirts’ is shot in the head from the Los Angeles Times

Will David Cameron hit it off with Obama more than Brown did? from the Christian Science Monitor

BP’s Hayward Says Company Could Have Done More Disaster Preparation from the Wall Street Journal

Does Deep Sea Drilling Have a Future? from Der Spiegel

Afghans’ Distrust Threatens U.S. War Strategy from the New York Times

There are more articles after the jump.

R&D: Domestic Social Issues

Today, since it’s the end of the week, Extemp Central has decided to devote the entire R&D section to domestic social issues, which is a favorite topic area of United States extempers everywhere.

Reid casts wrong vote on health care for second time from CNN

Social Security to See Payout Exceed Pay-In This Year from the New York Times

Gas up $1 a gallon on Obama’s watch from the Washington Times

Comparing NAEP Achievement Data and State Spending from the New America Foundation

Obamacare: The New Battles Ahead from the Cato Institute

Fixing No Child Left Behind from the Wall Street Journal

The Health Care War Isn’t Over from the Brookings Institution

About that government takeover of the student loan business… from the Christian Science Monitor

R&D: President Obama’s Speech on the Passage of Healthcare Reform

For today’s R&D, here is the speech President Obama delivered last night after the House narrowly approved the Senate version of healthcare reform:

R&D: House Looking at Procedurals to Pass Healthcare, Clinton Affirms U.S. Support for Israel, and the Fed Keeps Interest Rates Low

Here is your R&D top ifve for March 16th:

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it from the Washington Post

Hillary Clinton affirms US support for Israel after row from the BBC

Fed holds rates at record lows to foster recovery from the Los Angeles Times

Bloody desperation for Thailand’s reds from the Asia Times

Mexico: Countering Drug Violence from the Council on Foreign Relations

R&D: Hoax in Georgia of a Russian Invasion, North Korean Sanctions, and the Catholic Church Under Fire in Europe

Here is your R&D top five for March 15th:

Russian invasion hoax has Georgia opposition in uproar from the Christian Science Monitor

North Korea under Tightening Sanctions from the International Crisis Group

Pope Remains Silent as Abuse Allegations Hit Close to Home from Der Spiegel

Car bombs explode in Niger delta from Al Jazeera

Obama losing chance to reshape judiciary from the Los Angeles Times

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