Tag: extemp files Page 19 of 23

R&D: Iraq’s Stability in a Post-Election World, America Reconsiders Its Position on the Armenian Genocide, and the National Debt Will Be Higher Than Projected

Here is the R&D top five for March 5th:

After the Elections: Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Iraq from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy

The Armenian Genocide:  Past Imperfect, Present Tense from the Economist

National debt to be higher than White House forecast, CBO says from the Washington Post

In Afghanistan, NATO Denounces an Ally from the Wall Street Journal

Argentina: Defiant Cristina: “this president will pay debts with central bank reserves” from MercoPress

R&D: Justice Dept. Looks into Voting Machine Merger, Brazil’s Stance on Iran, and Bernanke Lectures the Senate on the Budget Deficit

Here is your R&D top five for March 4th:

Justice Dept. probes voting machine merger as midterm elections loom and questions multiply from the Minneapolis Star Tribune

How to Read Brazil’s Stance on Iran from the Council on Foreign Relations

Bernanke to Senate:  If You Want to Fix Job Deficit, Don’t Forget Budget Deficit from the Christian Science Monitor

Chile quake reconstruction ‘to take up to four years’ from the BBC

Syria: Israel trying to frame us from the Jerusalem Post

R&D: Texas Governor’s Race Set for November, GOP Disputes Military Study on Gays, and the Controversy Over the Pentagon Budget

Here is your R&D top five for March 3rd:

Perry to face showdown against White in November from the Houston Chronicle

GOP dismisses military study on gays as biased from the Miami Herald

The Pentagon’s Runaway Budget from Foreign Policy in Focus

Argentina celebrates diplomatic coup as Hillary Clinton calls for talks over Falklands from the London Times

Chalabi takes center stage in Iraq from the Asia Times

R&D: Rahm Emanuel Trying to Steer the President in a Different Direction, Greek Corruption is on the Rise, and Jerry Brown Enters the California

Here is your R&D top five for March 2nd:

The Rahm bomb from the Guardian

Greek Corruption Booming, Says Transparency International from Der Spiegel

Brown in the race to get state “working again” from the San Francisco Chronicle

The Threat from Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh from the International Crisis Group

The Weakening of Turkey’s Military from the Council on Foreign Relations

R&D: Security Concerns After the Chile Earthquake, GOP Moderates Gain Ground in Congress, and Israeli Spies in Lebanon Are Caught

Here is your R&D top five for March 1st:

Security concerns spread as Chile quake death toll rises from CNN

GOP moderates poised to gain ground in Congress from the Los Angeles Times

Israeli Spies in Lebanon:  Not Much Success from the Economist

European Union Moves Toward a Bailout of Greece from the New York Times

The Tea Party is a dynamic force, but it is still unruly and incoherent from the Guardian

R&D: Cuba Clamps Down on Human Rights, Shinawatra Found to Have Abused Power, and Questions About Iraq’s Upcoming Elections

Here is your R&D top five for Februrary 26th:

Death of dissident Orlando Zapata Tamayo leads to clampdown in Cuba from the Times of London

Former Thai Leader Guilty of Abusing Power for Gain from the New York Times

Iraq’s Uncertain Future: Elections and Beyond from the International Crisis Group

UN deplores Gaddafi call for anti-Swiss ‘jihad’ from the BBC

Genocidaires Should Be Hunted Down and Punished – Sarkozy from the New Times (Rwanda)

R&D: Healthcare Summit a Bore, Maryland Agrees to Recognize Same-Sex Marriages, and Google’s Competition Practices Are Evaluated

Here is your R&D top five for February 25th:

Try to stay awake: the President has a healthcare Bill to pass from the Times of London

Maryland attorney general: state to recognize same-sex marriages from the Christian Science Monitor

How Anti-Competitive Is Google? from Der Spiegel

Nigeria:  Is Jonathan Still Acting President? from This Day (Lagos)

“Political intolerance” and “citizen insecurity” rampant in Venezuela says OAS from MercoPress

Super R&D: Google Antitrust Issues, Scott Brown Labeled a Traitor, and Thomas L. Friedman Comments on Iraq

Here is an expanded R&D top 15 for February 24th:

Google faces Brussels antitrust scrutiny from the Financial Times of London

GOP’s Brown branded turncoat for jobs bill vote from the Washington Post

Iraq’s Known Unknowns, Still Unknown from the New York Times

Less to cheer:  A Series of Setbacks for the Coalition in Afghanistan from the Economist

Mugabe’s U.N. Helpers from the Wall Street Journal Europe (coutesy of the Cato Institute)

Capture by “Main Street”: Was the Car Safety Regulatory Agency Asleep at the Wheel? from the Brookings Institution

The Case for Gasoline Sanctions on Iran from the Wall Street Journal

Prison Violence and Security in Latin America from Upside Down World

Our Taliban from Foreign Policy in Focus

The IMF to Greece’s rescue? from the Japan Times

General Strike Shuts Down Greece from Der Spiegel

Argentina takes Falklands oil dispute with UK to UN from the BBC

Why Evan Bayh Should Not Jump Ship from Rasmussen Reports

L.A. teachers gain control of 22 campuses in reform effort from the Los Angeles Times

Stimulus created jobs, but no real optimism from the Washington Times

R&D: China and U.S. on Saudi Crude, Obama’s Healthcare Ideas, and ElBaradei as a Potential Presidential Contender in Egypt

Here is your R&D top five for February 22nd:

China taps more Saudi crude than US from the Financial Times of London

Obama to Urge Oversight of Insurers’ Rate Increases from the New York Times

Could former UN nuclear boss ElBaradei bring democracy to Egypt? from the Christian Science Monitor

U.S. Stepping Up Engagement with Syria from the Los Angeles Times (courtesy of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy)

Brazilian Optimistic About EU-Mercosur Pact from the Latin Ameican Herald Tribune

Expanded R&D: The Workability of a Debt Reduction Task Force, What’s Wrong in Washington, and Arab Fears of a Nuclear Iran

Yesterday we weren’t able to bring you R&D due to some technical difficulties so today we bring you an expanded R&D for February 19th:

Why the President’s Debt Reduction Task Force is Vital – and Might Work! from the Brookings Institution

What’s Gone Wrong in Washington?  from the Economist

Why Arabs fear a nuclear Iran from the Sydney Morning Herald

In surprise move, the Federal Reserve raises a key discount rate from the Christian Science Monitor

California Death Spiral from the New York Times

China buys some time in Pyongyang from the Asia Times

Military-Rebel Clashes Drive Indians Off Their Land in Colombia from the Latin American Herald Tribune

Obama to get specific on healthcare legislation from the Los Angeles Times

De Boer’s Resignation is Catastrophic from Der Spiegel

Nato takes heavy casualties in Marjah from the Financial Times of London

R&D: Debt Threat to the Federal Reserve, Cyberterrorism Fact vs. Fiction, and NATO Reinstates Weapons Systems in Afghanistan

Here is your R&D top five for February 17th:

Lone voice warns of debt threat to Fed from the Financial Times

Cyberterrorism Hype v. Fact from the Council on Foreign Relations

NATO reinstates weapons system used in attack that killed Afghan civilians from the Los Angeles Times

UK stern reply to Argentine intention of controlling Falklands’ sea trade from MercoPress

Abkhazia to sign Russian base deal from Al Jazeera

R&D: Bayh Decides Not to Seek Re-Election, Midterm Challenges for Both Sides in 2010, and Clinton Warns of a Nuclear Middle East

Here is your R&D top five for February 16th:

Democratic Sen. Bayh of Indiana won’t run for reelection from the Washington Post

Midterm Election Challenges for Both Parties from the Pew Research Center

Clinton warns of Mideast nuclear arms race from the Miami Herald

Students as Spies: The Deep Politics of U.S.-Colombian Relations from Upside Down World

Strict rules slowing offensive, troops say from the Boston Globe

R&D: Germany’s FDP in Crisis, the Climategate Controversy Continues, and US-China Ties Hurt Over Tibet

Here is your R&D top five for February 15th:

German Foreign Minister Under Pressure over Domestic Rants from Der Spiegel

Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995 from the UK Daily Mail

Speaking too softly from the Economist

Burundi: Ensuring Credible Elections from the International Crisis Group

Chavez Launches New Venezuela Market, Promises “Fair Prices, No Profits” from the Latin American Herald Tribune

R&D: The State of Nigerian Democracy, U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Iran, and Patrick Kennedy Says ‘No’ to a Re-Election Bid in 2010

Here is your R&D top five for February 12th:

How Yar’Adua Has Improved Nigerian Democracy from Pambazuka News

Putting Political Change in Iran First from the Council on Foreign Relations

Kennedy won’t run for re-election in RI from the Houston Chronicle

Robert Bobb: No more unearned promotions for students from the Detroit Free Press

Ishikawa exits DPJ; foes want him out of Diet from the Japan Times

R&D: Merkel Rules Out Greek Bailout, Preparations for Healthcare Summit, and Obama Won’t Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hikes

Here is your R&D top five for February 11th:

Angela Merkel dashes Greek hopes of rescue bid from the Guardian

Lawmakers gear up for healthcare summit meeting from the Christian Science Monitor

Obama ‘Agnostic’ on Deficit Cuts, Won’t Prejudge Tax Increases from Business Week

Israel decides: No independent probe of Gaza war from the Jerusalem Post

Senators advance bipartisan jobs bill from the San Francisco Chronicle

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