Tag: extemp files Page 2 of 23

R&D: The UN Human Rights Council


Today’s R&D provides information on the United Nations Human Rights Council.


R&D: The Twitter IPO


Today’s R&D covers the upcoming Twitter initial public offering (IPO).  This means that shares in the company are going to be be open for the public to purchase.


R&D: Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.


R&D: Michael Bloomberg & His Legacy


Today’s R&D covers outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s legacy and his continued involvement in political activities regarding health, education, and gun control.


R&D: India’s Relations with China


Today’s R&D provides articles for extempers on India’s foreign relations with China.  The two growing Asian economic powers are seen as future global superpowers, but internal problems may undermine the attainment of their geopolitical goals.



R&D: Healthcare.Gov Problems


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on the problems facing healthcare.gov.


R&D: Venezuela’s Economy


Today’s R&D provides sources on Venezuela’s economy, which is facing significant problems.  Analysts wonder if these problems will produce the end of the Bolivarian Revolution begun by former Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.


R&D: NSA Spying Activities Against France


Today’s R&D explores recent revelations that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been doing extensive electronic surveillance in France.



R&D: Government Shutdown Aftermath (2013)


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on the aftermath of the recent government shutdown.


R&D: New Jersey Senate Race


Today’s R&D provides articles on this week’s New Jersey’s special election for the U.S. Senate.  Democratic candidate and Newark mayor Cory Booker defeated Republican candidate Steve Lonegan by a ten point margin, 55-45%.  Despite the convincing win, political analysts noted that Booker underperformed and Lonegan clawed back from a forty point deficit earlier in the race, but could not find enough votes for victory in a traditionally “blue” state.  Democrats gained a Senate seat from the win, since Booker will replace Republican Jeff Chiesa, who Governor Chris Christie appointed to the seat after the death of Senator Frank Lautenberg in June.


R&D: Unrest in Libya


Today’s R&D provides extempers with resources on the problems facing Libya, which has been in a state of disrepair since the Arab Spring toppled longtime dictator Moammar Gaddafi from power in 2011.



R&D: Janet Yellen & The Federal Reserve


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve.


R&D: British Welfare Reform


Today’s R&D covers proposed reforms to the British welfare system.  The Conservative Party has proposed measures to reform the British welfare system to discourage long-term joblessness.  This is also in reaction to anti-immigration sentiment on the British right.


R&D: Voter ID Laws


Today’s R&D covers voter ID laws, which have produced considerable controversy for the last decade in American politics.  Those in favor of the laws argue that it prevents illegal immigrants from voting and voter fraud, but opponents argue that they are not needed, impose an unfair barrier on the poor, and violate the Twenty-Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of poll taxes.  The Justice Department is currently suing several states, with North Carolina being the most recent (which is why most of the articles below cover North Carolina), over its voter ID law.


R&D: 2013 German Federal Elections


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on the 2013 German federal elections.



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