Tag: extemp files Page 20 of 23

R&D: January Jobs Report, China is the World’s Top Exporter, and Ukraine Drifts Back into Russia’s Orbit

Here is your R&D top five for February 10th:

The Jobs Report for January 2010 from the Brookings Institution

China confirmed as world’s top exporter from the Financial Times

Ukraine heads back into the arms of Mother Russia from the Christian Science Monitor

Iran’s Fateful Choice from Foreign Policy in Focus

More Students Taking, and Failing, A.P. Tests from the New York Times

R&D: John Murtha’s Death, Obama’s Relations with the EU, and the State of the Obama Presidency

Here is your R&D top five for February 9th:

Veteran congressman’s death adds to Barack Obama’s woes from the Guardian

Obama and EU: Shedding Rose-Colored Glasses from the Council on Foreign Relations

President Obama Day 386: What’s happened to him? from the Los Angeles Times

Sudan: Hague Court Attacks Prosecution Evidence as ‘Weak,’ ‘Unreliable’ from AllAfrica.com

In landslide, Costa Rica elects its first woman president from the Boston Globe

R&D: Israeli Case for War with Syria, Iran Military Research, and Sarah Palin’s Future in 2012

Here is your R&D top five for February 8th:

Israeli case for war with Syria – and Lebanon from the Asia Times

Iran to make ‘advanced’ attack drones from the UK Telegraph

Sarah Palin hints at presidential run in 2012 from the Christian Science Monitor

In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P. from the New York Times

Serious Play: War Games Explore Options on Iran from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy

R&D: Scott Brown Sworn In, India Creates New Climate Change Body, and Defense Spending A Top Issue

Here is your R&D top five for February 5th:

With Scott Brown sworn into Senate, parties shift strategies from the Christian Science Monitor

India forms new climate change body from the UK Telegraph

Deficits in a Growing Defense Budget from the Council on Foreign Relations

Millennials’ Lukewarm Support For Health Care Bills from the Pew Research Center

Toyota chief apologizes for recalls from the Los Angeles Times

R&D: Nuclear Threat from North Korea, The Future of Oil, and Frustrations Over Haiti Relief Efforts

Here is your R&D top five for February 4th:

Nuclear missile threats to U.S. mount from the Washington Times

Beyond the black stuff (Oil) from the Economist

Scattershot Aid Efforts Spur Frustration in Haiti from the Latin American Herald Tribune

CrisisWatch N°78, 1 February 2010 Report from the International Crisis Group

The Next Great Transformation:  Should the U.S. look to China? from Foreign Policy in Focus

R&D: Paul Ryan Presents GOP Ideas, Military Chief Speaks Out Against ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’, and a Whistleblower on IDF Operations in Gaza

Here is your R&D top five for February 3rd:

Rep. Paul Ryan: ‘Rationing happens today! The question is who will do it?’ from the Washington Post

Military Chief Says Gay Ban Should Go from the Wall Street Journal

‘IDF risked civilians to save soldiers’ from the Jerusalem Post

Nigeria: Yar’Adua – Hand Over, Resign Or Get Impeached – Media Owners from the Leadership of Abuja

SPD Leadership Duo Tries to Lead the Party Back to Relevance from Der Spiegel

R&D: Largest Government Payroll on Record, Financial Pressure on Al-Qaeda, and The Impact of U.S. Budget Deficits

Here is your R&D top five for February 2nd:

Largest-ever federal payroll to hit 2.15 million from the Washington Times

Al-Qaeda’s Financial Pressures from the Council on Foreign Relations

Deficits May Alter U.S. Politics and Global Power from the New York Times

Venezuela Declared a “Disaster Zone” for Free Speech, Journalism from the Latin American Herald Tribune

Inviting Centrists to the Tea Party from the Pew Research Center

R&D: School Choice, US Playing Chicken with Iran, and Obama’s Budget Plans

Here is your R&D top five for February 1st:

Expanding Meaningful School Choice and Competition from the Brookings Institute

US raises stakes on Iran by sending in ships and missiles from the Guardian

Obama’s budget includes $100-billion jobs plan from the Los Angeles Times

Oil, glorious oil (Angola) from the Economist

Obama’s Gutless Missile Defense Policy from the Washington Times

R&D: Clinton Fires Warning Shot at China, Experts Fear Economic Problems, and Russia Vows Action on Politkovskaya

Here is your R&D top five for January 29th:

Clinton Warns China on Iran Sanctions from the New York Times

Experts See Another Global Dip Ahead from the Wall Street Journal

Police Vow to Punish Politkovskaya’s Killers from the Moscow Times

Honduras’ Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo: Another Disaster for Central American Democracy Waiting in the Wing from Upside Down World

It Is Past Time for Macedonia to Join NATO from the Heritage Foundation

R&D: Obama Stays the Course, Honduras Still Not Receiving U.S. Aid, and Yemeni Trained Extremists Invading Gaza

Here is your R&D top five for January 28th:

Embattled Obama stays course in State of Union from the Christian Science Monitor

Honduras Lobo moving “in the right direction”, but no US aid restoration yet from MercoPress

When Yemen Meets Gaza from ForeignPolicy.com

Voters in Oregon OK tax hikes for some from the Los Angeles Times

Democratic anger goes public in prime time from the Guardian

R&D: Sri Lanka’s President is Reelected, Obama’s Biggest Foreign Policy Quandary, and Bubbles in China

Here is your R&D top five for January 27th:

Sri Lanka’s President Wins Decisive Reelection from the New York Times

Obama’s Biggest Foreign Policy Quandary from the Council on Foreign Relations

Central Heating:  Is China’s Economy Growing Too Fast?  from the Economist

Immigration issues tests Haiti-Dominican relations from the Miami Herald

Obama and Biden’s Dreams for the Middle Class from the Brookings Institution

R&D: Bill Clinton’s Shadow, Frustration over Unemployment, and Kirchner Receives a Knockdown in Argentina

Here is your R&D top five for January 26th:

Bill Clinton’s Revenge:  The former president casts a shadow over the State of the Union from the Wall Street Journal

Forget the deficit; people need jobs from the Chicago Sun-Times

Court Delivers New Blow to Argentine Government Debt Payback Plan from the Latin American Herald Tribune

US approves Taiwan arms sale from Al Jazeera

Obama to seek spending freeze, more aid to middle class from the Los Angeles Times

R&D: Nukes in Tehran, Axelrod defends Obama, and Pakistan Without Zardari

Here is your R&D for January 25th:

Intelligence from Tehran Elevates Concern in the West from Der Spiegel

Axelrod: voter backlash against Obama was unavoidable from the Christian Science Monitor

In disrepute:  The countdown to the post-Zardari era begins from the Economist

Public’s Priorities for 2010: Economy, Jobs, Terrorism from the Pew Research Center

Democrats Seek to Counter Court Ruling on Political Spending from the Wall Street Journal

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for January 22nd:

Fed’s Bernanke Faces Tighter Vote in Senate from the Wall Street Journal

Honduras closer to normality: Zelaya leaves when Lobo takes office from MercoPress

Haiti earthquake: U.S. army prepares Guantanamo Bay for waves of refugees from the UK Daily Mail

Obama moves to cut big banks down to size from the Christian Science Monitor

Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness from the Council on Foreign Relations

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for January 21st:

Justices Overturn Key Campaign Limits from the New York Times

Pakistan snubs US over new Taliban offensive from the BBC

Obama Proposes New Bank Regulations from the Wall Street Journal

Who Lost Chile? Conservative Multi-Millionaire is President Elect from Upside Down World

Africa: Crackdowns on Gays Make the Closet Safer from Irin PlusNews

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