Tag: extemp files

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D for November 20th:

Europe Chooses Nobodies from Der Spiegel
Note: This article has a nice chart on the EU’s new structure.

A Tilt Away From Social Issues for the GOP from the New York Times

Mixed Messages from Asia (Interview) from the Council on Foreign Relations

‘Netanyahu wants Syria talks without delay, preconditions’ from The Jerusalem Post

The Battle for Angola’s Oil from Foreign Policy in Focus

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 19th:

Iran nuclear deal collapses. Time for US to get tough? from The Christian Science Monitor

Senate Health Plan Seeks to Add Coverage to 31 Million from the New York Times

Battle of the Budget Bulge from the Pew Research Center

Foreign Aid Not Good for Africa from The Zimbabwe Herald

Venezuela Opposition Under Pressure to Consolidate Before Election Run-Up from the Latin American Herald Tribune

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 18th:

The U.S.-China Economic Relationship: Separating Facts from Myths from the Council on Foreign Relations

She’ll Be Back:  Sarah Palin and the State of the Republican Party from the Economist

3 Democrats Could Block Health Bill in Senate from the New York Times

Iraq VP vetoes new election law from the BBC

The worst is yet to come: Unemployed Americans should hunker down for more job losses from the New York Daily News

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 17th:

N.A.A.C.P. Prods Obama on Job Losses from The New York Times

Nuclear Agency Warns of More Iran Plants from The Wall Street Journal

Reid considers raising Medicare tax for high earners from The Los Angeles Times

Why the Afghan Surge Will Fail from Foreign Policy in Focus

GOP Dark Horses for 2012 from RealClearPolitics

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 16th:

Israel rejects Palestinian statehood bid via the UN from The Christian Science Monitor

Passing the baton on healthcare reform from The Economist

Sino-Indian rivalry fuels Nepal’s turmoil from The Asia Times

Census: Small US cities lose luster in downturn from the Atlanta Journal Constitution

Obama ‘Straddling Debate’ on Prosecuting 9/11 Prisoners (Interview) from The Council on Foreign Relations

ALSOthe Economist now offers a weekly quiz from its magazine.  Read it the magazine and check it out here!

R&D: The Top Five New Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 13th:

Bosnia’s Dual Crisis from the International Crisis Group

Key 9/11 Suspect to Be Tried in New York from The New York Times

A Victory for Islamism:  The Second Lebanon War and Its Repercussions from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Americans and Western Europeans Agree on Afghanistan-Pakistan Extremist Threat from the Pew Research Center

Hints of a new chapter in Nigeria from The Economist

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 12th:

Gambling with the dollar by George Will in the Washington Post

Brazilian Senate suspends vote on Venezuela’s Mercosur admission from MercoPress

Obama fails to resuscitate the Middle East peace process from the Guardian

Palestine: Salvaging Fatah (Report) from the International Crisis Group

Majority vote could be used to decide on EU jobs by the Irish Times

BONUS‘A Referendum on This White House’:  Obama’s Plan to Nationalize the Midterm Elections May Backfire by Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 11th:

Climate Change and Africa’s Natural Resources from Foreign Policy in Focus

Are Democrats nearing civil war over healthcare reform? from The Christian Science Monitor

Possible agency missteps debated (on Fort Hood shooting) from The Washington Post

Hamas’s Ideological Crisis from The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Republicans Edge Ahead of Democrats in 2010 Vote from Gallup

R&D: Top 5 News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today [Berlin Wall Special]

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall yesterday, here is a special R&D with stories that will help you gain some perspective on the fall of the wall.

November 9 Marks Highs and Lows in German History from Der Spiegel

Russian mixed feelings 20 years after Berlin from the BBC

The Guard Who Opened the Berlin Wall:  ‘I Gave my People the Order — Raise the Barrier’ from Der Spiegel

Leaders in Berlin Retrace the Walk West from The New York Times

After the Berlin Wall, nostalgia for communism creeps back from The Christian Science Monitor

R&D: Top 5 News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 10th:

Post-Depression first: Americans get more money from government than they give back from The Christian Science Monitor

Rethinking the Two State Solution from The Council on Foreign Relations

Rubio takes tougher stance from The Miami Herald
Note: This concerns the GOP primary for Florida’s Senate seat in the 2010 midterms where Rubio is running against current Florida Governor Charlie Crist.  Rubio is seen as more conservative than Crist and the article describes how Rubio is taking a firm line on illegal immigration in an attempt to win the primary.

Highest unemployment rate in 26 years: Obama’s jobs challenge from The Christian Science Monitor

Mrs. Kirchner blames opposition and the press for social unrest feeling from MercoPress
Note: This story also has links to other stories concerning Argentina’s relations to media outlets.

R&D: Top 5 News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here are your top five news stories for November 9th, 2009:

Underlying Causes of Insecurity in Afghanistan from Foreign Policy in Focus

Obama has lost sight of the centre from The Financial Times

Iraq passes new election law, smoothing way for January elections from The Christian Science Monitor

Chavez Tells Venezuelans to Prepare for War from The Latin American Herald Tribune

Fort Hood tragedy rocks military as it grapples with mental health issues from The Los Angeles Times

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