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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 22-28, 2022

1. Has Turkey’s central bank lost is credibility?
2. Should global powers work to contain the Taliban?
3. Does China have the upper hand in disputes over the South China Sea?
4. Should North Korea take up Yoon Suk-yeol’s “audacious initiative” of denuclearization in return for normalized relations?
5. Can the liberal international order be rebuilt?
6. How are hypersonic missiles changing global security calculations?
7. Should Western governments increase their regulation of the Internet?
8. Why is Mexico’s judiciary so slow?
9. Should the Dutch government retreat from its nitrogen emissions goals?
10. How can Kenya avoid a wave of violence after its presidential election?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 22-28, 2022

1. How would a Liz Cheney presidential bid affect the 2024 Republican presidential primary?
2. Is the U.S. investing enough in renewable energy?
3. What changes should be made to the Internal Revenue Service?
4. Should hybrid work become the norm?
5. How should the U.S. respond to reports of Iranian efforts to assassinate John Bolton?
6. Will former President Trump face legal charges for mishandling classified documents?
7. Is Greg Abbott’s policy of busing migrants to blue states achieving its objective?
8. Should the U.S. provide significant support to anti-Taliban rebels in Afghanistan?
9. If President Biden chooses not to run for re-election, will there be a large number of candidates trying to win the Democratic presidential nomination in 2024?
10. Which member of President Biden’s cabinet is most likely not to be in their position by this time next year?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 15-21, 2022

1. Will the FBI’s raid in Mar-a-Lago significantly imperil Donald Trump’s chances of winning the Republican nomination in 2024?
2. Is the GOP blowing their opportunity to recapture the Senate?
3. Will the Federal Reserve have to crush the U.S. economy in order to tame inflation?
4. Should more states embrace open primaries?
5. What revisions should be made to privacy laws to prevent unwanted intrusions by Big Tech?
6. Why did Representative Ilhan Omar come so close to losing her primary?
7. How should colleges respond to declining attendance numbers?
8. What should U.S. economic engagement with the African continent look like?
9. Is panic about polio in New York City overblown?
10. How will the megadrought in the West affect agricultural markets?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 15-21, 2022

1. Did Hamas make a wise choice staying out of Islamic Jihad’s recent fight with Israel?
2. Is the West’s drive for green energy accelerating environmental damage to developing countries?
3. If Ukraine were to recapture Crimea, how would that change its war with Russia?
4. Does Turkey need a strong relationship with the United States?
5. What changes should the West make to its counterterrorism strategies in the 2020s?
6. Is Central America drifting into authoritarianism?
7. Will de-globalization be one of the lasting legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic?
8. Is Bolsonaro planning a coup?
9. Can Xi Jinping politically afford to not “liberate” Taiwan?
10. Will Western Europe suffer an energy crisis this winter?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 8-14, 2022

1. Will the UN deal with Russia and Ukraine help alleviate projected global food problems?
2. What does the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri mean for the future of al-Qaeda?
3. Will the finding of Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul make it more difficult for the Taliban to eliminate Western sanctions against its rule?
4. Are Israel and Hamas headed toward another war in Gaza?
5. Will NATO have to intervene to calm tensions between Serbia and Kosovo?
6. Is ISIS rising again?
7. Why is al-Shabab attacking Ethiopia?
8. Can Sergio Massa fix Argentina’s economy?
9. Should Germany make a U-turn on nuclear power?
10. What does the Haitian government need to do to control rising gang violence?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 8-14, 2022

1. How can the U.S. prevent going to war with China over Taiwan?
2. Should Congress create regulations for NIL in college athletics?
3. Is it too late for the Democrats to win the House?
4. Can the U.S. do anything to halt Central America’s slide toward dictatorship?
5. Is the declining unemployment rate the best signal of America’s economic health?
6. Will the U.S. see another surge of COVID-19 this winter?
7. Is the Alex Jones verdict a significant victory in the fight against fake news?
8. How much aid should the U.S. continue to give to Ukraine?
9. Can Charlie Crist win Florida’s gubernatorial race?
10. What lessons should pro-life forces learn from the electoral failure in Kansas?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 1-7, 2022

1. Should Speaker Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan?
2. Is the U.S. economy in recession?
3. What steps should news organizations in their reporting of monkeypox so as not to stigmatize the LGBTQ+ community?
4. Is former President Trump making it harder for Republicans to win control of the Senate this fall?
5. Should President Biden announce his 2024 intentions the day after the midterm elections?
6. Is the era of mask mandates over?
7. Should the U.S. invest more in nuclear energy?
8. Will the Manchin-Schumer deal reduce the federal deficit?
9. Did the Uvalde school shooting mark a turning point in the debate about gun violence in America?
10. Is Google guilty of anti-trust violations?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 1-7, 2022

1. What should Russia demand for the return of Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan?
2. Can the West do more to alleviate the emerging food crises in the developing world?
3. Should ASEAN suspend Myanmar’s membership?
4. Will Liz Truss be Britain’s next prime minister?
5. Is Turkey the best party to broker a larger peace deal between Russia and Ukraine?
6. Should China launch a military takeover of Taiwan?
7. How will Germany’s energy crisis affect the country’s Green Party?
8. Is Pakistan the next Sri Lanka?
9. Who will form Iraq’s next government?
10. Should Latin American governments end energy subsidies?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 6-12, 2022

Note:  These will be the last extemp questions of the 2021-2022 season.  New questions will resume the first week of August.

1. To what degree is corporate consolidation to blame for America’s inflation woes?
2. What reforms should police departments make in responding to active shooter events at schools?
3. Would massive Democratic losses in the 2022 midterms hurt their chances of winning the 2028 presidential election?
4. Which member of his cabinet should President Biden dismiss?
5. Is the use of trade rights an effective strategy for the U.S. in countering China?
6. Which gubernatorial election in 2022 is most important for Democrats?
7. Is the rise of left-wing politicians in Latin America helpful or harmful to U.S. foreign policy goals?
8. Should the media stop treating Hispanic voters as a monolithic bloc?
9. How will OPEC’s decision to boost oil production affect the U.S. economy?
10. Are “red flag orders” constitutional?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 6-12, 2022

Note:  These will be the last extemp questions of the 2021-2022 season.  New questions will be posted the first week of August.

1. Will rising energy costs push Europe into recession?
2. Are Saudi efforts at “sportswashing” working?
3. Is it in Western Europe’s interest to prolong the war in Ukraine?
4. Who will win Colombia’s presidential election?
5. Should Great Britain pay reparations to its former Caribbean colonies?
6. Do Justin Trudeau’s gun reforms go too far?
7. Should the UN re-impose sanctions on Eritrea?
8. What is the biggest problem with Pakistan’s economy?
9. Has Hassan Sheikh Mohamud been an effective leader of Somalia?
10. Will food shortages create a bigger refugee crisis for the EU this year?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 30-June 5, 2022

1. What lessons should the Chinese government learn from the West’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
2. Should Spain stop deporting asylum seekers to Algeria?
3. What preparations should Israel make for Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon?
4. Should Australia adopt a softer foreign policy toward China?
5. Is there anything the African Union can do to ease food shortages across the continent?
6. Should the UN conduct an inquiry into the death of Shireen Abu Akleh?
7. Why is Latin America turning left?
8. Should Afghanistan continue to provide a haven for the TTP?
9. Can Lebanon’s new parliament put the nation on the path to recovery?
10. Should the West allow Russian oligarchs to buy their way out of sanctions?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 30-June 5, 2022

1. Should teachers be armed?
2. How will U.S. businesses deal with labor shortages?
3. Should Democrats make gun control the centerpiece of their midterm election campaign?
4. Who will win Los Angeles’ mayoral election?
5. Will the Uvalde school shooting lead to new gun control legislation?
6. Should NASA prioritize a mission to Mars or to an asteroid?
7. Will former President Trump’s mixed primary record embolden potential challengers to him in 2024?
8. How will the Uvalde school shooting affect Texas’ gubernatorial race?
9. What steps should U.S. cities take to protect their residents from the affects of climate change?
10. Should the U.S. end its policy of “strategic ambiguity” on Taiwan?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 23-29, 2022

1. How should the U.S. use international institutions to achieve its foreign policy goals?
2. What steps should the Biden administration be taking to prevent a major COVID-19 wave in the fall?
3. Is the U.S. providing too much military aid to Ukraine?
4. What role, if any, should the United States play in helping to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in North Korea?
5. Is John Fetterman the future of the Democratic Party?
6. Should the U.S. enact compulsory voting?
7. What lessons should public schools learn from the 2021-2022 school year?
8. Does the U.S. need a Disinformation Governance Board?
9. Will Elon Musk withdraw his bid to buy Twitter?
10. If the Supreme Court refused to recognize a right to privacy, what impacts would that have on American jurisprudence?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 23-29, 2022

1. Should France pay reparations to Haiti?
2. What helped the Labor Party return to power in Australia?
3. Will monkeypox become the next global pandemic?
4. What does Macron’s new cabinet suggest about his political priorities?
5. Should Israel cease its military strikes in Syria?
6. Could Sri Lanka’s economic struggles lead to the re-emergence of the Tamil Tigers?
7. Is the Accra Initiative failing?
8. Who is likely to be Colombia’s next president?
9. What reforms should be made to the African Development Bank?
10. Is the idea of a global minimum tax deal dead?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 16-22, 2022

1. How should Western European nations respond to Turkish threats to block Finland and Sweden from joining NATO?
2. Will political deadlock in Northern Ireland escalate into a wider conflict between Great Britain and the European Union?
3. Is Venezuela’s stock sale a good buy for foreign investors?
4. Will a recent COVID outbreak create a humanitarian disaster in North Korea?
5. How will drought in the Horn of Africa affect neighboring countries?
6. Should the Japanese government move to reduce the U.S.’s military presence in Okinawa?
7. Would electoral reform stabilize Somalia?
8. How should the Israeli government respond to footage of riot police attacking pallbearers at the funeral of Shireen Abu Akleh?
9. What effect would the adoption of the euro have on Croatia’s economy?
10. If the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to go poorly, will Vladimir Putin be removed from power by the end of the year?

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