Tag: February 2008 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of February 27th-March 4th, 2008

1. Is Nader a spoiler?

2. How should the upcoming Iranian parliamentary elections be viewed?

3. Is the idea of a North American Union realistic?

4. What is the legacy of Fidel Castro?

5. How should Medicaid be reformed?

6. Is the WTO finally getting tough on China?

7. Can Al Gore unify a fractured Democratic party?

8. Is the world ignoring drug resistant TB at its peril?

9. How should the U.S. war on drugs be changed?

10. Should there be public financing of all U.S. election campaigns?

Extemp Questions for the Week of February 20th-26th, 2008

1. Should the U.S. have recognized Kosovo’s independence?

2. Is Myanmar’s plan for constitutional reform a farce?

3. If you were Obama’s campaign manager, how do you deliver a knockout blow to the Clinton campaign?

4. Has Ukraine become the battleground of a new Cold War?

5. Who won the Hollywood writers strike?

6. What does Fidel Castro’s resignation mean for Cuba’s immediate future?

7. After losing $722 million in the fourth quarter of 2007, what’s next for GM?

8. What has President Bush’s Africa trip accomplished?

9. Should the Church of England be disestablished?

10. How can John McCain endear himself to conservative voters?

Extemp Questions for the Week of February 13th-19th, 2008

1. Should Mike Huckabee withdraw from the GOP race?

2. Would it be wise for Hugo Chavez to cut off oil exports to the U.S.?

3. Who is winning the culture wars?

4. How can the Netherlands better integrate its Muslim population?

5. What do Latino voters not like about Barack Obama?

6. Would a stronger African Union create a more stable Africa?

7. Is America doing enough to bridge the literacy gap?

8. Who should John McCain choose as his vice-presidential candidate?

9. Is the press reading too much into the Russian-U.S. military scuffle in the Pacific?

10. Can the federal budget be balanced within the next five years?

Extemp Questions for the Week of February 6th-12th, 2008

1. Who was Super Tuesday’s biggest winner?

2. Who was Super Tuesday’s biggest loser?

3. Will Burlesconi be the next Italian prime minister?

4. Should the Internet be more heavily regulated?

5. Were the conclusions of the Israeli inquiry into Israel’s war with Lebanon correct?

6. Who is to blame for the recent outbreak of violence in Chad?

7. Is the world being too silent about China’s human rights abuses in the run up to this summer’s Olympic games?

8. Can NATO afford to lose Afghanistan?

9. How soon will Iran have a nuclear weapon?

10. Does a cost effective alternative energy solution currently exist?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 30th-February 5th, 2008

1. Was Obama’s win in South Carolina meaningful?

2. Have oil prices peaked?

3. Should Colombia’s government cease labeling FARC as a terrorist organization?

4. What does a KMT rout in recent legislative elections mean for future Taiwan-Chinese relations?

5. Is Egypt harming the Middle East peace process by allowing people to cross its Gaza border?

6. What would be the best stimulus package for the U.S. economy?

7. Are the prospects for political compromise in Iraq any better now than before the U.S. troop surge?

8. Should the GOP base support John McCain over Mitt Romney?

9. What does the future hold for No Child Left Behind?

10. Should organ donation be mandatory?

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