Tag: February 2016 extemp questions

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 29-March 6, 2016


HOTtopics1. How can African nations improve trade throughout the continent?
2. Are Bolivians tiring of “Bolivarian socialism”?
3. Has austerity failed the EU?
4. Can NATO afford for Great Britain to eliminate its Trident submarine fleet?
5. Will the deployment of an AU mission to Burundi exacerbate the nation’s political crisis?
6. How should ASEAN respond to China’s militarization of the South China Sea?
7. What effect will Iran’s parliamentary elections have on the nation’s foreign policy?
8. Does the Syrian ceasefire most benefit Assad or the forces aligned against him?
9. How would significant victories by the European far right in European elections in 2016 and 2017 affect Russian foreign policy?
10. Is the UN doing enough to ensure proper behavior by its peacekeeping forces?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 29-March 7, 2016


HOTtopics1. Should the next U.S. president realign America’s ties with Israel?
2. Does the U.S. need to upgrade its arsenal of nuclear weapons?
3. Should minimum wage laws be set at the federal, state, or local level?
4. Will the U.S. have a constitutional amendment limiting campaign donations by 2021?
5. Should President Obama nominate a Republican to the Supreme Court?
6. How can Donald Trump get Mexican officials to pay for a border wall?
7. Are major American cities doing enough to combat homelessness?
8. John Kasich or Marco Rubio: Which candidate should drop out of the Republican presidential primary?
9. How should universities deal with state imposed funding cuts?
10. Is fiscal rather than monetary policy the answer for what ails the American economy?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 22-28, 2016


HOTtopics1. Is a significant recession coming to higher education?
2. Do political endorsements matter?
3. Is America becoming a less conservative country?
4. What regulations, if any, should be imposed on Uber?
5. Will Apple experience commercial benefits due to its refusal to work with federal authorities?
6. Has President Obama’s Asian “pivot” failed?
7. Will Bernie Sanders remain in the Democratic presidential primary until Philadelphia?
8. How should the U.S. react to China’s militarization of the South China Sea?
9. Does Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio have the best chance of defeating Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary?
10. Who should President Obama select for Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 22-28, 2016


HOTtopics1. Should Iran back regional limits on oil production?
2. Is the Britain-EU deal enough to keep Britain in the EU?
3. What role should the Catholic Church play in combating Zika in Latin America?
4. Should the West care about Ukraine’s political dysfunction?
5. Will a new cabinet strengthen Malcom Turnbull’s political position?
6. How can Angela Merkel secure the cooperation of Eastern European countries on the admission of more Middle Eastern refugees?
7. Can negative interest rates reinvigorate the Japanese economy?
8. Will the Saudi-Russian agreement on oil production lead to an eventual recovery of global oil prices?
9. What steps should Haiti take to ensure a fair presidential poll in April?
10. Will the Munich agreement stabilize Syria?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 15-21, 2016


HOTtopics1. Will the recent Syrian truce lay the foundation for a larger peace deal by the end of the year?
2. What is responsible for Haiti’s political dysfunction?
3. Will Francois Hollande be the Socialist Party’s candidate for the French presidency in 2017?
4. Can Iraq reunify after ISIS is defeated?
5. Should South Korea permanently end its participation in the Kaesong industrial project?
6. Is Narendra Modi failing to capitalize on low global commodity prices?
7. Does Yoweri Museveni deserve another term?
8. Is a poor EU deal enough to avoid a “Brexit”?
9. Will the Saudi-Iranian rivalry strengthen Israel’s position in the Middle East?
10. Is the South Sudanese civil war nearing a conclusion?


HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 15-21, 2016


HOTtopics1. Will the U.S. Senate confirm a replacement for Antonin Scalia before the 2016 presidential election?
2. What is the “political establishment”?
3. What implications does the death of Justice Antonin Scalia have for ongoing Supreme Court cases?
4. Should the Social Security retirement age be raised?
5. Is the U.S. healthcare system prepared for Zika?
6. Should the U.S. re-evaluate its relationship with Saudi Arabia?
7. How would a big victory by Donald Trump in the South Carolina Republican primary affect the trajectory of the 2016 Republican presidential contest?
8. Would Iran-style sanctions on North Korea have a similar effect?
9. Are the concerns of Western states with federal land management policies legitimate?
10. Will South Carolina resolve the battle between Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 8-14, 2016


HOTtopics1. Who was the biggest winner of the Iowa caucus?
2. Does the Black Lives Matter movement need a prominent leader?
3. Will the TPP’s fate hinge on the outcome of the U.S. presidential election?
4. Are the stocks of social media companies overvalued?
5. Why is Hillary Clinton having a hard time winning over younger voters?
6. Should Congress pass President Obama’s oil tax?
7. Will the latest jobs report cause the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at its next meeting?
8. How can Marco Rubio overcome questions about his lack of executive experience?
9. Can the U.S. build a Sunni-led coalition to defeat ISIS?
10. Does the U.S. need to reduce its corporate tax rate?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 8-14, 2016


HOTtopics1. What is the state of the global steel industry?
2. Should the IOC move the Summer Olympics?
3. Who should be Myanmar’s next president?
4. What should Turkey do if Russia continues to violate its airspace?
5. Should the AU send a peacekeeping force to Burundi?
6. What steps does Nigeria need to take to eliminate corruption?
7. Would a higher oil price rescue the Maduro regime?
8. Should the international community impose sanctions on China for continuing to aid North Korea?
9. Would a large-scale Sunni intervention in Syria produce a large-scale regional war in the Middle East?
10. Should Saudi Arabia push for an OPEC production cut?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 1-7, 2016


HOTtopics1. Does the Japanese economy need more quantitative easing?
2. Should more European nations copy Denmark’s push to confiscate the possessions of asylum-seekers?
3. What steps can the Afghan government take to prevent “insider” terrorist attacks?
4. Was Hassan Rouani’s tour of Europe a success?
5. Which regional actor is best positioned to solve Nepal’s ongoing political problems?
6. What is the significance of Portugal’s recent presidential election?
7. Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi: Hosni Mubarak 2.0?
8. What should be the “non-negotiables” in the Syrian peace talks?
9. Does Angela Merkel or David Cameron have the most riding on the EU’s summit later this month?
10. Is the WHO prepared to deal with the Zika outbreak?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 1-7, 2016


HOTtopics1. How can the U.S. get more minority students into computer science programs?
2. Do the Democrats have any chance of taking the House in 2016?
3. Should American police be mandated to take an anti-racism pledge?
4. How will the results of the Iowa caucus affect the 2016 presidential election?
5. Should the United States encourage Taiwanese independence?
6. When should the Federal Reserve next raise interest rates?
7. How can the U.S. persuade China to take more aggressive action toward North Korea?
8. Is Apple poised for a significant decline?
9. Could Michael Bloomberg win the presidency as an independent candidate?
10. Has Steve Easterbrook placed McDonald’s back on the road to success?

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