Tag: Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s Political Protests


Two weeks ago, citizens of Hong Kong took to the streets to agitate for universal suffrage.  In 2017, Hong Kong will be able to elect its chief executive, but the candidates for that office will be approved by a nominating committee that is sympathetic to mainland China.  Once a British colony, Hong Kong reverted back to Chinese rule in 1997.  Since that time it has agitated against the Chinese government’s attempts to impose greater control over some of the city’s affairs.  The recent protests have caused some observers to remark that there are parallels between the agitation for wider democracy in Hong Kong and the aims of the Tiananmen Square protesters of 1989, who sought to turn China into a democratic republic.  China violently suppressed the Tiananmen protests over two decades ago, but doing the same in Hong Kong could do significant damage to the country’s international reputation and economic standing.

This topic brief will give an overview of the events that led up to the Hong Kong protests, discuss the course of the protests thus far, and breakdown some scenarios for how China may deal with the protesters demands.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: Hong Kong’s Political Protests


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on Hong Kong’s political protests.

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