Tag: international extemp questions Page 10 of 42

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 9-15, 2020

1. What grade does the Italian government deserve for its handling of COVID-19?
2. Will Saudi Arabia’s price cuts force Russia to agree to a new OPEC+ deal?
3. If the Palestinians proposed an alternative Middle East peace plan, what should be the terms of that plan?
4. Will the Taliban follow the terms of its peace deal with the United States?
5. What will Russia’s future look like without Vladimir Putin?
6. Now that Lebanon has defaulted on its debt, what path does it take to create an economic recovery?
7. Will Greece’s recent migrant crisis shift the country further to the political right?
8. Should Quebec repeal its ban on religious symbols?
9. Will growing femicide in Mexico spark major political changes?
10. Is time running out on Netanyahu’s rule?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 2-8, 2020

1. Will the spread of the coronavirus cause Western businesses to rethink their economic relationship with China?
2. Is El Salvador backsliding into authoritarianism?
3. Should the UN Security Council endorse the U.S.-Taliban peace deal?
4. Do developed nations need greater migration levels to save their welfare states?
5. Is there a path for Mahathir Mohamad to return to power in Malaysia?
6. Has the EU-Turkish deal on migration broken down?
7. Are West African nations losing their battles against terrorist groups?
8. Should Mexico call off its drug war?
9. How can the Israeli left rebuild itself into an effective political force?
10. Who is to blame for the decline of Egypt’s cotton industry?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 24-March 1, 2020

1. Should Great Britain extradite Julian Assange to the United States?
2. Could the coronavirus lead to the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics?
3. Has the EU failed Libya?
4. What role should Great Britain play in countering China’s geopolitical aims?
5. Should Russia increase its outreach to the Kurds?
6. Are the prospects of an “Asian Century” dwindling?
7. If the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan, would the country be better off than it is today?
8. Is Turkey strengthening its position in the Easter Mediterranean?
9. Should Uruguay embrace austerity measures?
10. Which multi-nation institution is best suited to combat East Africa’s locust outbreak?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 18-24, 2020

1. Is AMLO failing to curtail Mexico’s crime problem?
2. Can the ICC convict Omar al-Bashir on genocide charges?
3. Is the Grand Renaissance Dam a major threat to Egypt’s economic future?
4. Should global efforts to curtail the coronavirus focus more on mitigation rather than containment?
5. Can the IMF fix what ails Lebanon’s economy?
6. Should economic sanctions be imposed on Brazil if more aggressive efforts are not made to stop deforestation in the Amazon?
7. Does Justin Trudeau need to play a more active role in resolving the dispute over the Coastal GasLink Pipeline?
8. Is Abbas’ influence in Palestinian affairs shrinking?
9. Does NATO still need Turkey?
10. Can Iran afford to maintain its current rate of military spending?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 10-16, 2020

1. Are greater global protections needed for migrant laborers?
2. Can greater regional cooperation prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon?
3. Will Belarus become the next Ukraine?
4. Is the coronavirus outbreak creating a major threat to the Chinese Communist Party’s rule?
5. Does Colombia need more liberal trade rules?
6. Is Joseph Kabila still the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s most powerful political figure?
7. Does the French government need to do more to protect its Jewish population?
8. Will the twenty-first century be the age of global autocracy?
9. Is it time for a united Ireland?
10. Should NATO pivot to Greece as Turkey becomes more wary of the West?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 3-9, 2020

1. Is the coronavirus triggering a wave of anti-Chinese sentiment across the world?
2. Was the Arab League justified in rejecting President Trump’s Middle East peace plan?
3. Is dollarization creating even more economic hardship in Venezuela?
4. Would the world be better off without American leadership?
5. Is free speech in Brazil becoming less free?
6. Will the coronavirus do significant damage to China’s economy?
7. After Brexit, who will take Britain’s place in the EU?
8. Could Muqtada al-Sadr fix what ails Iraq?
9. Should European countries re-embrace nuclear energy to get away from a dependence on Russian natural gas?
10. Is India’s economy growing?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 27-February 2, 2020

1. Is the WHO doing enough in response to the China coronavirus outbreak?
2. What impact will growing climate change activism have on oil-producing states in the developing world?
3. Should Russia create a formal alliance with China?
4. Are European countries too subservient to the United States?
5. Would the imposition of “carbon tariffs” be a violation of global free trade rules?
6. Will Erdogan’s willingness to use the Turkish military in regional conflicts backfire?
7. Are locust swarms threatening East Africa’s food supplies?
8. How can Peru bolster its anti-corruption efforts?
9. Will low global oil prices persist through 2020?
10. Are Modi’s domestic policies hurting India’s ability to become a global superpower?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 20-26, 2020

1. Has Bashar al-Assad’s victory in the Syrian Civil War made him a weaker leader?
2. Are China’s activities in Xinjiang cultivating the national security emergencies it most fears?
3. Can more robust political activism fix Haiti’s dysfunctional political system?
4. How can Australia best combat future bushfires?
5. What drove Vladimir Putin’s constitutional coup?
6. How can a Johnson-led Britain create better relationships with African nations?
7. Do African nations need outside assistance in fighting jihadist threats?
8. Did global protests in 2019 achieve anything?
9. Is the World Economic Forum running out of energy?
10. How fragile is Iran’s regime?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 13-19, 2020

1. How should the Iranian government handle recent protests over its downing of a Ukrainian jetliner?
2. Is “Megxit” a major blow to the British monarchy?
3. What can be done to stop Libya’s collapse?
4. Does Australia need to adopt controlled burning programs?
5. Why did Tsai Ing-wen win the Taiwanese presidential election?
6. Is China’s Taiwan strategy failing?
7. What should Justin Trudeau prioritize in his second term?
8. Can Europe reduce tensions between the U.S. and Iran?
9. What will be the economic impact of Spain’s new left-wing government?
10. Are global commodity prices poised to rise in the next five years?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 6-12, 2020

  1. Has Britain’s Labour Party lost touch with the working class?
  2. How should Iran respond to the death of General Qassem Soleimani?
  3. Would a war between the U.S. and Iran allow China to retake Taiwan?
  4. Was the drone strike on Soleimani a violation of international law?
  5. Are Bolsonaro’s economic policies working?
  6. Which nation improved the most in 2019?
  7. How can Russia make significant diplomatic inroads in Africa?
  8. Will the global economy grow in 2020?
  9. Could growing tensions in the Middle East drive a wedge between NATO allies?
  10. Has Shinzo Abe’s foreign policy been beneficial to Japan?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 16-22, 2019

HOTtopics1. Will Brexit cause a breakup of the United Kingdom as a political entity?
2. What is the future of global capitalism?
3. Will the USMCA become the model for future global trade deals?
4. Can the EU reach its target of having net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050?
5. Who should be the next leader of Canada’s Conservative Party?
6. Was the recent British general election a realigning one?
7. Do the IMF and World Bank have a role to play in the fight against global climate change?
8. Were the 2010s a “lost decade” for Latin America?
9. Would a victory by Khalifa Hifter in Libya’s civil war be a victory for Russia?
10. Is Russia reasserting control of Moldova?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 9-15, 2019

HOTtopics1. Why is Germany’s political center collapsing?
2. Can Macron pass pension reform?
3. Should electoral interference be deemed an act of war?
4. Do economies woes bode ill for the long-term viability of Iran’s Islamic Republic?
5. Should Justin Trudeau fear a “Wexit”?
6. Does Japan need to embrace a more lax immigration policy?
7. Is China gaining more power in international institutions?
8. Are religious parties losing ground in the Arab World?
9. Is Italy’s Five Star Movement imploding?
10. What steps can Haiti take to wean itself from international food assistance?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 2-8, 2019

HOTtopics1. How can Spain resolve the Catalan crisis?
2. Is “knife control” needed in Europe?
3. How might the London stabbings affect the British elections?
4. Will the SPD’s move to the left undermine Angela Merkel’s political standing?
5. Should Benjamin Netanyahu resign?
6. Is AMLO’s anti-corruption drive more about enhancing his own political power?
7. Has Bolsonaro lost the political energy that made his presidential campaign so successful?
8. How should China respond to America’s official support of the Hong Kong protests?
9. Will Sudan’s political revolution help the peoples of Darfur?
10. Is the Internet becoming less free?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 18-24, 2019

Note:  Because of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday there will be no questions posted for the week of November 25-December 1.  Questions will resume on December 2.

HOTtopics1. What effect might a mass Christian exodus have on the Middle East?
2. How can the international community bring Iran back to the table with regards to its nuclear weapons program?
3. Would the recognition of Bashar al-Assad as the winner of Syria’s civil war best help the nation get back on its feet?
4. Is Australia too dependent on China?
5. Should Iran try to step in and suppress the uprisings in Iraq and Lebanon?
6. Are Latin American states too divided to help stabilize Bolivia?
7. Why have attempts by the West to liberalize China failed?
8. Should President Trump pardon Roger Stone?
9. Is the upcoming British general election do or die for Jeremy Corbyn’s control for the Labour Party?
10. A year later: Did the yellow vest protests achieve their goals?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 11-17, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is NATO suffering from “brain death”?
2. Was Evo Morales’ resignation a victory for Bolivian democracy?
3. Is growing political fragmentation making it harder to govern European countries?
4. Should the IMF look to replicate its success in Jamaica with other borrower nations?
5. What will the next Spanish government look like?
6. Do leftist politicians have the answers for what ails Latin America?
7. What can India do to fix revive its manufacturing sector?
8. Should European governments allow Islamic State militants to return home?
9. Will Iran possess a nuclear bomb within the next five years?
10. Is it in Taiwan’s best interest to have close economic ties to China?

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