Tag: international extemp questions Page 12 of 42

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3-9, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is an expansion of private police outfits in Brazil the best way for the nation to reduce its crime rate?
2. Will a new Israeli election lead to an increased majority for Netanyahu?
3. Is the international community doing enough to stop illegal organ harvesting in China?
4. Has the Brexit debate caused Great Britain to enter a lost decade?
5. Should Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer become Germany’s next chancellor?
6. Why are Latin American economies stagnating?
7. Is Pakistan’s criminal justice system in need of reform?
8. What steps does Muhammadu Buhari need to take to improve the Nigerian economy?
9. Is George Weah doing enough to combat corruption in Liberia?
10. Could greater fragmentation of the European Parliament improve its operations?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27-June 2, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is France the frontline of the European war against terrorism?
2. In what ways would a Boris Johnson premiership be different from that of Theresa May?
3. Will Israel be forced to hold new elections?
4. How can Europe’s moderate parties stop their decline?
5. If Turkey accepts the Russian S-400 air and missile system, how will that affect future NATO training exercises?
6. Are Christians facing an impossible future in the Middle East?
7. How can Taiwan best counter China’s attempts to isolate it?
8. What should Narendra Modi do with his new election mandate?
9. How can the Egyptian government save the Nile River?
10. Who will win Argentina’s presidential election this fall?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 20-26, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should Saudi Arabia pursue a nuclear weapons program?
2. How can Mexico better combat air pollution?
3. Will Heinz-Christian Strache’s corruption lead to the collapse of the Austrian Freedom Party?
4. Did climate change issues cause the Labor Party to lose the recent federal election?
5. Will more governments copy China’s “social credit system” within the next decade?
6. Could Hong Kong one day prove to be the flash point of a major war between China and Western powers?
7. Are Nordic welfare states facing a demographic time bomb?
8. Why is Jamaica experiencing a significant economic turnaround?
9. Is dictatorship returning to Serbia?
10. What is the best way to restructure sovereign debt?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13-19, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is the EU undemocratic?
2. Does the international community need the United States to be tough on trade with China?
3. Should Venezuelan officials arrest Guaido?
4. Will Cuba’s recent economic difficulties force its communist regime to fall from power?
5. Are European fears of Turkish expansion into the Western Balkans unfounded?
6. Is the British Conservative Party headed for a disastrous result in European parliamentary elections?
7. Have the Filipino midterm elections bolstered Duterte’s power?
8. Is authoritarianism returning to Latin America?
9. Will Israel’s recent ceasefire with Hamas last more than six months?
10. Why is global military spending increasing?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 6-12, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should Israel retake the Gaza Strip?
2. What lessons will future dictators learn about Bashar al-Assad’s ability to retain power in Syria?
3. Should the international community continue to provide food aid to North Korea?
4. Was the latest uprising against Maduro the last good chance to remove him from power?
5. How can Western government best combat jihadist terrorism in the Sahel?
6. Should Bosnia be partitioned?
7. Will support for Spain’s Vox Party continue to grow?
8. Are South Africans losing faith in Nelson Mandela’s legacy?
9. How can Nigeria stop its “brain drain”?
10. Should Japan keep its monarchy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 28-May 5, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is the Iranian nuclear deal dead?
2. How can the Sri Lankan government reduce sectarian tensions within the country?
3. Should Russia welcome the election of Volodymyr Zelenskiy as Ukraine’s next president?
4. What should be Jokowi’s priorities in his second term?
5. Is a new IRA becoming a growing threat in Northern Ireland?
6. Has Cyril Ramaphosa done an effective job combating corruption within the ANC?
7. Is Canada becoming a more conservative country?
8. Will Thailand’s marijuana gamble pay off?
9. Is regime change possible in North Korea?
10. Are Egypt’s economic reforms harming its domestic markets?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 22-28, 2019

HOTtopics1. Can General Haftar bring order to Libya?
2. If the EU collapsed, how would that affect European geopolitics?
3. Should Guaido call for the U.S. military intervention?
4. Is Ekrem Imamoglu emerging as Erdogan’s biggest political challenger?
5. How can Algeria’s protesters ensure that their demands are met?
6. Should Germany increase military spending?
7. What impact will the Sri Lankan church bombings have on the nation’s economy?
8. How will the outcome of the Ukrainian presidential election affect the country’s relationship with Russia?
9. Can China end all poverty by 2020?
10. Is ecotourism still a viable economic model for Central American nations?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 15-21, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should Great Britain extradite Julian Assange?
2. Why is Israel’s Labour Party facing extinction?
3. To what extent should the world fear the emergence of China?
4. Should Sudan’s new military leadership hand Omar al-Bashir over to the ICC?
5. Is Brazil making progress in its anti-corruption efforts?
6. Should Mexico work with the United States to oust the Maduro regime?
7. Does the Roman Catholic Church need to turn in a more conservative direction?
8. Is climate change to blame for the Central American migrant crisis?
9. Will the latter half of 2019 be good for global economic growth?
10. Will the Brexit Party become a force in British politics?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 8-14, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should Ecuador expel Julian Assange from its embassy?
2. Could Venezuela become the next Syria?
3. Is the British Conservative Party imploding?
4. Does Israel have the right to define itself as a “Jewish nation”?
5. Is NATO still an effective alliance against Russian aggression?
6. Can the UN broker a solution to Libya’s political crisis?
7. Has Rwanda taken effective steps to handle the historical legacy of its past genocide?
8. Are Arab states doing enough about China’s Muslim crackdown?
9. Will the emerging “Balkan Spring” fix the region’s corruption woes?
10. Should Turkey leave NATO?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 1-7, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is access to a free, global Internet a human right?
2. Does the UN need to play a leadership role in preventing the increased militarization of space?
3. Is Theresa May the problem with Brexit?
4. Can Maduro’s “gold diplomacy” gambit pay off?
5. Is political corruption the number one problem facing the world?
6. What steps can Mexico take to profit more from its energy resources?
7. Has the Islamic State truly been defeated?
8. Have Hamas’ protests in the Gaza Strip failed?
9. Is Ethiopia poised to be Africa’s next powerhouse?
10. What does the rise of Muqtada al-Sadr mean for the future of Iraq?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 25-31, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should there be a global moratorium on gene editing of embryos?
2. Does a peace deal in Afghanistan need to address the opium trade?
3. Should Brazil become a member of NATO?
4. Is ethnic conflict growing in Ukraine?
5. Has stagnation become the new normal for Russia’s economy?
6. How will America recognition of the Golan Heights belonging to Israel affect the Middle East peace process?
7. Is Ivan Duque leading Colombia back into a conflict with the FARC?
8. What steps does India need to take to improve its national infrastructure?
9. Will recent tensions with Pakistan help Modi win re-election?
10. What are the implications of Italy’s decision to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 18-24, 2019

HOTtopics1. Can Macron convince the French to take their economic medicine?
2. Will a planned increase in the consumption tax drive the Japanese economy into recession?
3. Does Brazil need to reform its pension system to avoid future economic difficulties?
4. Has China successfully insulated itself from foreign economic pressure?
5. Is the future of global health found in urban health?
6. How can the EU successfully get Arab leaders to create more stability and lessen migration from their countries?
7. Are women’s rights making substantial progress in Saudi Arabia?
8. Should Australia play a larger global role in anti-climate change efforts?
9. Which country is best positioned to bring peace between India and Pakistan?
10. After the Christchurch massacre, does New Zealand need to make radical changes to its gun laws?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 11-17, 2019

HOTtopics1. How will Kurdish nationalism affect the next decade of Middle Eastern geopolitics?
2. Should Israel consider launching a new military offensive against Hezbollah?
3. Is it up to South Korea to lead the battle against North Korea’s nuclear aims?
4. Should the EU support growing political protests in the Balkans?
5. Is Jamaat-e-Islami the greatest danger facing South Asia?
6. Were the recent Moldovan elections a setback for Vladimir Putin?
7. Is Germany prepared to assume a larger role in the international community?
8. Should Justin Trudeau resign?
9. Will Modi win a second term?
10. Should Pakistan abandon its policy of supporting militant groups in neighboring states?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 4-10, 2019

HOTtopics1. How can African nations escape the vicious cycle of ethnic politics?
2. Should Europe aim for strategic autonomy?
3. Should Benjamin Netanyahu resign?
4. Could recent skirmishes between India and Pakistan escalate into a larger conflict?
5. Is ISIS on its last legs?
6. Should South Korea be worried about America’s decision to end its participation in large-scale war games?
7. Would another Bouteflika term create greater tensions in Algeria’s politics?
8. Will economic issues doom Mauricio Macri’s re-election bid?
9. Why did Buhari win a second term as Nigeria’s president?
10. Should Japan support a more robust immigration policy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 25-March 3, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should international sanctions be levied against governments to restrict Internet access to their citizens?
2. Would a peace deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan damage NATO’s credibility?
3. Will the Spanish elections produce a definitive result?
4. Should British Eurosceptics welcome a second referendum on Brexit?
5. Can Felix Tshisekedi curb corruption in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
6. Will Sudanese protesters receive sizable international assistance in their efforts to topple Omar al-Bashir?
7. Is Nicaragua becoming the next Venezuela?
8. Should China loosen monetary policy to stop its economic slowdown?
9. Is Cyril Ramaphosa taking the appropriate steps to bolster the South African economy?
10. Can Saudi Arabia effectively diversify its economy beyond the energy sector?

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