Tag: international extemp questions Page 2 of 42

Extemp Hot Topics

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13-19, 2024

1. Do more open migration policies by Western governments make it easier for totalitarian states to hold onto power?
2. Are the fates of Ukraine and Taiwan interconnected?
3. How significant is the global competition for semiconductors?
4. Should Israel have been allowed to compete at Eurovision?
5. How will East Asia’s demographic crunch affect global politics?
6. Has the Israel-Hamas war proved that Hamas is incapable of governing?
7. What does a warming global climate mean for global health outcomes?
8. Would it be a mistake for the Democratic Alliance to coalition with the ANC after the next South African election?
9. Is China winning its “cold war” with the West?
10. Will the result of the Panamanian presidential election produce positive economic results?

Extemp Hot Topics

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 6-12, 2024

1. Should Ukraine lower its mobilization age further?
2. Is “lawfare” having a detrimental impact on Spain’s politics?
3. Has the Scottish nationalist movement collapsed?
4. Should the Japanese government stop defending the yen?
5. Is an anti-Iran alliance emerging in the Middle East?
6. How will Colombia’s decision to sever diplomatic ties with Israel affect its economy?
7. What is the biggest challenge that will face the next Mexican president?
8. How would a non-junta government in Myanmar affect its neighbors?
9. Has Venezuela scrapped plans to invade Guyana?
10. Does Japan need to reform its immigration policies?

Extemp Hot Topics

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 29-May 5, 2024

1. Could anger over Israeli operations in Gaza produce a new “Arab Spring”?
2. What is the biggest obstacle for India becoming a great power?
3. Can a pro-Russian electoral bloc in Moldova keep the country out of the European Union?
4. Could the Philippines, instead of Taiwan, serve as the starting point for a military clash between China and the United States in the Pacific?
5. Will favorable views of Russia and China in the Sahel last?
6. Is anything working when it comes to global climate policy?
7. Should the “Global South” reject the current international system?
8. Is the British NHS falling apart?
9. Should the level of France’s public debt be a cause of concern?
10. What should be the first priority of Haiti’s transitional council?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 22-28, 2024

1. Would a Maduro victory create a larger refugee crisis for Venezuela’s neighbors?
2. Did Iran’s recent attack on Israel backfire?
3. Is deflation the biggest threat facing China’s economy?
4. Should Germany liberalize its abortion laws?
5. Have international organizations lost their moral authority?
6. Should Palestine be given membership in the United Nations?
7. How will farmers protests affect European parliamentary elections this summer?
8. Should NATO admit Argentina as a global partner?
9. Will the new American aid package for Ukraine have an immediate impact on the battlefield?
10. Is Ethiopia’s conflict with Tigray heating back up?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 15-21, 2024

1. Will Ecuador’s diplomat spat with Mexico provide a political boost to Daniel Noboa?
2. Is Ethiopia the biggest threat to regional security in East Africa?
3. How will the European Court of Human Rights ruling on climate change affect future climate-change litigation in Europe?
4. Is Xi Jinping adopting the wrong cure for China’s economic woes?
5. Should humanitarian obligations or national interests play a larger role in rendering a final decision on the EU’s Aslyum and Migration Pact?
6. What do the results of the South Korean parliamentary elections mean for the future of President Yook Suk Yeol’s political agenda?
7. Why have voters in democratic countries become more skeptical about the fairness of elections?
8. How would a large war between Israel and Iran affect the stability of other Middle Eastern monarchies?
9. What should a transitional government for Haiti look like?
10. How can European nations prevent fentanyl from becoming a major problem?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 8-14, 2024

1. Do local election results in Turkey signal the beginning of the end of Erdogan’s rule?
2. Will the warming of relations between Japan and South Korea last?
3. Was Israel’s assassination of Zahedi necessary?
4. Can Dina Boluarte overcome “Rolexgate”?
5. Will the launch of the ZiG stabilize Zimbabwe’s economy?
6. How can governments best prevent non-state actors from employing drone technology for evil purposes?
7. Will Western governments eventually need to put boots on the ground in Ukraine in order to prevent it from losing its war with Russia?
8. Have Rwanda’s reconciliation efforts succeeded 30 years after its genocide?
9. Should European nations condition aid on whether developing nations help its limit migration?
10. Will a bird flu be the next global pandemic?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 1-7, 2024

1. What will be needed to bring the Syrian Civil War to a conclusion?
2. Has the international community abandoned Afghan women?
3. Is Pope Francis strengthening or weakening the standing of the Catholic Church?
4. How can Milei build more support for the 2025 Argentinian midterm elections?
5. If Labour wins the British general election, should it attempt to take Britain back into the European Union?
6. Will China’s demographic crunch short circuit its bid for global dominance?
7. Should Great Britain extradite Julian Assange to the United States?
8. Has Myanmar’s junta lost control of its borders?
9. How will Japan’s large public indebtedness affect future monetary policy?
10. Has the UN become too compromised to play a role in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 25-31, 2024

1. Is a bubble building in India’s equities markets?
2. How can the West best support democratic efforts in Russia?
3. Has the Palestinian Authority outlived its purpose?
4. What should the Dominican Republic do about the unrest in Haiti?
5. Are concerns about Chinese espionage in Australia overblown?
6. Will Abdelmajid Tebboune win re-election?
7. Was ISIS’ recent attack in Russia a sign of the group’s reviving power or increased desperation?
8. Will other nations follow Canada’s arm exports ban to Israel?
9. Can Corina Yoris mount a successful challenge to Nicolas Maduro?
10. Are global drug decriminalization efforts stalling?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 18-24, 2024

1. Should seized Russian assets be donated to the Ukrainian war effort?
2. Will Henry’s resignation further destabilize Haiti?
3. Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy still Ukraine’s best bet for peace?
4. Due to ongoing tensions with Russia, is it wise to the European Union to continue accession talks with Balkan nations?
5. Could Israel survive as a pariah state?
6. Should the EU scrap its mandate to abolish fossil fuel-powered vehicles by 2035?
7. How will Jacob Zuma’s MK Party affect the outcome of South Africa’s elections?
8. Will the Liberal Democrats benefit from internal problems in the British Conservative Party?
9. Have anti-corruption campaigns in Latin America failed?
10. What does Niger’s decision to suspend military cooperation with the United States mean for anti-jihadist efforts in the Sahel?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 11-17, 2024

1. What role, if any, should the Palestinian Authority play in post-war Gaza?
2. How should India respond to China’s new strategic partnership with the Maldives?
3. Is Nigeria’s economy too dependent on oil?
4. How will Swedish membership change NATO?
5. Is Milei’s austerity cure killing the patient?
6. Can a joint junta force in West Africa rid the region of its jihadist threat?
7. Why is gang violence becoming a significant national security concern in Haiti?
8. Should Russia put a nuclear weapon in space?
9. Why did the Irish constitutional referendum fail?
10. Will the crypto industry propel a new wave of economic growth across Africa?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 4-10, 2024

1. Is India becoming an emerging power player in the Middle East?
2. Would an ANC-EFF coalition be good for the future health of the South African economy?
3. Is China becoming too insular?
4. What should Egypt do if Israel conducts its Rafah offensive?
5. Does the world need a “new globalization”?
6. How should Nigeria handle the Anglophone insurgency?
7. What is to blame for a collapse in support for democracy across the world?
8. Should Ariel Henry step down?
9. Will Britain’s Conservative Party become a vehicle for the far-right after the next British general election?
10. How can Xochitl Galvez win the Mexican presidency?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 26-March 3, 2024

1. If Russia were to invade the Baltics, would Western European nations resist?
2. Should the United Nations eliminate vetoes on the Security Council?
3. Is Pakistan heading toward an inevitable default?
4. What will Bukele do with his supermajority?
5. Is the first space war on the horizon?
6. Has Boric sold out the Chilean left?
7. Is Lula interfering too much in Petrobras’ operations?
8. Who should be the next leader of NATO?
9. Did ECOWAS make a smart decision in lifting sanctions on Niger?
10. Will Congo’s M23 rebellion spark a regional war?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 19-25, 2024

1. Is Egypt losing influence in the Arab World?
2. What relations should ECOWAS have with its departing members?
3. Has the West lost Africa?
4. Should an international force secure Ukraine’s emergency maritime corridor?
5. Has Russia become a rogue state?
6. Should the Tories jettison Sunak before this year’s general election?
7. To what degree does the new Pakistani government have a mandate?
8. How can China restore investor confidence in its economy?
9. Has the EU’s COVID recovery fund worked?
10. Will Subianto be a good steward of Indonesia’s economy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 12-18, 2024

1. Does Iran have enough control over its proxy forces to prevent a wider conflict with the United States?
2. Can the Mattei Plan successfully enhance Italy’s position in Africa?
3. Should the UNRWA be overhauled?
4. Will the African National Congress lose its majority in this year’s elections?
5. How will the dismissal of Valery Zaluzhny affect the Russo-Ukrainian War?
6. What lessons should Milei learn from the failure of the “Omnibus Bill”?
7. Who will win Indonesia’s presidential election?
8. Do Brazil’s tax reforms go far enough?
9. Should Japan’s LDP move on from Kishida?
10. How can Guyana best deter a Venezuelan invasion

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 26-October 2, 2022

1. Should the world take Putin’s threat to use nuclear weapons over Ukraine at face value?
2. Does the ICC have enough teeth to deter human rights abuses?
3. Is it time for countries to abolish COVID-19-related travel restrictions?
4. Has the Palestinian Authority lost its credibility with the Palestinian people?
5. Should King Charles III become more politically involved?
6. How big of a threat are recent protests to Iran’s Islamic Republic?
7. If Vladimir Putin was overthrown, who should lead Russia?
8. Can the Philippines simultaneously strengthen ties with the U.S. and China?
9. What should India do with its G-20 presidency?
10. Should Egypt form a closer relationship with Sudan?

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