Tag: international extemp questions Page 8 of 42

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 30-December 6, 2020

1. How will Iran respond to the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh?
2. Are populist forces around the world in retreat?
3. Should Modi’s government pursue more business friendly policies?
4. Will North Korea’s government feel more secure during a Biden administration?
5. Does Peru need constitutional reform?
6. Will Turkey expand Operation Peace Spring before the end of the year?
7. What ails the Brazilian economy?
8. Will Brexit be a positive for Britain’s farmers?
9. Could Ethiopia’s civil war expand to other African states?
10. Will the Sweden Democrats ever be part of a governing coalition?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 16-22, 2020

1. Will the RCEP bolster China’s influence in Asia?
2. Is the death of Abu Mohammaed al-Masri a major, long-term blow to al-Qaeda?
3. Will the ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia hold?
4. Are Israeli settlement construction policies counterproductive to its national interests?
5. Is Zambia sliding into economic ruin?
6. Are “proxy presidencies” becoming a problem in Latin America?
7. Why was the BJP able to win India’s recent regional elections?
8. Is France winning its battles against jihadists in the Sahel?
9. Should countries boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?
10. Are Peruvian efforts to fight corruption floundering?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 9-15, 2020

1. Is the era of global free trade over?
2. What steps can Vladimir Putin take to bolster the Russian economy?
3. Is the UN doing enough to coordinate global action on COVID-19?
4. What impact will Pakistan’s decision to grant status to Gilgit-Baltistan have on Indian-Pakistani relations?
5. How can Abiy Ahmed peacefully quell tensions in Ethiopia’s Tigray region?
6. Who should lead Germany after Angela Merkel?
7. Has Myanmar’s NLD been a disappointment?
8. Is China winning the COVID-19 vaccine race?
9. Can Bobi Wine become the next president of Uganda?
10. Does Spain need more devolution?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 2-8, 2020

1. Should the G20 extend the African debt moratorium?
2. Do Algeria’s constitutional reforms go far enough?
3. What changes should France make to its security policies in light of the Nice attack?
4. Will new COVID lockdowns do lasting damage to Western European economies?
5. Is Tanzania sliding into a dictatorship?
6. Can Japan become carbon neutral by 2050?
7. Is the Nagorno-Karabakh war exposing deficiencies in Russia’s military?
8. Should Brazil keep its interest rates low?
9. Is the military responsible for Myanmar’s COVID crisis?
10. What will be the geopolitical impact of Sudan’s recognition of Israel?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2020

1. Will Luis Arce become Evo Morales 2.0?
2. How can Taiwan bolster its defenses against China?
3. Should Arab states avoid an arms race with Iran?
4. How would closer defense cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine affect Turkey’s relationship with Russia?
5. Under what conditions would another Scottish independence referendum be acceptable?
6. Are international sanctions a poor way to influence change?
7. Is Japan an underappreciated global power?
8. Are Mexico’s feminist protests succeeding?
9. Will the COVID-19 pandemic provide a boost to the fortunes of Latin America’s left-wing parties?
10. How is the rise of China changing the world?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19-25, 2020

1. Is China’s outreach to Gulf states working?
2. From the perspective of Vladimir Putin, what is Russia’s biggest strategic problem?
3. Is the liberal international order falling apart?
4. Does the recent murder of a French teacher serve as an indictment of France’s approach toward integrating immigrants into its society?
5. Why did New Zealand voters re-elect Jacinda Ardern in a landslide?
6. Will the end of the UN arms embargo on Iran create more instability in the Middle East?
7. Can Europe economically afford another round of COVID-19 lockdowns?
8. Should Nigeria abolish its Special Anti-Robbery Squad?
9. Will Haitian protests force the resignation of Jovenel Moise?
10. Are Joko’s efforts to fix Indonesia working?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 12-18, 2020

1. How is COVID reordering the global economy?
2. Why has Xi Jinping seen an uptick in his domestic popularity?
3. Is Indonesia’s new labor law bad for the environment?
4. Why have economic problems failed to bring about the downfall of the Maduro regime?
5. Should Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala or Yoo Myung-hee be the next head of the WTO?
6. Will Nigeria’s elimination of petrol subsidies be good for its economy?
7. Should Cuba scrap its dual-currency system?
8. Does the World Food Program need more international support?
9. Should Japan increase defense spending?
10. Is Lebanon becoming the next Gaza Strip?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 5-11, 2020

1. Is the Arctic becoming the next “great game” for major global powers?
2. Does Sri Lanka need to do more to account for human rights crimes during its civil war?
3. Should the Iranian government welcome a Biden victory in the U.S. presidential election?
4. Thirty years later, has German unification been a success?
5. Could tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan explode into a wider war?
6. Does Egypt have healthy long-term economic prospects?
7. Should Pakistan recognize Israel?
8. Is NATO falling apart?
9. Should Justin Trudeau call for an early election?
10. Why does Spain have Europe’s worst economy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 28-October 4, 2020

1. Has Benjamin Netanyahu poorly handled Israel’s COVID pandemic?
2. How should Russia be held to account for the Navalny attack?
3. Can China achieve carbon neutrality by 2060?
4. Will North Korea become more aggressive during the next U.S. presidential administration?
5. Assuming one is developed, how can the UN ensure that a COVID-19 vaccine is freely accessible to the world?
6. Will Iraq’s crackdown on illegal arms bring more stability to the country?
7. Has Ukraine’s anti-corruption court been a success?
8. Will the EU broker a major trade deal with Mercosur by the end of the year?
9. How can the EU better convince Europeans that greater integration is in their best interest?
10. Has the attempted impeachment of Martin Vizcarra weakened his power?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 21-27, 2020

1. Is a strong U.S.-China relationship necessary for tackling global climate change?
2. Would partition fix what ails Lebanon?
3. Should Palestinian leaders launch a third intifada?
4. Is it in Japan’s national interest to be closer to China or the United States?
5. What impact will Israel’s recent normalization agreements have on Benjamin Netanyahu’s political future?
6. Has Abiy Ahmed been a disappointment?
7. Is it only a matter of time before Evo Morales returns to power?
8. Why is Europe seeing significant growth in COVID-19 cases?
9. Does Colombia need to reform its police forces?
10. Is Germany’s COVID-19 bailout package too generous?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 14-20, 2020

1. Why have high numbers of COVID-19 cases failed to dent Bolsonaro’s popularity?
2. If more Arab states recognize Israel after the UAE and Bahrain, how does that affect the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
3. Why has Venezuela’s oil industry collapsed?
4. Is Saudi Arabia starting to prioritize India at the expense of its relationship with Pakistan?
5. Will China’s behavior in the Xinjiang region hurt its ability to forge stronger ties with Muslim nations?
6. Does al-Qaeda still pose a major threat to global security?
7. How can Vladimir Putin prevent Belarus from slipping out of Russia’s orbit?
8. Can the ICC help end ethnic violence in Myanmar?
9. Should the Democratic Republic of Congo improve its mine safety standards?
10. Is Africa suffering from a “silent epidemic” of COVID-19?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 7-13, 2020

1. Should the EU impose sanctions on Turkey over its Mediterranean dispute with Greece?
2. If Iran acquires a nuclear bomb, will that do irreparable damage to global anti-proliferation efforts?
3. Is it only a matter of time before China becomes the financial superpower of the world?
4. Will Bashar al-Assad ever be held to account for the war crimes committed during the Syrian Civil War?
5. Why has Latin America been hit so hard by COVID-19?
6. What does the recent withdrawal of large numbers of American troops from Germany mean for that nation’s defense policy in the years ahead?
7. Why has China been attacking the rights of ethnic minorities in recent years?
8. Should Thailand’s monarch be brought under the constitution?
9. Is the arrest of Paul Rusebabagina politically motivated?
10. What should the West do in response to Vladimir Putin’s poisoning of Alexei Navalny?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 31-September 6, 2020

1. What are the implications of a Revolutionary Guard takeover of the Iranian government?
2. Is it in Turkey’s national interest to remain part of NATO or join a Russia-China axis?
3. What will be Shinzo Abe’s historical legacy?
4. Does Thailand need to reform its monarchy?
5. Should India develop stronger ties with Middle Eastern nations?
6. Who is most to blame for the misery in the Gaza Strip?
7. Is the liberal international order worth saving?
8. Has Europe failed in the Sahel?
9. What long-term impacts will COVID-19 have on the global economy?
10. Has the West won the war on terrorism?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 24-30, 2020

1. Could the ongoing protests in Belarus create political change?
2. Can the EU be an effective mediator of Turkish and Greece claims in the Eastern Mediterranean?
3. Are governments becoming too reliant on scientific management?
4. How will the resignation of Bill Morneau hurt the Trudeau administration in the long run?
5. Are China’s actions in Hong Kong a trial run for Taiwan?
6. Will Oman’s ambitious reforms succeed?
7. How will Brunei’s upcoming chairmanship of ASEAN affect the organization’s relationship with China?
8. Are predictions of Bolsonaro’s demise exaggerated?
9. Should the EU do more to clean up Bulgaria’s corruption?
10. Which Arab nation will be the next to recognize Israel?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 17-23, 2020

1. Does the Israel-UAE accord lay the foundation for a broader Middle East peace agreement?
2. What steps can Boris Johnson take to boost Britain’s economy?
3. Is Evo Morales resposible for Bolivia’s poor COVID response?
4. Will the Beirut port explosion do significant damage to Hezbollah’s power?
5. Are Australia’s internal travel restrictions too severe?
6. Should the world impose significant sanctions on Belarus after its recent presidential election?
7. If Fethullah Gulen was extradited, would it undermine Erdogan’s power?
8. Has the Internet been a boon for the global human rights struggle?
9. Are more international conventions needed with regards to satellite warfare?
10. What reforms does South Africa need to make to its police forces?

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