Tag: Israeli-Palestinian conflict

A Third Intifada?


October has been a bloody month in East Jerusalem.  Palestinian youth, responding to rumors that Israel is planning to take over the Temple Mount, revered as a holy site for Jews and Muslims, are clashing with Israeli security personnel and launching random, “lone wolf” attacks on Israeli civilians.  In response, the Israeli government has imposed movement controls and other preventative measures, but critics contend that this will serve to exacerbate tensions rather than produce a lasting solution.  Some experts contend that Palestinians are engaging in a third intifada, or uprising, and this would be the second time in two years that Palestinians are reacting violently against the Israeli government.  Frustrated at their political leadership, Israeli settlement expansion, and the lack of progress toward a two-state solution, it is believed that some Palestinians are responding through violence to bring greater international attention to their plight. 

This topic brief will explore the causes of the recent unrest between Palestinians and Israelis, explore Israeli responses, and then explain why it is unlikely that the causes of the violence will be solved in the near future.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: A Third Intifada?


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on the third intifada.

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