Tag: January 2008 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 30th-February 5th, 2008

1. Was Obama’s win in South Carolina meaningful?

2. Have oil prices peaked?

3. Should Colombia’s government cease labeling FARC as a terrorist organization?

4. What does a KMT rout in recent legislative elections mean for future Taiwan-Chinese relations?

5. Is Egypt harming the Middle East peace process by allowing people to cross its Gaza border?

6. What would be the best stimulus package for the U.S. economy?

7. Are the prospects for political compromise in Iraq any better now than before the U.S. troop surge?

8. Should the GOP base support John McCain over Mitt Romney?

9. What does the future hold for No Child Left Behind?

10. Should organ donation be mandatory?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 23rd-29th, 2008

1. Who will win the Democratic South Carolina presidential primary?

2. Why is Martin Torrijos losing support in Panama?

3. Should there be a 90 day freeze on home foreclosures?

4. What does a nationalist win in round one of the Serbian presidential contest say about the prospects for continued peace in the Balkans?

5. Can a recently brokered peace deal bring calm to East Congo?

6. What can America do to improve inner city schools?

7. Will gas shortages in Iran be the end of Ahmadinejad?

8. Are Americans ignoring Social Security’s impending doom?

9. Is felony disenfranchisement constitutional?

10. Has Rudy Giuliani’s campaign strategy backfired?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 16th-22nd, 2008

1. Will recent racial tensions in the Democratic Party between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama weaken the party for the general election?

2. Is the world taking the threat of nuclear terrorism seriously?

3. Has the Reagan coalition collapsed?

4. Is Indonesia going the way of Iran or Turkey?

5. Will an interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve stop a U.S. recession?

6. Is Mitt Romney’s candidacy dead?

7. Will the world hit peak oil production in the next decade?

8. Is a third party necessary to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

9. Why did Saakashvili win the recent Georgian presidential election?

10. Should China be applauded for switching its capital punishment method from firing squad to lethal injection?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 9th-15th, 2008

1. Who is the best “candidate for change” in the presidential race?

2. What can the international community do to lower violence over the outcome of the recent Kenyan elections?

3. How can the U.S. best combat gang violence?

4. Why is America’s public transit system so poor?

5. Should the U.S. invade Pakistan if radicals seize control of the country?

6. What is the message from the recent Thai elections?

7. Are the Kirchner’s putting Chavez’s interests over those of the Argentinian people?

8. Should John Edwards have left the Democratic race after Iowa?

9. How should Ban Ki-moon’s first year as UN Secretary General be graded?

10. What went wrong for Hillary in Iowa?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 2nd-8th, 2008

1. With just two days remaining, who will win the Democratic Party’s Iowa caucus?

2. With just two days remaining, who will win the GOP’s Iowa caucus?

3. What effect will the assassination of Benazir Bhutto have on Pakistan’s political system?

4. Can China save the world economy?

5. Are family politics hurting South Asian nations?

6. Should states or the federal government regulate carbon emissions?

7. Has Pope Benedict XVI strengthened or weakened the Catholic Church?

8. Should polar bears be added to the “threatened” species list?

9. Were the recent Kenyan elections fair?

10. After a year in control of Congress, what grade does the Democratic Party deserve?

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