Tag: January 2009 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 28th-February 3rd, 2009

1.  Is it too late to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon?questions
2.  Has Michelle Rhee done a good job so far in changing the Washington D.C. school system?
3.  Is the stimulus bill just a pork bill in disguise?
4.  Can Rwanda successfully root out the FDLR in the DRC?
5.  Will Bolivia’s new constitution heal the nation’s divisions?
6.  Why are sexual discrimination complaints falling?
7.  Will Obama’s stance on fuel emission standards create more trouble for Detroit’s automakers?
8.  Will the Obama administration be more confrontational with China than the Bush administration?
9.  Will closing Gitmo be a setback in the war on terrorism?
10.  How would the election of Benjamin Netanyahu as the next Israeli prime minister affect the Middle East peace process?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 21st-January 27th, 2009

1. Can the U.S. solve its energy crisis in the next 40 years?questions
2. Will the recently brokered truce between Israel and Hamas hold?
3. Why did the Dow plunge on inauguration day?
4. How should the Chinese government deal with rising unemployment rates?
5. Why is the Likud Party benefiting from the Gaza offensive?
6. Should the world cut off aid to Rwanda after its incursions into the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
7. Will the Fiat-Chrysler strategic alliance benefit both sides?
8. Can U.S. airlines see a turnaround in 2009?
9. Is America more or less safe than January 2001 when President Bush first became president?
10. Will Obama face more trouble from the left or the right in his first term?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 14th-20th, 2009

1. Will the Democrat’s decision to seat Burris cost them votes in 2010?questions
2. How will the federal governments projected deficit impact Barack Obama’s spending priorities?
3. Should Rudy Guiliani run for governor of New York?
4. What does the collapse of Satyam Computer Services say about Indian corporate governance?
5. Is President Bush responsible for the U.S. recession?
6. Will Taro Aso still be Japan’s prime minister by the end of 2009?
7. Would a successful Israeli invasion of Gaza bring the Israelis and Palestinians close to a peace accord?
8. Should Alvaro Uribe seek a third term as Colombia’s president?
9. What impact will Dr. Steven Chu have on America’s energy policy?
10. How can Europe best reduce its dependency on Russian natural gas supplies?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 7th-13th, 2009

1. Can Israel win in Gaza?questions

2. Should the U.S. change the way it handles unemployment benefits?

3. Why has Blagojevich not been impeached?

4. Was Bangladesh’s vote fair?

5. Ten years on, has the euro achieved what it was supposed to?

6. Will the coup in Guinea bring positive change to the country?

7. Was Obama’s choice of Leon Panetta as the next CIA director a good one?

8. Should Obama take a stand in the Israeli-Hamas war?

9. Why are the Conservatives faltering in British political opinion polls?

10. How can U.S. schools get more math and science teachers?

Extemp Questions for the Week of December 31st, 2008-January 6th, 2009

questions1. Which country will be the biggest threat to international security in 2009?

2. Should the Senate refuse to seat Burris?

3. Is Caroline Kennedy a qualified candidate for U.S. Senate?

4. Will the Israeli offensive in Gaza help or hinder future Middle East peace talks?

5. Should the EU intervene in the Russia-Ukraine gas dispute?

6. Will the winner of the Minnesota Senate race have a tainted victory?

7. Do Bulgaria’s problems mean that the EU should cease expansion plans for the near future?

8. Should China change its export driven economic model?

9. Are “obesity taxes” a good idea?

10. Will OPEC’s production cuts save the global economy from deflation?

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