Tag: January 2011 extemp questions

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 25th-31st, 2011

1.  How should Russia respond after the suicide attack at the Domodedovo airport?
2.  Will African nations use force to topple Laurent Gbagbo?
3.  Are Mexico’s judicial reforms going far enough?
4.  Does the resignation of Andy Coulson create more problems for the Conservative Party when it comes to Britain’s phone hacking scandal?
5.  Are South Korean anxieties about America’s foreign policy toward North Korea justified?
6.  Would the overthrow of the Egyptian government imperil Israel’s security?
7.  Has foreign aid been counterproductive to Haiti?
8.  Will the transformation of India’s strategic doctrine spread the country’s military too thin?
9.  How would the development of Internet intfrastructure impact Africa’s economy?
10.  After Tunisia, who’s next?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 25th-31st, 2011

1.  Are the opt outs that have been given for the new healthcare law undermining confidence in the legislation?
2.  Will George Allen beat Jim Webb in a 2012 rematch?
3.  Why do Americans give President Obama such low marks on the economy?
4.  Should Massachusetts ditch its bar advocate system?
5.  How can states cut back on state employee pension plans? 
6.  Is America’s foreign policy too soft towards China?
7.  What is the worst governed state in America?
8.  Should the U.S. cease funding the UN Human Rights Council? 
9.  Are EPA regulations harming American businesses?
10.  How significant is Mitt Romney’s victory in the New Hampshire straw poll?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 18th-24th, 2011

1.  Is Great Britain still America’s best ally?
2.  If oil prices continue to rise, will it send the U.S. economy into a double dip recession?
3.  Does Apple need Steve Jobs?
4.  Should the GOP vote against raising the debt ceiling?
5.  Has the GOP lost Colorado?
6.  Have race relations gotten better or worse during the Obama presidency?
7.  Would means testing Social Security hurt its long-term viability?
8.  Did the GOP make the right decision in ousting Michael Steele? 
9.  Will Sarah Palin’s response to the Arizona shooting destroy her presidential ambitions?
10.  Should Congress renew the assault weapons ban?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 18th-24th, 2011

1.  What steps does the Russian government need to take to decrease the spread of HIV?
2.  Will this be Mahmoud Abbas’s last year as Palestinian president?
3.  Without Jean Marie Le Pen at the helm, will the National Front become irrelevant?
4.  Have sanctions against Burma failed?
5.  Should Haiti bring Jean-Claude Duvalier to justice?
6.  Would a world without nuclear weapons be less secure?
7.  Is it in the international community’s best interest for Hezbollah to not be charged in the murder of Rafik Hariri?
8.  Does Ehud Barak’s decision to leave the Labor Party strengthen Benjamin Netanyahu’s government?
9.  Will the unrest in Tunisia spread to other North African nations?
10.  Would privatization make the British healthcare system better?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 11th-17th, 2011

1.  Is Cuba’s economic model in disarray?
2.  Should Chinese economic policymakers fear a rise in worker wages?
3.  Is the world headed for a food crisis in 2011?
4.  What is behind the recent protests in Algeria?
5.  Why has the ETA called for a permanent ceasefire with the Spanish government?
6.  How should the EU sanction Belarus over the jailing of opposition leaders?
7.  Should Sudan recognize the results of the South’s independence referendum if it means that they are removed from the U.S. State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism?
8.  Are concerns about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons misguided?
9.  Should South Korea upgrade its defense deal with Israel?
10.  Is China’s new stealth fighter a significant threat to the United States?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 11th-17th, 2011

1.  How should President Obama respond to the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords?
2.  Is America too harsh on felons?
3.  How can the safety of members of Congress be improved?
4.  Will the recent decline in unemployment continue?
5.  Should the Fairness Doctrine be reinstated?
6.  Would making significant cuts to defense spending significantly hurt Republicans in 2012?
7.  Have the Federal Reserve’s steps to reduce borrowing costs exposed it too much to credit markets?
8.  Will the Chicago mayoral election have a runoff?
9.  Is Jerry Brown’s budget plan an effective way to get California back to fiscal solvency?
10.  Does the Supreme Court’s refusal to take the case of Alderman v. U.S. show that it will find President Obama’s healthcare reform bill constitutional?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 4th-10th, 2011

1.  Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger fail to change California?
2.  Can Carol Moseley-Braun beat Rahm Emanuel in the Chicago mayoral election?
3.  Should the U.S. look into adopting Israeli aviation security measures?
4.  Will high gas prices become a political nightmare for President Obama?
5.  Should the Senate’s rules in regards to filibustering be changed?
6.  Can the GOP successfully repeal President Obama’s healthcare plan?
7.  Will Michael Bloomberg recover from New York City’s recent snow debacle?
8.  Should the U.S. pay more attention to Lebanon?
9.  Will net neutrality harm innovation when it comes to the Internet?
10.  Would William Daley make a good chief of staff?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 4th-10th, 2011

1.  What will be the world’s most dangerous hot spot in 2011?
2.  Is $100 a barrell oil in OPEC’s best interest?
3.  What does the conviction of Mikhail Khodorkovsky mean for Vladimir Putin’s political future?
4.  Will Greece’s planned anti-migrant wall stem illegal immigration?
5.  How can Japan shore up financing for its Social Security system?
6.  Is Netanyahu right to criticize the Palestinians for refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state?
7.  Would Southern Sudanese voters be making a mistake in voting for independence next week?
8.  Is Pakistan headed for a new round of elections?
9.  What will it take to make Laurent Gbagbo step down?
10.  Is the Egyptian government responsible for the recent suicide car bombing on a Christian worship service?

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