Tag: January 2012 extemp questions

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 31st-February 6th, 2012

1.  Will David Cameron’s decision to adopt a conciliatory approach on EU fiscal matters hurt his standing among British conservatives?
2.  Would Syria’s fall be a major blow to Hezbollah?
3.  Will Netanyahu see out his term as Israeli prime minister?
4.  Is state capitalism the Marxism of the 21st century?
5.  Will France’s Constitutional Court find that a bill criminalizing the denial of the Armenian genocide is unconstitutional?
6.  How can the AU become a more efficient international organization?
7.  Should Abdoulaye Wade have been allowed to run for re-election in Senegal?
8.  What message is the UK sending to Argentina by sending Prince William on a tour of duty of the Falkland Islands?
9.  Have liberals been outmanuevered in the aftermath of the Egyptian revolution?
10.  Will Russia back the UN draft resolution against Syria?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 31st-February 6th, 2012

1.  Will Ron Paul be the kingmaker of this year’s Republican convention?
2.  Which GOP presidential candidate would appeal most to Latino voters?
3.  Were the auto bailouts successful? 
4.  Should there be a nationwide ban on student use of cell phones in school?
5.  Does the executive pardon process at the federal and state level need to be reformed? 
6.  If the Occupy protests get violent, will that destroy the credibility of the movement?
7.  Is the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that religious-affiliated employers pay for contraception unconstitutional?
8.  How much is Facebook worth?
9.  What steps does Newt Gingrich need to take to win over female voters?
10.  How much of a say should parents have in school curriculum?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 23rd-29th, 2012

1.  What impact will Mitt Romney’s tax return have on his campaign?
2.  Is U.S. v. Jones a major victory for privacy rights?
3.  Has President Obama been flatfooted on the housing crisis?
4.  Should presidential debate audiences be silenced?
5.  How can Illinois fix its budget problems?
6.  Should Rick Santorum drop out?
7.  Will events in Europe decide the 2012 presidential election?
8.  If New Jersey has a referendum on gay marriage, will it pass?
9.  Is political rhetoric concerning the disappearance of the middle class exaggerated?
10.  Will the GOP presidential primary go to the convention this summer?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 24th-30th, 2012

1.  Is Assad’s fate in Russia’s hands?
2.  What steps does the South African government need to take to improve the quality of education for black schoolchidren?
3.  Will Venezuela eventually regret pulling Venezuela out of the ICSID?
4.  Is Greece already in default?
5.  How can India solve its power deficit?
6.  Is joining the EU in the best long-term interests of Croatia?
7.  What lessons can the Arab spring governments learn from the collapse of the Soviet Union?
8.  Will France’s Armenian genocide bill lead to Turkey abandoning its efforts to join the EU?
9.  How should Goodluck Jonathan respond to the surge of attacks by Boko Haram?
10.  Will the EU’s new oil embargo cause Iran to reconsider its nuclear program?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 17th-23rd, 2012

1.  Will Greece default in March?
2.  Did Nigeria’s government err in reimposing fuel subsidies?
3.  Will France’s recent credit downgrade sink Sarkozy in 2012?
4.  How will Ma Ying-jeou’s re-election impact China’s relations with Taiwan?
5.  Is Ethiopia’s Gambella resettlement program violating human rights?
6.  If Hosni Mubarak is found guilty, will he be sentenced to death?
7.  Will a new row with the Supreme Court lead to the fall of Pakistan’s government?
8.  What grade does Italy deserve for its response to the Costa Concordia disaster?
9.  Who is behind the murder of Iran’s nuclear scientists?
10.  How would leaving the EU impact Hungary’s economy?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 17th-23rd, 2012

1.  What is the State of Union in 2012?
2.  What would Martin Luther King, Jr. think about America’s current economic situation?
3.  How should the military handle the desecration of Taliban corpses by Marines?
4.  Has President Obama’s policy of engaging America’s adversaries paid off?
5.  Will the unemployment rate go below 8% by election day?
6.  What steps do online retailers need to take to improve their cyber security?
7.  Has the Obama given up on peaceful diplomacy with Iran too quickly?
8.  Will Jon Huntsman be back in 2016?
9.  Who should challenge Scott Walker if Wisconsin has a recall election?
10.  Has Mitt Romney wrapped up the GOP presidential nomination?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 10th-16th, 2012

1.  What changes need to be made to American schools to enhance their internationally competitiveness?
2.  How should the Supreme Court rule in FCC v. Fox Television?
3.  Will Gitmo be closed within the next decade?
4.  Is Jon Huntsman finished?
5.  Will SOPA become a political liability for lawmakers in 2012?
6.  How should Michigan’s government handle Detroit’s fiscal problems?
7.  Does the new unemployment rate signal that the U.S. economy is improving?
8.  Will Indiana Republicans manage to pass right-to-work legislation?
9.  What signal does William Daley’s resignation send concerning President Obama’s strategy in 2012?
10.  Was Mitt Romney’s victory in New Hampshire enough to secure the Republican presidential nomination?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 10th-16th, 2012

1.  Should the UN pay compensation to the Haitian cholera victims?
2.  What steps must Mariano Rajoy take to put the Spanish economy back on track?
3.  Is the “Ergenekon” probe going too far?
4.  Does China need a more efficient rail network?
5.  How can the Nigerian government pacify public anger at high fuel costs?
6.  Should Musharraf return to Pakistan?
7.  Will the ANC’s measures to strengthen party discipline work?
8.  Is the acquital of Anwar Ibrahim a blessing in disguise for the Malaysian government?
9.  Why is Venezuela aligning itself with Iran?
10.  Is Iran’s sentencing of an American to death for spying a poor foreign policy move?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 3rd-9th, 2012

1.  What accounts for significant disparities in jobless data within the EU?
2.  How should the international community react if the vote for the Russian presidency has significant irregularities?
3.  Is it in Burma’s best interest to formalize relations with the United States?
4.  Will the scandal engulfing Christian Wulff pull down Angela Merkel?
5.  Is Hungary moving towards a dictatorship?
6.  Will talks in Jordan between the Israelis and the Palestinians go anywhere?
7.  If the Taliban strike a deal with coalition forces, are they the winners of the Afghan war?
8.  Should the Iranian government worry about new economic sanctions?
9.  Will 2012 be the year that the EU collapses or we see the formation of a “United States of Europe”?
10.  Will North Korea’s military exert more influence over the country’s foreign policy under Kim Jong-un?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 3rd-9th, 2012

1.  Is Iowa’s importance in the GOP presidential race exaggerated?
2.  Why is Rick Santorum surging?
3.  Has the U.S. handed Iraq to Iran?
4.  Will the U.S. economy significantly improve in 2012? 
5.  Does Ben Nelson’s retirement hand Nebraska’s Senate seat to the Republicans on a silver platter?
6.  How can states effectively curb cell phone use while driving?
7.  Does a job requirement for a high school diploma qualify as unlawful hiring discrimination?
8.  Will President Obama’s decision to sign the recent defense bill hurt his legacy?
9.  Are U.S. sanctions on Iran working?
10.  Will the U.S. have a presence in Syria in 2012?

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