Tag: Japanese-South Korean relations

Japanese Foreign Relations with China & South Korea (2014)


East Asia is gradually becoming one of the world’s flash points for future conflict.  China is extending its territorial claims into the Straits of Taiwan and the South China Sea, North Korea has nuclear capabilities and threatens its neighbors, Japan is flirting with the idea of scrapping elements of its pacifist constitution and providing for its own defense, China continues to claim that Taiwan is part of its territory, and America’s allies in the region are skittish about whether the United States will truly come to their aid in a time of crisis.  Since World War II, the United States has built its defense network in East Asia on the back of close relations between Japan and South Korea and although this defense network was meant to oppose the Soviet Union during the Cold War, it is now becoming a system to contain the rise of communist China.  However, United States foreign policy in the region could unravel based on the steps that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who came to power in December 2012, decides to take.  Aggressive moves by Japan could produce a war that America has to commit forces to in the near future and its strained ties with South Korea over historical issues could complicate a strong American response to China and North Korea.

This topic brief will provide an explanation of Japanese foreign relations with China and South Korea.  It will discuss Japan’s relationship with both nations and then provide an explanation for how to handle questions related to whether a war in East Asia is becoming unavoidable.  The analysis contained in this brief can help international and United States extempers best grapple with questions about Japanese foreign policy and understand what motivates the power players in East Asia.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: Japanese Foreign Relations with China & South Korea (2014)


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on Japanese foreign relations with China and South Korea (2014).


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