Tag: Jeb Bush

R&D from Prepd: Jeb Bush’s Presidential Campaign


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign.  The brother of former President George W. Bush is not faring very well in the Republican presidential contest, having seen his poll numbers fall dramatically between August and December.  Bush has failed to gain traction due to the distaste of many Republican primary voters with the “establishment” that they feel is not conservative enough.  Despite having an ample war chest of funds, Bush has failed to raise his stature in Iowa or New Hampshire and a loss in both states in February would probably doom his campaign.  Bush’s new strategy appears to be to target frontrunner Donald Trump, but it is unclear whether this strategy will pay any dividends when Republican voters head to the polls in two months.

R&D from Prepd: Jeb Bush


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on Jeb Bush’s presidential aspirations.  Bush, the son of former President George H.W. Bush and brother to President George W. Bush, is looking into a possible presidential bid in 2016.  He served as Florida’s governor from 1999 to 2007 and is considered a moderate conservative, favoring immigration reform and having a nuanced position on the death penalty.  A few days ago Bush announced that he would soon release more than 250,000 e-mails from his time as Florida governor and author an electronic book describing his “governing philosophy.” Pundits think this is a clear signal that he will make a bid for the presidency in two years.

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