Tag: June 2009 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of June 10th-16th, 2009

1. How much of a setback is the Lebanese election result for Iran? questions
2. Will Obama’s speech in Cairo lead to a breakthrough in American-Muslim relations?
3. Should the Federal Reserve be buying Treasury securities?
4. Will the Iranian presidential election go to a second round?
5. How will the election of conservatives to the European Parliament affect the body?
6. What is the likelyhood of Congress passing anti-China trade legislation by the end of the year?
7. Will Omar al-Bashir’s visit to Zimbabwe hurt the country’s attempt at getting foreign aid?
8. Should California cut welfare benefits to save the state budget?
9. Can governments successfully use social networking sites to their advantage?
10. How should Obama handle North Korea?

These will be the last questions of the 2008-2009 season. New questions will be posted on the site during the first Tuesday in August. Extemp Central thanks you for another great season! An NFL wrap up and final national points race standings will be posted over the next two weeks.

Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3rd-9th, 2009

1. Will recent fighting between Fatah and Hamas forces in the West questions Bank doom hopes for a unity government?
2. Twenty years later: Did Tiananmen Square fail to change China?
3. Will the government’s plan for GM prove fruitless?
4. Why is Belarus having a falling out with Russia?
5. What impact will the George Tiller shooting have on Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings?
6. Can the international community apply lessons learned from the war on drugs to the problem of Somali piracy?
7. Obama’s cyber security plan: sound policy or completely misguided?
8. Will Obama’s words concerning Iran’s nuclear program prompt Israel to attack Iran’s nuclear installations?
9. Is the U.S. economy headed for Zimbabwe style hyperinflation?
10. Are Mexican efforts to help street children an attempt to sweep the problem of poverty “under the rug”?

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27th-June 2nd, 2009

1. Should the international community recognize North Korea as a questions permanent member of the world’s nuclear club?
2. Would sizeable BNP gains in the European parliamentary elections reflect poorly on Britain?
3. Should the GOP filibuster Sotomayor?
4. Is the recent court ruling on Proposition 8 a significant setback for gay rights?
5. Would a new state constitution pull California back from the financial brink?
6. Will Ethiopia’s renewed intervention in Somalia reflect poorly on Sheikh Sharif Ahmed’s faltering government?
7. Does the Senate’s decision to strip funding for closing Gitmo help or hurt the Democrat’s security agenda?
8. How can France reform its political system to increase minority representation?
9. Is the foiling of the New York terror plot a major victory for anti-terror task forces?
10. Should Canada mediate a permanent peace settlement between the Sri Lankan government and its Tamil minority?

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