Tag: June 2010 extemp questions

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 8th-14th, 2010

1.  What is the most important Senate race for the Republican Party in 2010?
2.  Are fears about America’s fiscal situation overstated?
3.  Considering its economic situation, should the United States greatly reduce its foreign aid budget?
4.  What grade would President Bush give to Barack Obama’s national security strategy?
5.  How much Republican support will Elena Kagan receive?
6.  What is the most important financial reform that America’s economy needs?
7.  Do teacher’s unions a help or hinder American education?
8.  How will the Gulf oil spill affect future offshore drilling practices in the United States?
9.  Will the commerce clause defeat challenges to the health care reform bill?
10.  What cuts should be made to America’s defense budget?
11.  Will Rahm Emanuel be forced to resign over reported job offers to Congressional candidates?
12.  Can Jerry Brown fix California?
13.  Would means testing save Social Security?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 8th-14th, 2010

1. Will Southern Sudan have to secure its independence in another civil war?
2. How can the Cuban government solve its liquidity problem?
3. Will a recent decision by the Colombian Constitutional Court that charging tuition for public elementary school was unconstitutional provide a path for social and economic mobility that the nation needs?
4. Will Naoto Kan succeed in preventing the Japanese government from having its credit rating downgraded?
5. How is the race for global natural resources impacting global stability?
6. Should Crotia become the next member of the EU?
7. Will Nepal’s plans for land reform effectively ward off the risk of a food crisis?
8. Have democratic reforms across the globe made the world a more dangerous place over the last decade?
9. Has the ICC been successful in providing justice for the victims of war crimes?
10. How should Israel have dealt with the Gaza flotilla?
11. What steps does Russia need to take to make its military a more elite fighting force?
12. Is Taiwan moving outside of America’s orbit?
13. Would a global bank tax among G-20 members provide stablity for the global economy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 1st-7th, 2010

1.  Should there be stricter global regulations aimed at the tobacco industry?
2.  Why did Georgia’s ruling party win the country’s latest round of elections?
3.  How are low oil prices affecting the Nigerian economy?
4.  Will Iraq’s new parliament make Nuri al-Maliki prime minister again?
5.  Should the crime of aggression be added to the ICC’s jurisdiction? 
6.  Will Israel’s raid on an aid flotilla end the blockade of the Gaza Strip?
7.  Do high poll ratings for South Korea’s Grand National Party translate into support for a more confrontational stance toward North Korea?
8.  What caused Horst Koehler’s resignation?
9.  Will the SPD’s abandonment of the DPJ enable the LDP to come back to power in the next general election?
10.  Should the EU press the U.S. to make Russia a member of the WTO?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 1st-7th, 2010

1.  How should the U.S. respond to Israel’s raid on a convoy of boats that were carrying aid to the Gaza Strip?
2.  Has America’s national security strategy been derailed by debt?
3.  Why are Americans so stressed out?
4.  Would Charles Schumer’s effort to charge companies for transferred calls positively or negatively impact the U.S. economy?
5.  Will Mark Kirk’s misrepresentation of a military commendation cost him the Illinois Senate race?
6.  How will the Gulf oil spill impact the 2012 presidential election?
7.  Is the U.S. misguided in its backing of a UN Security Council resolution for a nuclear free zone in the Middle East?
8.  Will the 2010 midterm elections lead to the election of a lot of one term senators?
9.  Has the military’s voice been ignored in Congressional proceedings over whether “don’t ask, don’t tell” should be repealed?
10.  Are America’s schools becoming economically segregated?

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