Tag: June 2011 extemp questions

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for June 7th-13th, 2011

1.  What impact will Ali Abdullah Saleh’s absence have on Yemen’s political situation?
2.  Did the IAEA mishandle the Japanese nuclear crisis?
3.  Will Humala govern like Chavez or Lula?
4.  How would the fall of the al-Assad regime impact Hezbollah?
5.  Will Greece eventually default?
6.  Does Ban Ki-moon deserve a second term as UN Secretary General?
7.  Will NATO ground troops be needed to topple Gaddafi?
8.  What impact will the latest E. coli outbreak have on Europe’s economy?
9.  Will China’s moves in the South China Sea significantly damage its relations with Southeast Asian nations?
10.  Is France’s television and radio ban of the terms “Twitter” and “Facebook” misguided?

Here are your last International Extemp questions for the 2010-2011 season.  Thank you again for utilizing Extemp Central as your main extemporaneous speaking resource.

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 7th-13th, 2011

1.  How can President Obama frame his re-election campaign so that he is not painted as an incumbent?
2.  Has the auto bailout been a success?
3.  What impact will a joint resolution from Congress have on the conduct of American operations in Libya?
4.  Should the u.S. further extend unemployment benefits?
5.  What does the failed attempt to confirm Peter Diamond to the Federal Reserve say about the state of the confirmation process in the U.S. Senate?
6.  Will the Supreme Court find that California can restrict the sale of violent video games to minors?
7.  How should the U.S. respond to the latest clashes along the Israeli-Syrian border?
8.  Should waivers to the Affordable Care Act be illegal?
9.  How will Andy Weiner’s scandal impact Democrats in 2012?
10.  Will Rick Santorum be a major player in the GOP presidential primary?

These are the final United States Extemp questions for the 2010-2011 season.  We are glad that you have chosen Extemp Central as your top extemporaneous speaking destination.

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 31st-June 6th, 2011

1.  Should federal regulators clear AT&T’s proposed merger with T-Mobile?
2.  Will the Senate confirm John Bryson by 60 or more votes?
3.  Was the recent debt limit vote a political stunt by House Republicans?
4.  Will President Obama’s golf outings hurt him in the next presidential election?
5.  What impact will the Supreme Court’s rejection of a lawsuit against John Ashcroft have on the war on terrorism?
6.  What steps should the federal government take to successfully rebuild Joplin, Missouri?
7.  Are Sarah Palin’s latest antics hurting the GOP presidential field?
8.  Do federal seizures of websites engaged in piracy go too far?
9.  Would the legalization of online gambling bring in significant revenue for the federal government?
10.  Will state attempts to tax the Internet backfire?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 31st-June 6th, 2011

1.  Should a non-European be the next leader of the IMF?
2.  Will Yemen be al Qaeda’s next major operating base?
3.  Can South Africa stop the Libyan war?
4.  Will poor results in mayoral races for Silvio Berlusconi’s governing coalition lead to early elections in Italy?
5.  How can the developing world stop its brain drain?
6.  Should Nigeria adopt a “three child” policy?
7.  Why has Keiko Fujimori taken the lead over Ollanta Humala in pre-election polling?
8.  Does Serbia’s arrest of Ratko Mladic guarantee accession to the European Union?
9.  Have Hamad Karzai’s recent warnings to NATO about civilian deaths weakened his political credibility?
10.  What impact will the closure of all nuclear power plants have on the German energy grid?

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