Tag: June 2012 extemp questions

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 5th-11th, 2012

1. Did the West blow Ukraine?
2. What impact will the impending withdrawal of NATO forces in Afghanistan have on Pakistan?
3. Should foreign embassies stop doing air pollution readings in China?
4. Will Omar al-Bashir ever stand trial before the ICC?
5. What impact will closer ties between Russia and China have on international security?
6. Is the IAEA the only international body that can prevent a U.S.-Iranian war?
7. If the euro collapses, is it Germany’s fault?
8. What is the legacy of Queen Elizabeth II?
9. What impact will the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi have on al-Qaeda?
10. Has Libya been better off without Gaddafi?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 5th-11th, 2012

1. Will the Supreme Court render the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional within the next four years?
2. Why are more Americans identifying themselves as politically independent?
3. Can the Paycheck Fairness Act bolster President Obama’s standing with female voters?
4. Is marijuana harmless?
5. Should the Justice Department try to put John Edwards on trial again?
6. How can Elizabeth Warren settle the controversy surrounding her Native American heritage?
7. Does New York City’s proposed plan to go after soda consumption take the “nanny state” too far?
8. What is responsible for the rise in unemployment last month?
9. If Marco Rubio were made the vice-presidential candidate for the Republican Party, would it severely dent Obama’s lead among Hispanic voters?
10. What impact will the result of the Wisconsin recall have on this year’s presidential contest?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 29th-June 4th, 2012

1. Will the price of Facebook’s stock continue to erode?
2. Should drones be used for survelliance purposes within American borders?
3. Can President Obama politically afford to get the U.S. involved militarily in Syria?
4. Is it wise for Romney campaign with Donald Trump?
5. What can states do to crack down on bath salts?
6. Can Rahm Emanuel’s crime-fighting plan cure the street violence in Chicago?
7. Why did the U.S. fail to meet NCLB proficiency goals?
8. Did Bob Dylan deserve the presidential Medal of Freedom?
9. Should President Obama worry about the outcome of the West Virginia and Kentucky primaries?
10. Is Portman a good vice-presidential choice for Romney?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 29th-June 4th, 2012

1. How will a revision of the Brazilian Forest Code impact Dilma Roussef’s political standing?
2. To Israel does Turkey matter?
3. How will the arrest of Lindsay Sandiford impact British-Indonesian relations?
4. Should Nepal create states based on ethnicity?
5. Why have international talks concerning Iran’s nuclear program failed?
6. Are protests against China spreading in Tibet?
7. Is India’s outreach to Myanmar a challenge to China?
8. How damaging is the Vatileaks scandal to the Roman Catholic Church?
9. Will the Houla massacre lead to international intervention in Syria?
10. Who will win the Egyptian presidential run-off?

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